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Share your WordPress Posts to Nostr with Nostr Postr 🫂

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Share your WordPress Posts to Nostr with Nostr Postr 🫂




=== Postr For Nostr ===

Contributors: joelmelon
Donate link:
Tags: Nostr, Social, Sharing, NIP-07
Requires PHP: 7.4
Tested up to: 6.3.2
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

Share your WordPress Posts to Nostr with Postr For Nostr 🫂

== Features ==

* This plugin **works only with NIP-07 browser extensions**. No need to save your private key in WordPress.
* Add your taxonomy terms to the note as tag type `t`.
* Manage relays before postring.

== Demo ==

A demo WordPress installation with Postr For Nostr is available [here](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `postr-for-nostr` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress.

== Usage ==

Logged in users will find a `Post to Nostr` button in the admin column actions (where the `Quick Edit` action is located).

If you want to provide Postr For Nostr to your visitors, simply place a button somewhere in your template. Make sure to add the `postr-for-nostr` class, `data-post-id` and `data-post-type` attribute as shown below.

== Filters ==

**Post Type Filter**

Per default `post`, `page` and all registered custom post types will be allowed to be nostr postred. The allowed post types are filterable with a filter hook:
add_filter( 'postr_for_nostr_post_types', function( $post_types ) {
// unset('post_type');
return $post_types;
}, 10, 1 );

== Vendors ==

* nbd-wtf/nostr-tools:

== Screenshots ==

1. A preview of postring to Nostr with Postr For Nostr.
2. The Post to Nostr button in the WordPress admin column actions.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial version.

== License ==

Use this code freely, widely and for free. Provision of this code provides and implies no guarantee.
Please respect the GPL v3 licence, which is available via