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Automation Seed is a e2e automation framework built on top of WebdriverIO v7 and Selenium that uses Selenoid for execution

automation hacktoberfest selenium selenoid typescript wdio webdriverio webdriverio-framework

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Automation Seed is a e2e automation framework built on top of WebdriverIO v7 and Selenium that uses Selenoid for execution




Automation Seed

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> This project was generated using [create-awesome-node-app]( **DON'T USE THIS TEMPLATE AS IT!** Generate yours using the command and following the options in the interactive menu. Check the docs for more information!

The `Automation Seed` project template is designed to expedite, simplify, and secure the automation of **User Acceptance Testing**. Pre-configured with Webdriver & Selenium and entirely containerized with Docker, it's a plug & play solution that saves time and eliminates the need for cumbersome setup and configuration. Plus, with no hardcoded system or user credentials, it's a more secure solution for your QA automation needs.

## Motivation

Tired of dealing with outdated and sluggish QA automation frameworks? We were too. That's why we created this repository to solve some of the common pain points, including:

- Frameworks with outdated technologies
- Cumbersome setup and configuration
- Compatibility and configuration issues to run tests over different browsers
- Security risks such as hardcoded system or user credentials within your config files
- Limitations to support different environments with advanced CI/CD pipelines

## Features

- Works out-of-the-box, a plug & play solution that eliminates the need for cumbersome setup and configuration.
- Secure! No more hardcoded system or user credentials
- Entirely containerized with Docker for seamless testing across different environments.
- Pre-configured with:
- Webdriver & Selenium for faster and easier testing
- Github actions for easy integration into your CI/CD pipeline
- Support major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge
- [Report page]( deployed, for test metrics and insights.
- Built with the latest technologies and entirely in TypeScript, you can reuse those libraries to write your own tests.


## Quickstart

**You’ll need to have Node 16.13.2 or later on your local development machine** (but it’s not required on the server). You can use [fnm]( to easily switch Node versions between different projects.

$ git clone [email protected]:nanlabs/automation-seed.git
$ cd automation-seed
$ fnm use
$ yarn
$ yarn test --help

## Dependencies

This installation guide assumes you have chocolatey for Windows, brew for Mac OS, or are running a Debian based Linux distro. Additionally, you should have FNM and yarn installed on your system.

- **OpenJDK**: **This is an optional dependency that will be required only if you decide to run using your local capabilities**. JDK is required for being able to run tests locally on your machine. The only tested and proven version is OpenJDK 11 JRE.

- Linux: `sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless`
- Mac: `brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk && brew install adoptopenjdk11-jre`
- Windows: `choco install adoptopenjdk11jre`

- **NodeJS**: **You’ll need to have Node 16.13.2 or later on your local development machine**. You can use [fnm]( to easily switch Node versions between different projects.

- **Framework Dependencies**: To intall the required dependencies, set the current active directory of a terminal session to the cloned repository location and run `yarn install`

- **Visual Studio**: To be able to utilize debugging you'll need VS Code.

## Executing Tests

You can specify the `suites` within `./config/wdio.suites.conf.ts`.

### Available Scripts

- `yarn test:local` will execute the tests using your local machine capabilities
- `yarn test:remote` will execute the tests using the capabilities from Selenoid - Check the section [Remote Tests execution using Selenoid](#remote-tests-execution-using-selenoid) for more information about remote execution.
- `yarn test:docker` - _Soon_.

#### Execute Suite

> Example:

FIREFOX=1 yarn test:local --suite ci.periodic

#### Execute Spec Files

> Example:

FIREFOX=1 yarn test:local --spec "./test/specs/**/*.ts"

#### Capabilities

You can specify the following environment variables to set the capabilities you want to use:

# Will use upto one instance of chrome, upto three instances of firefox and 2 instances of safari
# locally
CHROME=1 FIREFOX=3 SAFARI=2 yarn test:local --suite ci.periodic

# Will use upto two instances of chrome and one instance of firefox in the remote server
CHROME=2 FIREFOX=1 yarn test:remote --suite ci.periodic

### Environment Variables

- `WEBDRIVER_LOGLEVEL`: will specify the loglevel for webdriver. `info` by default.
- `WEBDRIVER_SPEC_FILE_RETRIES`: The number of retry attempts for an entire specfile when it fails as a whole. `0` by default.
- `OUTPUT_DIR`: if set, it will specify the directory in which we want to store all the logs. Will print the logs on the `stdout` by default.
- `MAX_INSTANCES`, `CHROME`, `FIREFOX`, `SAFARI` are used to specify the capabilities of the test execution.
- `BROWSER_VISIBLE` will execute the browser without `headless` mode.


yarn test:local --suite ci.periodic

### Remote Tests execution using Selenoid

When using the `remote` execution mode it is needed to provide a url and port for a running Selenium Hub. For that we hightly recommend using [Selenoid](

You can give it a try locally as follows:

yarn selenoid --start --ui # access to `http://localhost:8080` to see the Selenoid Dashboard
FIREFOX=1 yarn test:remote --suite ci.periodic

you can learn more about the `selenoid` script by running `yarn selenoid --help`.

It is possible to specify another Selenium Hub with the env variables `SELENIUM_HUB_HOST` and `SELENIUM_HUB_PORT`.

## CI/CD

We have different workflows that will be used on CI/CD using Github Actions. The workflows will be executed using Selenoid so it is needed to only use the `yarn test:remote` script inside them:

You can go to [Actions]( to see the list of available workflows.

For example, you can use the Custom Workflow Execution to execute any specific suite on Github Actions using Selenoid:



## Config Files

Config files are used to specify the settings for the browser, logging, reporter and other configurations. Each config is setup for a different environment with the server or local runner set and the browers to run the tests on defined.

The different configs can be found under `./config/`. Each config inherits from `wdio.common.conf.ts` but a config property set in the main config can be overwritten in any inherited config.

### Reporters

We use two different reporters in this framework. This allows to have results displayed either to the terminal used for executing tests or sent directly to GitHub Pages.

### Spec

Test reporter, that prints detailed results to console and is useful for running and debugging tests locally.

## Creating Tests

You can read the full documentation about how to create tests, the existing tools and design patterns we use [here](./
