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ReactiveCocoa Extensions

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ReactiveCocoa Extensions




[![No Maintenance Intended](](

# ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

This repo is no longer being maintained. It has been supersede by:

1. [ReactiveSwift]( for core operators.
2. [ReactiveCocoa]( for UI operators.

Some operators have not been ported. If something is amiss, please open a PR, or an issue, in the corresponding repo. ❤️



# Rex [![Carthage compatible](](
Extensions for [ReactiveCocoa]( that may not fit in the core framework.

New development targets RAC 4/Swift 2/Xcode 7. For RAC 3 support [see the 0.5

## Signal
All `Signal` operators are available for `SignaProducer`s too via explicit `lift`ing.

##### `filterMap`
Applies `transform` to values from `signal` with non-nil results unwrapped and forwared on the returned signal. This is equivalent to `map { … } .filter { $0 != nil } .map { $0! }` but without creating extra intermediate signals.

func filterMap(transform: T -> U?) -> Signal

##### `ignoreError`
Wraps a `signal` in a version that drops `Error` events. By default errors are replaced with a `Completed` event but `Interrupted` can also be specified as `replacement`.

func ignoreError(#replacement: Event = .Completed) -> Signal

##### `timeoutAfter`
Forwards events from `signal` until it terminates or until `interval` time passes. This is nearly identical to `timeoutWithError` from RAC except any terminating `event` can be used for the timeout.

func timeoutAfter(interval: NSTimeInterval, withEvent event: Event, onScheduler scheduler: DateSchedulerType) -> Signal

##### `uncollect`

Flattens batches of elements sent on `signal` into each individual element. The inverse of `collect`. Requires signal values to conform to `SequenceType`.

func uncollect() -> Signal

## SignalProducer
Operators specific to `SignalProducer`.

##### `groupBy`
Partitions values from `producer` into new producer groups based on the key returned from `grouping`. Termination events on the original producer are forwarded to each inner producer group.

func groupBy(grouping: T -> K) -> SignalProducer<(K, SignalProducer), E>

## UIKit Extensions

##### `UIButton.rex_pressed`

Flexible way to bind `CocoaAction` to the press of button. In addition the button will be disabled during the `Action` executing. Such behavior is convenient for tasks that require some time, like a download process in the example below.

let downloadAction = Action { _ in
let url = NSURL(string: "")
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
return NSURLSession.sharedSession().rac_dataWithRequest(request).map { $0.0 }

downloadButton.rex_pressed.value = downloadAction.unsafeCocoaAction

## License
Rex is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE)