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A type-checker for Erlang

Last synced: 29 days ago
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A type-checker for Erlang




# eqWAlizer

A type-checker for Erlang.

eqWAlizer logo

## Using it with rebar3 projects

1. Use OTP 25
2. Download the `elp` binary for your system from

> On Mac you will probably get the following message when trying to run the executable the first time: "elp cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.".
To solve this, go to Preferences > Security and Privacy and add an exception. Alternatively, you can build elp from source.

3. Add `eqwalizer_support` dependency and `eqwalizer_rebar3` plugin
to your rebar3 project definition (see below)
4. From the project directory run:
- `elp eqwalize ` to type-check a single module
- `elp eqwalize-all` to type-check all `src` modules in the project

Adding `eqwalizer_support` and `eqwalizer_rebar3`:

{deps, [
{branch, "main"},

{project_plugins, [
{branch, "main"},

## Using it with non-rebar projects

1. Use OTP 25 (it will be detected automatically by eqWAlizer)
2. Download the `elp` binary for your system from
3. Write a `project.json` file describing your project, see below for the file structure.
Ensure `eqwalizer_support` is added as a dependency, and that its `ebin` folder is reachable and populated
with `.beam` files.
4. From the project directory, assuming your `.json` file is called `project.json` run:
- `elp eqwalize --project project.json` to type-check a single module
- `elp eqwalize-all --project project.json` to type-check all `src` modules in the project

The `.json` file should be structured in this way:
"apps": [app list],
"deps": [app list], // 3rd party dependencies (not type-checked), defaults to []
where an `app` is a map structured as such:
"name": "app_name",
"dir": "path/to/app", // Relative to project root
"src_dirs": ["path/to/src", ...], // Relative to app dir, defaults to ["src"]
"extra_src_dirs": ["path/to/extra_src", ...], // Relative to app dir, defaults to []
"ebin": "path/to/ebin", // Relative to app dir, defaults to "ebin"
"include_dirs": ["include", ...], // Relative to app dir, defaults to []
"macros": ["MACRO", ...], // Defaults to []

## FAQ

Please refer to [the FAQ document](./ for answers to some common questions,

- What's the difference between eqWAlizer and Dialyzer?
- Why not extend Dialyzer, rather than creating a new tool?
- What about Elixir?

## Where can I learn more about eqWAlizer, its technical principles, its relation to dialyzer and elixir support feasibility?


## License

eqWAlizer is [Apache licensed](./LICENSE).