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A plotly.js React component from Plotly 📈

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A plotly.js React component from Plotly 📈




# react-plotly.js


> A [plotly.js]( React component from
> [Plotly]( The basis of Plotly's
> [React component suite](

👉 [DEMO](

👉 [Demo source code](


## Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- [State management](#state-management)
- [Refreshing the Plot](#refreshing-the-plot)
- [API](#api)
- [Basic props](#basic-props)
- [Event handler props](#event-handler-props)
- [Customizing the `plotly.js` bundle](#customizing-the-plotlyjs-bundle)
- [Loading from a `` tag](#loading-from-a-script-tag)
- [Development](#development)

## Installation

$ npm install react-plotly.js plotly.js

## Quick start

The easiest way to use this component is to import and pass data to a plot component:

import React from 'react';
import Plot from 'react-plotly.js';

class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
x: [1, 2, 3],
y: [2, 6, 3],
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'lines+markers',
marker: {color: 'red'},
{type: 'bar', x: [1, 2, 3], y: [2, 5, 3]},
layout={{width: 320, height: 240, title: 'A Fancy Plot'}}

You should see a plot like this:

<p align="center">
<img src="example.png" alt="Example plot" width="320" height="240">

For a full description of Plotly chart types and attributes see the following resources:

- [Plotly JavaScript API documentation](
- [Full plotly.js attribute listing](

## State management

This is a "dumb" component that doesn't merge its internal state with any updates. This means that if a user interacts with the plot, by zooming or panning for example, any subsequent re-renders will lose this information unless it is captured and upstreamed via the `onUpdate` callback prop.

Here is a simple example of how to capture and store state in a parent object:

class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {data: [], layout: {}, frames: [], config: {}};

render() {
return (
onInitialized={(figure) => this.setState(figure)}
onUpdate={(figure) => this.setState(figure)}

## Refreshing the Plot

This component will refresh the plot via [`Plotly.react`]( if any of the following are true:

- The `revision` prop is defined and has changed, OR;
- One of `data`, `layout` or `config` has changed identity as checked via a shallow `===`, OR;
- The number of elements in `frames` has changed

Furthermore, when called, [`Plotly.react`]( will only refresh the data being plotted if the _identity_ of the data arrays (e.g. `x`, `y`, `marker.color` etc) has changed, or if `layout.datarevision` has changed.

In short, this means that simply adding data points to a trace in `data` or changing a value in `layout` will not cause a plot to update unless this is done immutably via something like [immutability-helper]( if performance considerations permit it, or unless `revision` and/or [`layout.datarevision`]( are used to force a rerender.

## API Reference

### Basic Props

**Warning**: for the time being, this component may _mutate_ its `layout` and `data` props in response to user input, going against React rules. This behaviour will change in the near future once is completed.

| Prop | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------ | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `data` | `Array` | `[]` | list of trace objects (see |
| `layout` | `Object` | `undefined` | layout object (see |
| `frames` | `Array` | `undefined` | list of frame objects (see |
| `config` | `Object` | `undefined` | config object (see |
| `revision` | `Number` | `undefined` | When provided, causes the plot to update when the revision is incremented. |
| `onInitialized` | `Function(figure, graphDiv)` | `undefined` | Callback executed after plot is initialized. See below for parameter information. |
| `onUpdate` | `Function(figure, graphDiv)` | `undefined` | Callback executed when a plot is updated due to new data or layout, or when user interacts with a plot. See below for parameter information. |
| `onPurge` | `Function(figure, graphDiv)` | `undefined` | Callback executed when component unmounts, before `Plotly.purge` strips the `graphDiv` of all private attributes. See below for parameter information. |
| `onError` | `Function(err)` | `undefined` | Callback executed when a plotly.js API method rejects |
| `divId` | `string` | `undefined` | id assigned to the `<div>` into which the plot is rendered. |
| `className` | `string` | `undefined` | applied to the `<div>` into which the plot is rendered |
| `style` | `Object` | `{position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block'}` | used to style the `<div>` into which the plot is rendered |
| `debug` | `Boolean` | `false` | Assign the graph div to `` for debugging |
| `useResizeHandler` | `Boolean` | `false` | When true, adds a call to `Plotly.Plot.resize()` as a `window.resize` event handler |

**Note**: To make a plot responsive, i.e. to fill its containing element and resize when the window is resized, use `style` or `className` to set the dimensions of the element (i.e. using `width: 100%; height: 100%` or some similar values) and set `useResizeHandler` to `true` while setting `layout.autosize` to `true` and leaving `layout.height` and `layout.width` undefined. This can be seen in action in [this CodePen]( and will implement the behaviour documented here:

#### Callback signature: `Function(figure, graphDiv)`

The `onInitialized`, `onUpdate` and `onPurge` props are all functions which will be called with two arguments: `figure` and `graphDiv`.

- `figure` is a serializable object with three keys corresponding to input props: `data`, `layout` and `frames`.
- As mentioned above, for the time being, this component may _mutate_ its `layout` and `data` props in response to user input, going against React rules. This behaviour will change in the near future once is completed.
- `graphDiv` is a reference to the (unserializable) DOM node into which the figure was rendered.

### Event handler props

Event handlers for specific [`plotly.js` events]( may be attached through the following props:

| Prop | Type | Plotly Event |
| ------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------ |
| `onAfterExport` | `Function` | `plotly_afterexport` |
| `onAfterPlot` | `Function` | `plotly_afterplot` |
| `onAnimated` | `Function` | `plotly_animated` |
| `onAnimatingFrame` | `Function` | `plotly_animatingframe` |
| `onAnimationInterrupted` | `Function` | `plotly_animationinterrupted` |
| `onAutoSize` | `Function` | `plotly_autosize` |
| `onBeforeExport` | `Function` | `plotly_beforeexport` |
| `onBeforeHover` | `Function` | `plotly_beforehover` |
| `onButtonClicked` | `Function` | `plotly_buttonclicked` |
| `onClick` | `Function` | `plotly_click` |
| `onClickAnnotation` | `Function` | `plotly_clickannotation` |
| `onDeselect` | `Function` | `plotly_deselect` |
| `onDoubleClick` | `Function` | `plotly_doubleclick` |
| `onFramework` | `Function` | `plotly_framework` |
| `onHover` | `Function` | `plotly_hover` |
| `onLegendClick` | `Function` | `plotly_legendclick` |
| `onLegendDoubleClick` | `Function` | `plotly_legenddoubleclick` |
| `onRelayout` | `Function` | `plotly_relayout` |
| `onRelayouting` | `Function` | `plotly_relayouting` |
| `onRestyle` | `Function` | `plotly_restyle` |
| `onRedraw` | `Function` | `plotly_redraw` |
| `onSelected` | `Function` | `plotly_selected` |
| `onSelecting` | `Function` | `plotly_selecting` |
| `onSliderChange` | `Function` | `plotly_sliderchange` |
| `onSliderEnd` | `Function` | `plotly_sliderend` |
| `onSliderStart` | `Function` | `plotly_sliderstart` |
| `onSunburstClick` | `Function` | `plotly_sunburstclick` |
| `onTransitioning` | `Function` | `plotly_transitioning` |
| `onTransitionInterrupted` | `Function` | `plotly_transitioninterrupted` |
| `onUnhover` | `Function` | `plotly_unhover` |
| `onWebGlContextLost` | `Function` | `plotly_webglcontextlost` |

## Customizing the `plotly.js` bundle

By default, the `Plot` component exported by this library loads a precompiled version of all of `plotly.js`, so `plotly.js` must be installed as a peer dependency. This bundle is around 6Mb unminified, and minifies to just over 2Mb.

If you do not wish to use this version of `plotly.js`, e.g. if you want to use a [different precompiled bundle]( or if your wish to [assemble you own customized bundle](, or if you wish to load `plotly.js` [from a CDN](, you can skip the installation of as a peer dependency (and ignore the resulting warning) and use the `createPlotComponent` method to get a `Plot` component, instead of importing it:

// simplest method: uses precompiled complete bundle from `plotly.js`
import Plot from 'react-plotly.js';

// customizable method: use your own `Plotly` object
import createPlotlyComponent from 'react-plotly.js/factory';
const Plot = createPlotlyComponent(Plotly);

## Loading from a `<script>` tag

For quick one-off demos on [CodePen]( or [JSFiddle](, you may wish to just load the component directly as a script tag. We don't host the bundle directly, so you should never rely on this to work forever or in production, but you can use a third-party service to load the factory version of the component from, for example, [](

You can load plotly.js and the component factory with:

<script src="">


And instantiate the component with

const Plot = createPlotlyComponent(Plotly);

React.createElement(Plot, {
data: [{x: [1, 2, 3], y: [2, 1, 3]}],

You can see an example of this method in action

## Development

To get started:

$ npm install

To transpile from ES2015 + JSX into the ES5 npm-distributed version:

$ npm run prepublishOnly

To run the tests:

$ npm run test

## License

© 2017-2020 Plotly, Inc. MIT License.