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Convert Storybook into Sketch symbols 💎

components design-systems react sketch storybook styleguide

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Convert Storybook into Sketch symbols 💎




# story2sketch 💎

[![NPM](]( [![JavaScript Style Guide](](

Convert [Storybook]( stories into [Sketch]( symbols.

> Uses the amazing [`html-sketchapp`]( Only supports web.

## Quickstart

Firstly, get [Sketch]( and [npm]( Then install [`asketch2sketch.sketchplugin`]( into Sketch:

Installing Sketch plugin

Install `story2sketch`:

npm i story2sketch -g

Run `story2sketch`, pointing towards a Storybook iframe URL. You can find an existing iframe URL in Storybook by clicking 'Open canvas in new tab':

![Open canvas in new tab](

See [configuration](#configuration) for more options, or if you have a lot of stories.

story2sketch --url https://localhost:9001/iframe.html --output stories.asketch.json

Import the generated file into Sketch via `Plugins > From *Almost* Sketch to Sketch` in Sketch menu bar.

![Using sketch plugin](


### Storybook 3.x

If you're using Storybook 3.3 or above (but not Storybook 4 or above), you'll want to [take full control of your Storybook webpack.config.js]( if you haven't already done so, adding:

module.exports = (storybookBaseConfig, configType) => {
const newConfig = {

// Add this:
// Export bundles as libraries so we can access them on page scope.
newConfig.output.library = "[name]";

return newConfig;

Manually export the `getStorybook` function in your `./config/storybook/config.js` file:

import { getStorybook } from "@storybook/react";


export { getStorybook }

Run story2sketch:

story2sketch --url https://localhost:9001/iframe.html --output stories.asketch.json

## Why?

As stated by [`react-sketchapp`](, it's complicated to manage assets in a design system. Many teams building design systems or component libraries already produce Sketch files for distributing designs and use [Storybook]( to prototype and present the developed components. It can become difficult to keep designs up to date with the latest components, with designers ever playing catchup. `story2sketch` generates a Sketch file from your components via Storybook, so your Sketch designs always stay up to date.

## Configuration

You can configure `story2sketch` using [the API](#api) via the CLI, configuring your `package.json` or adding a `story2sketch.config.js` file.

### CLI

Simply call `story2sketch` with options from the [API](#api).

$ story2sketch --stories all --output dist/great-ui.asketch.json

### package.json

Add the following to your package.json:

"story2sketch": {
"stories": "all",
"output": "dist/great-ui.asketch.json"

### story2sketch.config.js

Create a file called `story2sketch.config.js` on the root of your project:

module.exports = {
output: "dist/great-ui.asketch.json",
stories: "all"

## API

| Parameter | Explanation | Input Type | Default |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| output | Specifies the filename for the generated asketch.json file or a folder when outputBy === 'kind'. | string | `"dist/stories.asketch.json"` |
| input | The location of Storybook's generated iframe.html. Use this over `url` if possible for performance. | string | `"dist/iframe.html"` |
| url | Storybook iframe URL. Will end in `iframe.html`. Prefer `input` for performance if possible. | string | `"http://localhost:9001/iframe.html"` |
| stories | Stories to extract from Storybook. You should probably override the default. | object/string | `"all"` |
| concurrency | Number of headless Chrome tabs to run in parallel. Defaults to number of threads available on your machine. | integer | dynamic |
| symbolGutter | Gutter to place between symbols in Sketch. | integer | `100` |
| viewports | Viewport configuration. Will be arranged left-to-right by width. Try to avoid changing the key, as this is used to identify the symbol. | object | Mobile viewport (320px wide) and desktop viewport (1920px wide). See example below. |
| querySelector | Query selector to select your node on each page. Uses `document.querySelectorAll`. | string | `"#root"` |
| verbose | Verbose logging output. | boolean | `false` |
| fixPseudo | Attempt to insert real elements in place of pseudo-elements | boolean | `false` |
| puppeteerOptions | Options to be passed directly to `puppeteer.launch`. See [puppeteer docs]( for usage. | object | `{}` |
| removePreviewMargin | Remove preview margin from the iframe body. | boolean | `true` |
| layoutBy | Group symbols in the sketch output by the "kind" or "group" key | "kind" \| "group" | null |
| outputBy | Write multiple sketch files by "kind" or the "group" key | "kind" \| "group" | null |

## Example configurations

### Basic

Automatically detect the stories, outputting two viewports for each story in a single Sketch file as symbols.

module.exports = {
output: "dist/great-ui.asketch.json",
input: "dist/iframe.html", // Same as default
pageTitle: "great-ui"

### Manual stories

Manually define stories to have granular control over what stories are output. This might help if you're getting empty output, since some stories may break story2sketch.

module.exports = {
stories: [
kind: "Buttons/Button",
stories: [
name: "Button"
kind: "Buttons/ButtonGroup",
stories: [
name: "Default",
displayName: "Horizontal"
name: "Vertical"
kind: "Table",
stories: [
name: "Table"

### Custom viewports

Output symbols based on custom viewports:

module.exports = {
viewports: {
narrow: {
width: 320,
height: 1200,
symbolPrefix: "Mobile/"
standard: {
width: 1920,
height: 1200,
symbolPrefix: "Desktop/"

### Split output into multiple files based on kind

Outputs one file for each Storybook "kind". Useful if managing large component libraries, allowing you to distribute smaller files.

module.exports = {
output: "dist", // Define output directory. File names are defined by "kind"
outputBy: "kind" // Also supports "group", see below.

### Layout based on kind

Renders the sketch layout by kind, but keeps them in one file.

module.exports = {
layoutBy: "kind" // Also supports "group", see below.

### Split output into multiple files based on custom group

This example outputs two files based on a custom grouping: `dist/Buttons.asketch.json` and `dist/Data.asketch.json`.

module.exports = {
output: "dist",
outputBy: "group",
stories: [
group: "Buttons",
kind: "Buttons/Button",
stories: [
name: "Button"
group: "Buttons",
kind: "Buttons/ButtonGroup",
stories: [
name: "Default",
displayName: "Horizontal"
name: "Vertical"
group: "Data",
kind: "Table",
stories: [
name: "Table"

## Continuous Integration

If you want `story2sketch` to run in a CI environment you might have to add the following configuration to puppeteer in your `story2sketch.config.js`.

module.exports = {
puppeteerOptions: {
args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']

## Questions

### Why does my stuff look bad?

If your stuff looks bad, either it's not supported by [`html-sketchapp`]( yet (see [support here]('s-supported%3F)), or you need to [configure story2sketch](#configuration).

### Why don't you use `react-sketchapp` instead of `html-sketchapp`?

[`react-sketchapp`]( only supports React Native, or forces you to use React Native component naming conventions. [`html-sketchapp`]( supports good ol' fashioned HTML, and doesn't care what web framework you're using.

### Can I use this on anything other than Storybook?

Not yet, but we have plans to add support for multiple and custom adaptors.