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A probabilistic relational separation logic with support for asynchronous couplings.

asynchronous coq couplings higher-order iris logic probabilistic relational separation-logic

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A probabilistic relational separation logic with support for asynchronous couplings.





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A higher-order probabilistic relational separation logic with support
for asynchronous probabilistic couplings. The logic is built using the
Iris program logic framework and
mechanized in the Coq proof


A preprint describing this work is available on arXiv.

Gregersen, S.O., Aguirre, A., Haselwarter, P. G., Tassarotti, J. and
Birkedal, L., 2023. Asynchronous Probabilistic Couplings in Higher-Order
Separation Logic. arXiv
preprint arXiv:2301.10061

This table maps definitions, concepts,
and results found in the paper to the Coq formalization.

Building the development

The project is known to compile with

The recommended way to install the dependencies is through opam.

  1. Install opam
    if not already installed (a version greater than 2.0 is required).

  2. Install a new switch and link it to the project.

opam switch create clutch 4.14.1

opam switch link clutch .

  1. Add the Coq and Iris opam repositories.

opam repo add coq-released

opam repo add iris-dev
opam update

  1. Install the right version of the dependencies as specified in the
    clutch.opam file.

opam install . --deps-only

You should now be able to build the development by using
make -j N where N is the number of cores
available on your machine.


The development relies on axioms for classical reasoning and an
axiomatization of the reals numbers, both found in Coq’s standard
library. The following list is produced when executing the command
Print Assumptions eager_lazy_equiv. in theories/examples/lazy_eager_coin.v:

ClassicalDedekindReals.sig_not_dec : ∀ P : Prop, {¬ ¬ P} + {¬ P}

ClassicalDedekindReals.sig_forall_dec : ∀ P : nat → Prop, (∀ n : nat, {P n} + {¬ P n}) → {n : nat | ¬ P n} + {∀ n : nat, P n}
functional_extensionality_dep : ∀ (A : Type) (B : A → Type) (f g : ∀ x : A, B x), (∀ x : A, f x = g x) → f = g
constructive_indefinite_description : ∀ (A : Type) (P : A → Prop), (∃ x : A, P x) → {x : A | P x}
classic : ∀ P : Prop, P ∨ ¬ P