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A GitHub action to create an issue using content from a file

github-action github-issues

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

A GitHub action to create an issue using content from a file




# Create Issue From File
[![GitHub Marketplace](;base64,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)](

A GitHub action to create an issue using content from a file.

This is designed to be used in conjunction with other actions that output to a file.
Especially if that output can be formatted as [GitHub flavoured Markdown](
This action will create an issue if a file exists at a specified path.
The content of the issue will be taken from the file as-is.
If the file does not exist the action exits silently.

## Usage

- name: Create Issue From File
uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v5
title: An example issue
content-filepath: ./example-content/
labels: |
automated issue

### Action inputs

| Name | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `token` | `GITHUB_TOKEN` or a `repo` scoped [PAT]( | `GITHUB_TOKEN` |
| `repository` | The target GitHub repository. | Current repository |
| `issue-number` | The issue number of an existing issue to update. | |
| `title` | (**required**) The title of the issue. | |
| `content-filepath` | The file path to the issue content. | |
| `labels` | A comma or newline-separated list of labels. | |
| `assignees` | A comma or newline-separated list of assignees (GitHub usernames). | |

### Outputs

- `issue-number` - The number of the created issue

### Create a project card

To create a project card for the issue, pass the `issue-number` step output to [create-or-update-project-card]( action.

- name: Create Issue From File
id: ciff
uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v5
title: An example issue
content-filepath: ./example-content/

- name: Create or Update Project Card
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-project-card@v2
project-name: My project
column-name: My column
issue-number: ${{ steps.ciff.outputs.issue-number }}

## Actions that pair with this action

- [Link Checker]( - An action for link checking repository Markdown and HTML files

## License

MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details