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🚀 Setup an Ubuntu server with common security configurations in less than 5 minutes.

ansible blueprint configuration server ubuntu vagrant

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🚀 Setup an Ubuntu server with common security configurations in less than 5 minutes.




# ansible-5-minutes-server

[![Ansible Lint](](

This ansible playbook sets up what's described in the article ["My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers"]( and event extends it out of necessity.

The ansible scripts are tested with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. They should work with any recent Ubuntu releases.

## Getting started

1. Edit personal information in `secrets.yml` with [`ansible-vault`]( (default password: **password**)

cp secrets.default secrets.yml
ansible-vault rekey secrets.yml
ansible-vault edit secrets.yml

2. Add your server by creating the `inventory` file with the following contents:


`[groupname]` can be omitted or altered to anything to your liking. You can have multiple groups. [Read more on the inventory.](

3. Run `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml` to install the dependencies.
4. Run (replace `` with the login name)

ansible-playbook -u --private-key=~/.ssh/ --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass --inventory-file=inventory playbook.yml

Your server is now bootstrapped.

## Included roles

### bootstrap

This is the baseline for every server and the initial reason these scripts exist.

- change the root password
- add an "admin" user (username of your choice)
- add your public key to `.ssh/authorized_keys` for the admin user
- add that admin user to `/etc/sudoers`
- install [ufw]( (uncomplicated firewall, an iptables frontend) and [fail2ban](
- SSH: disallow password authentication
- SSH: disallow root login
- setup firewall to allow SSH traffic
- install additional apt packages provided by the user
- add a "deploy" user (username of your choice) _without sudo_ usage permission
- add your public key to the authorized keys of the deploy user
- setup periodic [unattended-upgrades]( with automatic reboots
- setup [sSMTP]( to send (system) mails via SMTP
- create a 1GB file at `/swapfile` and swap on it
- set sysctl `vm.swappiness = 0`

This repository is based in [guillaumevincent/Ansible-My-First-5-Minutes-On-A-Server]( Furthermore it contains several changes suggested in [PR#1 of that repository]( by [@joraman](

### apt-extra-packages

Installs apt packages defined for that host.

### ruby-rvm

If you choose to apply this role to a host, it will:

- set up [rvm]( via the [dedicated ubuntu deb package](
- install required dependencies to install ruby via apt.
- install the specified `ruby_version` for the deploy user.

Example inventory:

ubuntu20 ruby_version=2.7.2

See `playbook.yml` to see how it's mapped.

### nodesource-nodejs

If you choose to apply this role to a host, it will:

- adds the [nodesource apt repository](
- install the specified `node_version`

Check [the README of the Nodesource git repository]( for available version. Specify `node_version` like one of this:

- `15.x`
- `14.x`
- `12.x`
- etc.

Example inventory:

ubuntu20 node_version=15.x

See `playbook.yml` to see how it's mapped.

## Testing locally

Install [vagrant](

vagrant up
ansible-playbook -i inventory/test.yml --ask-vault-pass playbook.yml

These vagrant boxes are publicly officially available, not something custom made. The first run of `vagrant up` can take a a long time to set everything up.

This sets up a machine called `ubuntu20` using Ubuntu 20.04 "focal" (see `Vagrantfile`)

### Helpful ~/.ssh/config addition when testing

For your convenience, add this to your `~/.ssh/config`

Host ubuntu20
User vagrant
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
StrictHostKeyChecking no

### Bootstrap a specific vagrant box

For instance the `ubuntu20`:

vagrant up ubuntu20
ansible-playbook -u vagrant --private-key=~/.ssh/ --ask-vault-pass -i 'ubuntu20,' playbook.yml

When done, destroy the machine to start with a blank slate on the next run:

vagrant destroy

## Debugging

### Can't connect to the serer

Verify that you can ping your server via SSH:

ansible all --user= --private-key= --inventory-file=',' -m ping

Example with an `inventory` file:

ansible all --user=vagrant --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa --inventory-file=inventory/test.yml -m ping

unbunt20 | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"


- `ansible all` : run ansible command on all hosts.
- `--user=vagrant` : login via ssh with user `vagrant`.
- `--private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa` : path of the ssh key use to connect to the server.
- `--inventory-file=inventory/test.yml` : specify inventory file.
- `-m ping` : run module ping.

If the ping run fails, your user doesn't have access to the machine.

### Ansible can't execute apt commands

To allow ansible to work on older Ubuntu versions, you might need to manually
`apt install python-minimal python-zipstream`
on the remote server.


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- [ ] setup with Github Actions