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Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language

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Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language




The Ruby Toolbox

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**Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language**

The Ruby Toolbox is a catalog of all Rubygems that keeps track of popularity and health metrics to help you choose a reliable library.

**This is the source code for the site you can visit at**

## Development

### Prerequisites

The Ruby Toolbox depends on a few utilities which you will need to install before you begin.

#### [PostgreSQL]( (Version 13)

* **Linux:** Use the official postgres repositories for [Apt]( or [Yum](
* **Mac OS:** Use [HomeBrew]( or [](

#### [Redis](

* **Linux:** On Ubuntu, you can use [this PPA]( Otherwise build from source as detailed in [The Redis quickstart](
* **Mac OS:** Use [HomeBrew]( or build from source as detailed in [The Redis quickstart](

#### [Ruby](

Install the [current project ruby version](./.ruby-version), preferrably with
[a Ruby version manager like chruby, rbenv, or rvm](

You will also need [Bundler]( for installing the project's dependencies.

#### [Node.js]( and [Yarn](

Yarn is used to manage frontend dependencies for the project. It can be installed by following [the official installation guide]( You will also need to [install Node.js](

### Running the application

1. Start postgres and redis
1. Install the project's dependencies and prepare the database with `bin/setup`
1. *Optional but recommended*: Import a partial production database dump using [`bin/pull_database`](./bin/pull_database). You can also load some test data quickly by running `rake db:fixtures:load`
1. In order to access the GitHub GraphQL API for pulling repo data, you need to [create a OAuth token as per GitHub's documentation]( No auth scopes are needed. Place the token as `GITHUB_TOKEN=yourtoken` in `.env.local` and `.env.local.test`.
1. Run the services with `foreman start`. You can access the site at `http://localhost:5000`

### Further steps

* You can run the test suite with `bundle exec rspec`
* You can check code style with `bundle exec rubocop`
* During development you can launch [guard]( using `bundle exec guard` to continuously check your changes
* The repo has [overcommit]( git hooks set up to check your changes before commit, push etc. You can set it up once with `bundle exec overcommit --install`. Whenever the hook config file `.overcommit.yml` changes, you need to verify it's contents and approve the changes with `bundle exec overcommit --sign`
* You can find the [sidekiq]( web UI at `http://localhost:5000/ops/sidekiq`. Username can be empty, the default password is `development`.

## Production

See our overview of [Configuration](doc/ settings for an overview of what needs to be set up to run the app in production.

## Code of Conduct

Everyone participating in this project's development, issue trackers and other channels is expected to follow our [Code of Conduct](./

## License

This project is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](