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core nostr from nostrpy seperated out from nostrpy and start to clean up and add examples WIP

nostr python

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

core nostr from nostrpy seperated out from nostrpy and start to clean up and add examples WIP




# monstr

Monstr: Python Nostr module. Python code for working with nostr.

* A basic relay implementation that can be used for testing, and can be easily extended.
* Client and ClientPool classes to manage access to one or multiple relays
* Keys for working with and converting between hex/npub/nsec
* Signer classes for abstacting use of keys so for example signing could be done via hardware
* Entities for encoding and decoding NIP19 nostr entities
* NIP4 and NIP44 implemented for payload encryption
* inbox for wrapping events (TODO look into nip for gift wrapped events)

# install
git clone
cd monstr
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .
# probably required to run examples else nostr module won't be found
to use postgres as store psycopg2 must be installed
# install wheel helper, if needed.
pip pip install wheel
# maybe required on linux
# sudo apt install postgresql automake pkg-config libtool
# maybe required on mac
# brew install postgresql automake pkg-config libtool libffi
# now actually install psycopg2
pip install psycopg2

Note: developed against python 3.10.12

# use

### keys
from monstr.encrypt import Keys

# generate new keys
k = Keys()

# import existing keys, where key_str is nsec, npub or hex - assumed public
k = Keys.get_key(key_str)

# import existing hex private key
k = Keys(priv_k=key_str)

### run local relay
import asyncio
import logging
from monstr.relay.relay import Relay

async def run_relay():
r = Relay()
await r.start()

if __name__ == '__main__':
**_NOTE:_** By default this relay will be running at ws://localhost:8080 and not storing events

### make a post
The following shows code to post note to the above local relay. Normally you'd use a ClientPool
rather than Client because it's normal to post to multiple relays. It should be possible to switch between
Client/ClientPool without any other changes in most cases.
The code shows:
- basic note post
- NIP4 encrypt post or NIP44 with code change as comment
- basic note post using signer class
import asyncio
import logging
from monstr.client.client import Client, ClientPool
from monstr.encrypt import Keys, NIP4Encrypt
from monstr.event.event import Event
from monstr.signing import BasicKeySigner

async def do_post(url, text):
# rnd generate some keys
n_keys = Keys()

async with Client(url) as c:
# basic kind one note
n_msg = Event(kind=Event.KIND_TEXT_NOTE,

# to encrypt in needs to be for someone, use these keys
to_k = Keys('nsec1znc5uy6e342rzn420l38q892qzmkvjz0hn836hhn8hl8wmkc670qp0lk9n')

# kind 4 for nip4, nip44 has no set kind so will depend
n_msg.kind = Event.KIND_ENCRYPT

# same nip4 encrypted
my_enc = NIP4Encrypt(n_keys) # or NIP44Encrypt(n_keys)
# returns event we to_p_tag and content encrypted
n_msg = my_enc.encrypt_event(evt=n_msg,


# or using signer send text post - better this way

my_signer = BasicKeySigner(key=Keys())

n_msg = await my_signer.ready_post(Event(kind=Event.KIND_TEXT_NOTE,

# await asyncio.sleep(1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "ws://localhost:8080"
text = 'hello', text))

### query
basic one time query to above relay
import logging
import asyncio
from monstr.client.client import Client, ClientPool

# default relay if not otherwise given
DEFAULT_RELAY = 'ws://localhost:8080'
'limit': 100

async def one_off_query_client_with(relay=DEFAULT_RELAY):
# does a one off query to relay prints the events and exits
async with Client(relay) as c:
events = await c.query(FILTER)
for c_evt in events:

if __name__ == "__main__":

### subscription
Listen to posts being made to the local relay above

import asyncio
import logging
import sys
from monstr.client.client import Client, ClientPool
import signal
from monstr.encrypt import Keys
from monstr.event.event import Event
from monstr.util import util_funcs

tail = util_funcs.str_tails

async def listen_notes(url):
run = True

# so we get a clean exit on ctrl-c
def sigint_handler(signal, frame):
nonlocal run
run = False
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

# create the client and start it running
c = Client(url)
await c.wait_connect()

# just use func, you can also use a class that has a do_event
# with this method sig, e.g. extend monstr.client.EventHandler
def my_handler(the_client: Client, sub_id: str, evt: Event):
print(evt.created_at, tail(evt.content,30))

# start listening for events
'limit': 100

while run:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "ws://localhost:8080"

### NIP19 Entities

from monstr.entities import Entities

def show_entities():
# nip19 encoded profile
n_profile = 'nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gpp4mhxue69uhhytnc9e3k7mgpz4mhxue69uhkg6nzv9ejuumpv34kytnrdaksjlyr9p'

# extract data
decoded = Entities.decode(n_profile)

# re-encode
print(Entities.encode('nprofile', decoded))

if __name__ == "__main__":

further examples are in the /examples directory

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