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Substreams KV sink

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Substreams KV sink




# Substreams key-value service Sink

A [Substreams _sink_]( to pipe data from a [Substreams]( endpoint into a key-value store and serve queries through either:
- [Connect-Web protocol]( (gRPC-compatible) via the `GenericService`
- a User defined WASM query service

## Requirements

##### WasmEdge

Learn about WasmEdge from its [Quick Start Guide](, or simply run the following to install.

curl -sSf | bash -s -- --version 0.11.2

## Install

Get from the [Releases tab](, or from source:

go install -v

## Running

The `substreams-sink-kv` binary offers two mode of operations:
- `inject`: Runs a Substreams and pipes the data into a key-value store
- `serve`: Serves data through a query service: `GenericService` or `WASMQueryService`

You can run `substreams-sink-kv` solely in `inject` or `serve` mode or both.

> **Note** To connect to Substreams you will need an authentication token, follow this [guide]( to obtain one.

# Inject Mode
substreams-sink-kv inject

# Serve Mode
substreams-sink-kv serve --listen-addr=":9000"

# Inject and Serve Mode
substreams-sink-kv inject --listen-addr=":9000"

## Query Service

The Query Service is an API that allows you to consume data from your sinked key-value. There are 2 types of Query Services:
- Generic Service
- Wasm Query Service

the `sink` block of your Substreams manifest defines and configures which one to use

specVersion: v0.1.0
name: "your_substreams_to_sink"
version: v0.0.1


module: kv_out
type: sf.substreams.sink.kv.v1.WASMQueryService
wasmQueryModule: "@@./blockmeta_wasm_query/blockmeta_wasm_query.wasm"
grpcService: "eth.service.v1.Blockmeta"

breaking down the `sink` block we get the following:

- **module**: The name of the module that will be used to sink the key-value store. The module should be of kind `map` with an output type of [`sf.substreams.sink.kv.v1.KVOperations`](
- **type**: Support to types currently:
- [`sf.substreams.sink.kv.v1.WASMQueryService`](./proto/substreams/sink/kv/v1/services.proto)
- [`sf.substreams.sink.kv.v1.GenericService`](./proto/substreams/sink/kv/v1/services.proto)
- **config**: a key-value structure that matches the attributes of the Proto object for the given `type` selected above

> **_NOTE:_** the `@@` notation will read the path and inject the content of the file in bytes, while the `@` notation will dump the file content in ascii

### Generic Service

The Generic Query service is a [Connect-Web protocol]( (gRPC-compatible). It exposes a browser and gRPC-compatible APIs. The API is defined in `protobuf` [here](./proto/substreams/sink/kv/v1/read.proto).

You can find a detailed example with documentation [here](./examples/generic-service)

### WASM Query Service

The wasm query service is a user-defined gRPC API that is backed by WASM code, which has access to underlying key-value store.

You can find a detailed example with documentation [here](./examples/wasm-query-service)

## Contributing

Refer to the [general StreamingFast contribution guide](

### WasmEdge

Bumping `` to a newer version requires matching WasmEdge version. For example `[email protected]` requires [WasmEdge 0.11.2](

If a new version of [WasmEdge](, it requires also modifying the [./devel/docker/Dockerfile.goreleaser](./devel/docker/Dockerfile.goreleaser) file so it pulls dependencies required for building using the correct version. Testing the build can be done using by first building the Docker image via `./devel/docker/` and then running:

docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/work -w /work goreleaser-wasmedge:v1.20.3 release --snapshot --clean --skip-validate

Manual Golang compilation within the docker image can be done with:

docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/work -w /work --entrypoint bash goreleaser-wasmedge:v1.20.3
cd /work
# Adjust CC, CXX, C_INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH and GOOS/GOARCH according to .goreleaser.yaml file
CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=oa64-clang CXX=oa64-clang++ GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/osxcross/include/arm64 LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/osxcross/lib/arm64" go build -trimpath -mod=readonly -ldflags="-s -w" -o /work/substreams-sink-kv-cross-compiled ./cmd/substreams-sink-kv/

## `kvdb` tool

You can inspect badger files written by this tool with:

go install

## License

[Apache 2.0](