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Contracts for Swap, Swear and Swindle. Swap is a protocol for p2p accounting. This is the basis for Swarm’s incentivization model.

ethereum solidity swarm truffle web3

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Contracts for Swap, Swear and Swindle. Swap is a protocol for p2p accounting. This is the basis for Swarm’s incentivization model.




# sw3 contracts

Contracts for Swap, Swear and Swindle.

**Please note that all contracts within this repository are considered highly experimental and may cause loss of funds if used in production.**

The `master` branch only contains the `SimpleSwap` contract for now. Everything else (full `Swap`, `Swear` and `Swindle`) can be found in the `experimental` branch.

## Tests

This is a hardhat project using the truffle plugin (for tests as this used to be truffle-based). You can run tests using `yarn test`.

yarn test

To also generate coverage information use `yarn coverage` instead.

## Linting

This repo currently uses `solhint` as linter. It can be called through yarn:

yarn lint

## Go-bindings

To generate go bindings use

yarn abigen

This will generate the bindings in the `bindings/` directory. Suitable versions of `solc` and `abigen` have to be installed for this to work.
Alternatively this can also be done through docker:

docker build -t sw3 -f Dockerfile.abigen .
docker run -v $(pwd)/bindings:/sw3/bindings sw3 yarn abigen

In addition to the file from `abigen` this will also generate a go file that includes the runtime bytecode.

The go bindings are automatically generated on every release git tag and the pushed to the [ethersphere/go-sw3-abi]( repository.

## Deployments

Swap is deployed on the following networks:

| Network | Factory | Token |
| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Mainnet | - | [0x19062190B1925b5b6689D7073fDfC8c2976EF8Cb]( |
| XDai | [0xc2d5a532cf69aa9a1378737d8ccdef884b6e7420]( | [0xdbf3ea6f5bee45c02255b2c26a16f300502f68da (bridged)]( |

## Test Deployments

Swap is deployed on the following testnets:

| Network | Factory | Token |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Sepolia | [0x0fF044F6bB4F684a5A149B46D7eC03ea659F98A1]( | [0x543dDb01Ba47acB11de34891cD86B675F04840db]( |

## Overview

### SimpleSwap

`SimpleSwap` is a chequebook-style contract with support hard deposits.

#### Cheques

The issuer can issue cheques. Those are a signed piece of data containing the swap address, a beneficiary, and a cumulative amount. If the beneficiary wishes to cash the cheque it needs to be sent to the contract using the `cashChequeBeneficiary` function. Alternatively anyone else can also cash the cheque using `cashCheque` provided they have a signature from the beneficiary. In that case they might also get a portion of the payout as a fee. If there is not enough liquid balance in the contract part of the cheque might bounce (whether the full cheque was paid out should be verified through the `ChequeCashed` event). Later the beneficiary can try cashing again to get the remaining amount.

#### Hard Deposit

The issuer can lock a certain amount of the balance to a specific beneficiary (`increaseHardDeposit`) to give solvency guarantees up to the amount of the hard deposit. Decreasing a hard deposit is a two step process: First it needs to be prepared (`prepareDecreaseHardDeposit`) to start a security delay, which the beneficiary can use to cash the outstanding cheques. Afterwards the deposit can be decreased (`decreaseHardDeposit`).
The balance not covered by hard deposits can be withdrawn by the issuer at any time.

### Data Formats

#### Signatures

For signing purposes the chequebook uses EIP-712 Ethereum typed structured data hashing and signing. The `EIP712Domain` domain name is `Chequebook` in version `1.0`. The `chainId` field is used, the `verifyingContract` and `salt` fields are omitted.

#### Cheques

| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------- | ------- | ------------------------------ |
| swap | address |  the swap contract this is for |
| beneficiary | address |  beneficiary of the cheque |
| cumulativePayout | uint256 | cumulative amount |

#### CashOut

| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| swap | address |  the swap contract this is for |
| sender | address | the address allowed to submit this cheque |
| requestPayout | uint256 | the maximum amount that should be paid out |
| recipient | address | the target of the payment |
| calleePayout | uint256 | amount of the payout that should go the caller |

#### CustomHardDepositDecreaseTimeout

| Field | Type | Description |
| --------------- | ------- | -------------------------------- |
| swap | address |  the swap contract this is for |
| beneficiary | address |  beneficiary of the hard deposit |
| decreaseTimeout | uint256 | new timeout |

#### Factory

`SimpleSwap` has an accompanying factory contract `SimpleSwapFactory`. Deploying through the factory guarantees that the `SimpleSwap` contract was deployed with the correct init code.

## Swap

`Swap` is `SimpleSwap` extended with support for promissory notes. You can find it in the `experimental` branch.

## Swear and Swindle

`Swear` and `Swindle` are the contracts for the trial system of sw3. You can find them in the `experimental` branch.

## Releasing

To release a new stable version, tag the commit without the `-rcX` suffix.
For example, to release `v0.4.0`, execute the following command: `git tag v0.4.0 && git push origin v0.4.0`.
This will generate Golang source code for the smart contracts and publish it to the [`ethersphere/go-sw3-abi/`]( repository.