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A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects




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# ProjectScaffold

This project can be used to scaffold a prototypical .NET solution including file system layout and tooling. This includes a build process that:

* updates all AssemblyInfo files
* compiles the application and runs all test projects
* generates API docs based on XML document tags
* generates [documentation based on Markdown files](
* generates [NuGet]( packages
* and allows a simple [one step release process](

In order to start the scaffolding process run

> build.cmd // on windows
$ ./ // on unix

Read the [Getting started tutorial]( to learn more.


## Tips for migrating existing project to Scaffold format

* clone ProjectScaffold to new folder
* run the initializing build
* delete .git folder
* copy intitialized scaffold files and folders to original project folder
* git add / commit project -m"first pass migrating to scaffold format" (otherwise git may be confused by next mv)
* git mv necessary project file folders into src folder
* git commit, and any following cleanup

Be sure to do only ````git mv```` file renames in a single commit. If you try to commit anything else git will treat the renames as file delete / file add and you will loose history on those files.

## Requirements

ProjectScaffold requires a local git installation. You can download git from [Git Downloads](

## Build Status

Mono | .NET
---- | ----
[![Mono CI Build Status](]( | [![.NET Build Status](](

## Maintainer(s)

- [@forki](
- [@jackfoxy](
- [@sergey-tihon](

The default maintainer account for projects under "fsprojects" is [@fsprojectsgit]( - F# Community Project Incubation Space (repo management)