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A garden of small programming language implementations 🪴

compilation compilers dependent-types elaboration l-systems programming-languages typechecking

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A garden of small programming language implementations 🪴




# Language garden 🌱

Some toy programming language implementations, mostly implemented in OCaml.

These projects are mostly my attempt to understand different techniques and
approaches to implementing programming languages. Perhaps from these seedlings
something new and interesting might germinate?

## Implementations

### Elaboration

Elaboration is an approach to implementing language front-ends where a complicated,
user friendly _surface language_ is type checked and lowered to a simpler, typed
_core language_. This approach to type checking is particularly popular and
useful for implementing dependently typed programming languages, but is more
widely applicable as well.

Simply typed:

- [**elab-stlc-bidirectional**](./elab-stlc-bidirectional):
An elaborator for a simply typed lambda calculus that uses bidirectional
typing to allow some type annotations to be omitted.
- [**elab-stlc-bidirectional-stratify**](./elab-stlc-bidirectional):
An elaborator that partially stratifies a combined type and term language into
a simply typed core language.
- [**elab-stlc-abstract**](./elab-stlc-abstract):
An LCF-style elaborator that moves the construction of well-typed terms behind
a trusted interface.
- [**elab-stlc-unification**](./elab-stlc-unification):
An elaborator for a simply typed lambda calculus where type annotations can be omitted.
- [**elab-stlc-letrec-unification**](./elab-stlc-letrec-unification):
Extends the simply typed lambda calculus with recursive let bindings.
- [**elab-variant-unification**](./elab-variant-unification):
Extends the simply typed lambda calculus with structural variant types,
inferring types eagerly using constraint based unification.

Dependently typed:

- [**elab-dependent**](./elab-dependent/):
An elaborator for a small dependently typed lambda calculus.
- [**elab-dependent-sugar**](./elab-dependent-sugar/):
An elaborator for a small dependently typed lambda calculus with syntactic sugar.
- [**elab-record-patching**](./elab-record-patching/):
An elaborator of a dependently typed lambda calculus with singletons and record patching.

### Compilation

These are related to compilation. Mainly to stack-machines, but I’m interested
in exploring more approaches in the future, and other compilation passes
related to compiling functional programming languages.

- [**compile-arith**](./compile-arith/):
Compiling arithmetic expressions to stack machine instructions and A-Normal Form.
- [**compile-arithcond**](./compile-arithcond/):
Compiling arithmetic and conditional expressions to stack machine instructions and A-Normal Form.
- [**compile-closure-conv**](./compile-closure-conv):
Typed closure conversion and lambda lifting for a simply typed lambda calculus
with booleans and integers.

### Languages

Miscellaneous programming language experiments.

- [**lang-datalog**](./lang-datalog/):
A simple Datalog interpreter.
- [**lang-doc-templates**](./lang-doc-templates/):
A programmable document template language that elaborates to a typed lambda calculus.
- [**lang-fractal-growth**](./lang-fractal-growth/):
Experiments with using grammars and rewriting systems to model fractal growth.
- [**lang-lc-interpreters**](./lang-lc-interpreters/):
A comparison of lambda calculus interpreters using different approaches to
name binding.
- [**lang-shader-graphics**](./lang-shader-graphics/):
An embedded DSL for describing procedural graphics, based on signed distance
functions. These can be rendered on the CPU or compiled to GLSL shaders.

### Work in progress projects

While most of the above projects need more work put into them, the following
projects need more work put into them and a more incomplete in comparison.

- [**wip-elab-builtins**](./wip-elab-builtins/):
An elaborator that supports built-in types and operations.
- [**wip-compile-stratify**](./wip-compile-stratify/):
Compiling a dependently typed lambda calculus into a stratified intermediate
- [**wip-compile-uncurry**](./wip-compile-uncurry/):
Compiling single-parameter functions to multiparameter functions.

## Background

As I’ve been working in the area of programming languages I’ve often found
myself in the position of:

- Explaining the same idea or technique over and over, but not having a minimal
example I can point to.
- Re-implementing an existing technique (either from a paper, or based on some
other existing code I’ve seen) in my own way, as a way of learning and
understanding it more deeply.
- Wanting a place to testing out an approach before committing to using it in a
larger project (which can take time and may amount to nothing).
- Trying to remember a technique I had spent time learning a long time ago.
- Having an idea for a small language experiment that does not need to be part
of a standalone project, but may require some build system setup.

My hope is that by collecting some of these projects and experiments together
into a single repository they might be useful to others and my future self. I’ve
been particularly inspired by Mark Barbone’s [small, self-contained gists](
implementing small type systems and solvers, and Andras Kovacs’ excellent
[elaboration-zoo]( (which was
instrumental in helping me get my head around how to implement elaborators).

If you like this repository, you might find these interesting as well:

- [andrejbauer/plzoo](
Andrej Bauer’s minimnal programming language demonstrations
- [AndrasKovacs/elaboration-zoo](
Minimal implementations for dependent type checking and elaboration by Andras Kovacs
- [mspertus/TAPL]( Updated type system
implementations from Benjamin Pierce's “Types and Programming Languages”
- [pigworker/Samizdat](
Conor McBride’s programming scrapbook
- [RiscInside/LanguageEtudes](
Single-file typechecker/interpreter/compiler implementations

## Development setup

### With Nix

Using [Nix] is not required, but can be useful for setting up a development
shell with the packages and tools used in this project. With [Nix flakes]

nix run .#arith -- compile --target=anf <<< "1 + 2 * 27"

[nix-direnv] can be used to load development tools into your shell
automatically. Once it’s installed, run the following commands to enable it in
the project directory:

echo "use flake" > .envrc
direnv allow

You’ll want to locally exclude the `.envrc`, or add it to your global gitignore.

After that, [dune] can be used to build, test, and run the projects:

dune build
dune test
dune exec arith -- compile --target=anf <<< "1 + 2 * 27"

[Nix flakes]:

### With opam

Alternatively, [opam] package definitions are provided in the [`./opam`](./opam)
directory. They drive the Nix flake, so _should_ be up to date. I don’t use opam
however, so I’m not sure what the workflow is.
