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An ECDSA threshold signature algorithm implemented in Rust.

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An ECDSA threshold signature algorithm implemented in Rust.




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# Open TSS

This project is a Rust implementation of multi-party {t,n}-threshold signature scheme(TSS).

The current version of this library supports [ECDSA](, other algorithms such as EdDSA, BLS, etc. will be integrated soon. Please look forward to it!

## Multi-Party ECDSA

ECDSA is widely used in crypto-currencies, such as BTC, Ethereum (secp256k1 curve), etc.

The multi-party ECDSA protocol in this library is implemented based on class group. It currently includes two protocols:

- Key Generation for creating secret shares.
- Signing for using the secret shares to generate a signature. This can be divided into two phases, Offline and Online:
- The Offline phase is independent of the message to be signed and can be calculated in advance.
- Simply passing the message (and the output of Offline) to the Online phase, and you can get the signature very quickly.

The ECDSA in this library includes schemes described in [[DMZ+21](](published in Asiacrypt 2021).

| Protocol | Introduction |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [DMZ+21] | - This paper proposes efficient multi-party threshold ECDSA protocols from CL encryptions based on class groups.
- This protocol avoids the low order assumption, which is a strong and non-standard assumption, and reduces the communication cost in keygen. |

## Usage

Let's take **KeyGen** for example, only need three steps. Assuming $(t,n) = (1,3)$, party ids are 1, 2, 3.

**Step 1**: New a `Phase` object.

let partyid = "1".to_string();
let params = Parameters {
threshold: 1,
share_count: 3,
let party_ids = vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string(), "3".to_string()];
let mut keygen = KeyGenPhase::new(partyid, params, &Some(party_ids)).unwrap();

**Step 2**: Start by calling `process_begin`, which returns the message to be sent in the next round.

let sending_msg: SendingMessages = keygen.process_begin().unwrap();

According to the SendingMessages type(Broadcast, P2P, etc.) and content, we can package the index(from, self partyid) with the message(msg) to the other participant(s).

match sending_msg {
SendingMessages::BroadcastMessage(msg) => {
// broadcast the msg to all(including self).
SendingMessages::P2pMessage(msg) => {
// send according to the k,v in the msg. k is the index which v will to be sent to.
SendingMessages::SubsetMessage(msg) => {
// send according to the k in the party_ids or subset(used in sign phase). k is the index which msg will to be sent to.
_ => {}

**Step 3**: Handling messages by `msg_handler`.

When a message has been received, got the recv_from and recv_msg, and then pass them into msg_handler, which returns a result or the message to be sent in the next round.

loop {
// let (recv_from, recv_msg) = According to the last round of SendingMessages
let recv_from = "".to_string();
let recv_msg = vec![0u8];
let sending_msg = keygen.msg_handler(recv_from, &recv_msg).unwrap();
match sending_msg {
SendingMessages::KeyGenSuccessWithResult(msg) => {
// got the keygen result
_ => {
// other sending messages, ref Step 2.

Once `SendingMessages::KeyGenSuccessWithResult` is received, it indicates completion.

- A [local test](./multi_party_ecdsa/src/protocols/multi_party/dmz21/ shows how to use these functions.

- The usage of **SignOffline**, **SignOnline** are similar to **KeyGen**. Please ref [here](docs/ for more details.

## References

- [DMZ+21]

## Contact

You could reach us by [email](mailto:[email protected]).

## License

The OpenTSS library is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](./LICENSE).