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Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework

aws aws-api-gateway aws-lambda aws-s3 nuxt serverless-framework typescript

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Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework




# πŸš€ Nuxt.js SSR on AWS Serverless Stack (Lambda + API Gateway + S3)

Nuxt.js Serverless Server-side Rendering Starter on AWS Serverless Stack (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with *Serverless Framework*

### Pre-Installed
- Nuxt.js 2.8.1
- Serverless Framework
- TypeScript
- Sass (SCSS)
- TSLint

If you have a feature request, please create a new issue. And also, pull requests are always welcomeπŸ™

### Caution
- Libraries that are used in the client should be included in the `devDependencies` for Bundle size optimization. (because of Lambda Limit)
- If you install a `module` for nuxt.js, it must be in a the `dependencies` not `devDependencies`
- Auto generated URL `https://*.execute-api.{region}{stage}/` will result in a JavaScript error. (routing problem) **Please use the Custom Domain.**
- If you encounter `Cannot GET /` error message, the error log can be founded in the AWS CloudWatch.

## Pre-requisites
- πŸ”‘ **IAM Account** for *Serverless framework* (Requires pre-configuration using `aws configure`)

$ aws configure

## Configuration
Edit `serverless.yml`

service: nuxt-serverless # 1. Edit whole service name

- serverless-s3-sync
- serverless-apigw-binary
- serverless-dotenv-plugin

individually: true
excludeDevDependencies: true

name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
region: us-east-1 # 2. Edit AWS region name

# Unique ID included in resource names.
# Replace it with a random value for every first distribution.
stackId: abcdef # 3. Update Random Stack ID

ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME: ${self:service}-${self:custom.stackId}-${self:provider.stage}-assets
STATIC_BUCKET_NAME: ${self:service}-${self:custom.stackId}-${self:provider.stage}-static
- bucketName: ${self:custom.buckets.ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME}
localDir: .nuxt/dist/client
- bucketName: ${self:custom.buckets.STATIC_BUCKET_NAME}
localDir: static
- '*/*'

## Build Setup
# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Serve develop server at localhost:3000 using Nuxt.js
$ yarn dev

# Build
$ yarn build

# Prod server start with built assets
$ yarn start

# Build and deploy the function and bundled assets
$ yarn deploy:dev
$ yarn deploy:stage
$ yarn deploy:prod

# Remove Deployment
$ yarn undeploy:dev
$ yarn undeploy:stage
$ yarn undeploy:prod

## Environment Variables
- update `.env.development`, `.env.production`.
- If env variable key started with `NUXT_APP`, it injected to client in `this.$store.state.environments`.
- WARNING!: Untrack the `.env.development` and the `.env.production` before commit

## Folder Structure
- `/api`: You can create a sub-API based on Express.js. dynamic ajax Set-Cookie is mainly used.
> Let the URL be a `* .json` to distinguish it from the REST API that returns JSON.
- `/pages`: File-based page routing. All ts files in `/pages` are only alias with `export {default}` to `/services/${serviceName}/pages/**`. all implementations should be done inside `/services`.

export { default } from '~/services/home/pages/index'
- `/services`: The application is divided into several services and should be implemented in a folder named by service name. (Example: `/home`, `/auth`, ...)
- Inside a Service: `/components`, `/queries`, `/pages`, `/helpers`, `/types`, ...
- `/store`: One Store that is globally used.
- `/types`: Declare only `.d.ts`. The type used for each service should be stored in `/types' in each service.

## To-do
- [x] optimize the lambda capacity (create SSR bundle with no dependencies)
- [x] static file serve
- [ ] gzip Compression