
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Micro api faker written in TypeScript which returns faked data from JSON queries

api fake microservice node rest server typescript

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Micro api faker written in TypeScript which returns faked data from JSON queries





## What is it?

Minimal fake API server based on faker.js and

## Why should you use it?

To fake backend before its made and start frontend development just after project planning.

## How it works?


## How to use it?

After making post request with json argument

"name": "name.firstName",
"surname": "name.lastName",
"mail": "",
"profilePhoto": "internet.avatar",
"animalPhoto": ""

it returns

"animalPhoto": "",
"profilePhoto": "",
"mail": "[email protected]",
"surname": "Schaefer",
"name": "Madelynn"
"animalPhoto": "",
"profilePhoto": "",
"mail": "[email protected]",
"surname": "Herzog",
"name": "Lempi"

Ant these 2 photos looks like



### Directives are also available for use:
`@key` - use the name from the key to generate a value from, usage:
"name": "@key"

returns, ex:

"name": ""
`@repeat` - only for lists, replicates the object in a specified number of times, usage:
"name": "name.firstName"

returns, ex:
"name": "Alice"
"name": "Dennor"
`@static` - determines that the generated value is consistent for all objects, usage:
"name": "@static:name.firstName", (or name.firstname@static)
"surname": "name.lastName"

returns, ex:
"name": "Connor"
"surname": "Json"
"name": "Connor",
"surname": "Kowalsky"
`@settings` - generation settings.
- data - source of static data for `@data` directive
- definitions - reusable fake definitions for `@use` direective
- root - if `true`, value under rootValue is treated as output root

`@data` - directive for static data

`@use` - takes reusable definitions from `@settings

complete example:
"@settings": {
"data": {
"name": "Michal"
"definitions": {
"photo": {
"dateTaken": "@static:date.pas",
"url": "image.girl.640.480",
"placeLat": "addrss.latitu",
"placeLong": "address.longitude"
"root": true
"out": [
"commerce": "@key",
"name": "@data:name",
"address": {
"street": "address.streetName",
"city": "adess.secondyAddss"
"date": "date.past",
"avatar": "shpe.circ",
"photos": [

returns, ex:

"commerce": "Generic Steel Ball",
"name": "Michal",
"address": {
"street": "Bins Street",
"city": "Apt. 373"
"date": "2020-02-04T12:36:22.679Z",
"avatar": "",
"photos": [
"dateTaken": "2016-01-06T18:53:55.060Z",
"url": "",
"placeLat": "33.2601",
"placeLong": "144.7978"
"dateTaken": "2016-01-06T18:53:55.060Z",
"url": "",
"placeLat": "1.3206",
"placeLong": "128.1190"
"commerce": "604.00",
"name": "Michal",
"address": {
"street": "Ophelia Manors",
"city": "Apt. 499"
"date": "2019-11-15T08:59:17.824Z",
"avatar": "",
"photos": [
"dateTaken": "2016-01-06T18:53:55.060Z",
"url": "",
"placeLat": "-83.2634",
"placeLong": "-36.3521"
"dateTaken": "2016-01-06T18:53:55.060Z",
"url": "",
"placeLat": "22.2511",
"placeLong": "2.0486"

### Some examples of arguments to JSON

| Key | Result |
| --- | :---: |
| address.zipCode | 73318 |
| commerce.department | Toys |
| company.companyName | Grant Group |
| database.type | text |
| date.future | 2016-12-12T14:50:49.361Z |
| lorem.words | itaque nostrum molestiae |

Learn more about arguments that can be passed in JSON in [Faker.js Repo](

## Installation

Clone this repo and run

npm install
npm run build

## Run development server

npm run dev

## Run production server

npm run start

or using docker image

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 slothking/ts-api-faker

## Build

npm run build

## Contribute

Feel free to contact us and contribute. [email protected]

1. fork this repo
2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name
3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
5. Submit a pull request