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Warp across directories

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Warp across directories




# WarpDrive - Warp across directories

[![All Contributors](](#contributors-)

WarpDrive is a replacement for `cd` (However it does use `cd` to work). It tracks your visited directories and uses a "frecency" algorithm (combining frequency and recency) to determine which directory to warp to.

![Example Usage](example.png)

## Usage

You can use WarpDrive like this:
wd someDir
If you had visited `someDir` before (and thus `someDir` is in the datafile), it'll take you there. Otherwise, it'll just pass on the aguments to `cd` (which means that both relative and absolute paths work).

You could also do the same thing with just parts of the full path:
wd s
wd Dir
### Options
Currently, WarpDrive has eight options:

**Option --ls or -s**

Runs `ls` after warping to a directory.
wd --help

**Option --help or -h**

Prints a small help message:

wd --help
WarpDrive - Warp across directories
Usage: wd [] [ ...]
--ls, -s Run ls after warping to a directory
--add, -a ... Add paths to be tracked. Paths are automatically added when visited
--remove, -r ... Remove paths so they are no longer tracked
--list, -l List tracked paths and their points, sorted by most
--update Update WarpDrive to the latest commit
--help, -h Print this help message
--version, -v Print the version of WarpDrive you have --check, -c Checks if a newer version is available
wd dir-in-pwd
wd dir-that-was-visited-before
wd grand-parent-dir parent-dir child-dir
wd parent-dir grand-parent-dir child-dir
wd a-part-of-the-name-of-some-dir
wd /absolute/path/to/somewhere
wd -s run-ls-after-warping
wd --add dir-to-add
wd --remove dir-to-remove
To go to the home directory don't specify any arguments, i.e. use just `wd` (like cd)
When specifying multiple patterns, order doesn't matter except for the last pattern given
i.e. WarpDrive will always take you to a directory whose name matches the last pattern
If is specified after an option, will be ignored unless the option is -s
No options can be combined (you can't use any two options at the same time)
Any output seen is on stderr

Refer to for more information

**Option --update**

Updates WarpDrive to the latest commit. It is recommended to update with `wd --update` to ensure you have the latest WarpDrive.

wd --update

**Option -a or --add**

Adds paths. Paths are automatically added when you visit them.

wd --add /Users /usr/local/bin

**Option -r or --remove**

Removes paths. This does not "decrement" frequency. It completely deletes a path, so it is no longer tracked (Unless, of course, you visit it again).

wd --remove /Users /usr/local/bin
**Option -l or --list**

Shows tracked directories and their points, sorted by most.
wd --list
Sample output:
Points Directory
150.0 /Users/ishan/Desktop/GitHub/WarpDrive
36.0 /Users/ishan/Desktop/tests/foo
6.0 /Users/ishan/.config/fish
5.0 /Users/ishan/.config
3.0 /Users/ishan/.config/fish/functions
1.0 /usr/libexec
1.0 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-14.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
1.0 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-14.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
1.0 /
1.0 /Users/ishan/Downloads
1.0 /Users/ishan
1.0 /Users/ishan/.config/fish/conf.d
0.5 /Users/ishan/Desktop
0.5 /Users/ishan/Desktop/tests
**Option -c or --check**
Checks for newer WarpDrive versions
wd --check
Example output:
Newer version: WarpDrive 1.0.1 is available
You currently have: WarpDrive 1.0.0
Run `wd --update` to update to the latest version

**Option -v or --version**
Prints the version of WarpDrive you have
wd --version

Example output:
WarpDrive 1.0.0
_Even though most of these "options" would be better implemented as standalone actions, they are implemented as regular options because they have the advantage of not being like filenames_

### Different Arguments

WarpDrive recognizes seperate arguments as matching different directories in a path. They do not need to be in order.

wd grandParentDir parentDir childDir
wd parent grand child
will have the same result.

**Note! WarpDrive will *always* take you to a directory matching the last pattern. For more info on what this means, check the second Caveat.**

## Installing or Uninstalling

`fish` is currently supported.

You need to have `java` installed for WarpDrive to work. Use `brew cask install java` if you have Homebrew installed

### Fish Install or Uninstall

WarpDrive can be installed by running this command:

curl -sS | fish

and uninstalled by running this command:

curl -sS | fish

## Compatibility

The datafile format is the same as rupa/z, jethrokuan/z, zsh-z and z.lua

## Known Issues

WarpDrive is a bit slow, compared to native shell scripts, taking ~150ms on average (tested using [Hyperfine]( for most commands (This could be different for you. Do inform me about WarpDrive's performance or leave a review at )
This is because the JVM takes a lot of time to start up. The application itself takes 30ms.

## Caveats

_WarpDrive stores data at_ `~/.WarpDrive/WarpDriveData.txt`.

_WarpDrive will always take you to a directory that matches the last pattern given._ In other words, if the datafile contains two directories: `/foo/bar` and `/bar/foo` and you use the command `wd f` it will take you to `/bar/foo`.

_WarpDrive is not case sensitive. `wd Bar` is the same as `wd bar`._

_Just `wd` takes you to the home directory._

_No options except `-s` can be grouped together. `wd -hl --add /` won't work but `wd -s /` will_

_If any options except -s are specified, you stay in the same directory even if you specified a directory. `wd -l someDir` won't work_

### Suggestions are welcome, file those or issues [here](

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](


⚠️ 🤔 🐛

Aaryan Porwal

⚠️ 🤔 🐛

This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!