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BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic

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BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic




# should.js

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_should_ is an expressive, readable, framework-agnostic assertion library. The main goals of this library are __to be expressive__ and __to be helpful__. It keeps your test code clean, and your error messages helpful.

By default (when you `require('should')`) _should_ extends the `Object.prototype` with a single non-enumerable getter that allows you to express how that object should behave. It also returns itself when required with `require`.

It is also possible to use should.js without getter (it will not even try to extend Object.prototype), just `require('should/as-function')`. Or if you already use version that auto add getter, you can call `.noConflict` function.

**Results of `(something).should` getter and `should(something)` in most situations are the same**

### Upgrading instructions

Please check [wiki page]( for upgrading instructions.

### FAQ

You can take look in [FAQ](

## Example
var should = require('should');

var user = {
name: 'tj'
, pets: ['tobi', 'loki', 'jane', 'bandit']
};'name', 'tj');'pets').with.lengthOf(4);

// If the object was created with Object.create(null)
// then it doesn't inherit `Object.prototype`, so it will not have `.should` getter
// so you can do:
should(user)'name', 'tj');

// also you can test in that way for null's

someAsyncTask(foo, function(err, result){
## To begin

1. Install it:

$ npm install should --save-dev

2. Require it and use:

var should = require('should');


var should = require('should/as-function');


3. For TypeScript users:

import * as should from 'should';


## In browser

Well, even when browsers by complaints of authors have 100% es5 support, it does not mean it has no bugs. Please see [wiki]( for known bugs.

If you want to use _should_ in browser, use the `should.js` file in the root of this repository, or build it yourself. To build a fresh version:

$ npm install
$ npm run browser

The script is exported to `window.should`:


You can easy install it with npm or bower:

npm install should -D
# or
bower install shouldjs/should.js

## API docs

Actual api docs generated by jsdoc comments and available at [](

## Usage examples

Please look on usage in [examples](

## .not

`.not` negates the current assertion.

## .any

`.any` allow for assertions with multiple parameters to assert any of the parameters (but not all). This is similar to the native JavaScript [array.some](

# Assertions
## chaining assertions

Every assertion will return a `should.js`-wrapped Object, so assertions can be chained.
To help chained assertions read more clearly, you can use the following helpers anywhere in your chain: `.an`, `.of`, `.a`, `.and`, `.be`, `.have`, `.with`, `.is`, `.which`. Use them for better readability; they do nothing at all.
For example:
```js'name', 'tj');;
Almost all assertions return the same object - so you can easy chain them. But some (eg: `.length` and `.property`) move the assertion object to a property value, so be careful.

## Adding own assertions

Adding own assertion is pretty easy. You need to call `should.Assertion.add` function. It accept 2 arguments:

1. name of assertion method (string)
2. assertion function (function)

What assertion function should do. It should check only positive case. `should` will handle `.not` itself.
`this` in assertion function will be instance of `should.Assertion` and you **must** define in any way this.params object
in your assertion function call before assertion check happen.

`params` object can contain several fields:

- `operator` - it is string which describe your assertion
- `actual` it is actual value, you can assume it is your own this.obj if you need to define you own
- `expected` it is any value that expected to be matched this.obj

You can assume its usage in generating AssertionError message like: expected `obj`? || this.obj not? `operator` `expected`?

In `should` sources appeared 2 kinds of usage of this method.

First not preferred and used **only** for shortcuts to other assertions, e.g how `` defined:

Assertion.add('true', function() {;
There you can see that assertion function do not define own `this.params` and instead call within the same assertion `.exactly`
that will fill `this.params`. **You should use this way very carefully, but you can use it**.

Second way preferred and i assume you will use it instead of first.

Assertion.add('true', function() {
this.params = { operator: 'to be true', expected: true };

in this case this.params defined and then used new assertion context (because called `.should`). Internally this way does not
create any edge cases as first.

Assertion.add('asset', function() {
this.params = { operator: 'to be asset' };'id');'path');

> ({ id: '10' });
AssertionError: expected { id: '10' } to be asset
expected '10' to be a number

> ({ id: 10 });
AssertionError: expected { id: 10 } to be asset
expected { id: 10 } to have property path

## Additional projects

* [`should-sinon`]( - adds additional assertions for sinon.js
* [`should-immutable`]( - extends different parts of should.js to make immutable.js first-class citizen in should.js
* [`should-http`]( - adds small assertions for assertion on http responses for node only
* [`should-jq`]( - assertions for jq (need maintainer)
* [`karma-should`]( - make more or less easy to work karma with should.js
* [`should-spies`]( - small and dirty simple zero dependencies spies

## Contributions

[Actual list of contributors]( if you want to show it your friends.

To run the tests for _should_ simply run:

$ npm test

See also [CONTRIBUTING](./


Yes, yes it does, with a single getter _should_, and no it won't break your code, because it does this **properly** with a non-enumerable property.

Also it is possible use it without extension. Just use `require('should/as-function')` everywhere.

## License

MIT. See LICENSE for details.