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Telegram bot for prometheus alerting

Last synced: 23 days ago
JSON representation

Telegram bot for prometheus alerting




- [prometheus_bot](#prometheus-bot)
* [Compile](#compile)
* [Usage](#usage)
+ [Configuring alert manager](#configuring-alert-manager)
* [Test](#test)
+ [Create your own test](#create-your-own-test)
* [Customising messages with template](#customising-messages-with-template)
+ [Template extra functions](#template-extra-functions)
- [Support this functions list](#support-this-functions-list)
* [Production example](#production-example)

# prometheus_bot

This bot is designed to alert messages from [alertmanager](

## Compile

[GOPATH related doc](
export GOPATH="your go path"
make clean

## Usage

1. Create Telegram bot with [BotFather](, it will return your bot token

2. Specify telegram token in ```config.yaml```:

telegram_token: "token goes here"
# ONLY IF YOU USING DATA FORMATTING FUNCTION, NOTE for developer: important or test fail
time_outdata: "02/01/2006 15:04:05"
template_path: "template.tmpl" # ONLY IF YOU USING TEMPLATE
time_zone: "Europe/Rome" # ONLY IF YOU USING TEMPLATE
split_msg_byte: 4000
send_only: true # use bot only to send messages.

3. Run ```telegram_bot```. See ```prometheus_bot --help``` for command line options
3. Get chat ID with one of two ways
1. Start conversation, send message to bot mentioning it
2. Add your bot to a group. It should report group id now. To get ID of a group if bot is already a member [send a message that starts with `/`](

### Configuring alert manager

Alert manager configuration file:

- name: 'admins'
- send_resolved: True

Replace ```chat_id``` with the value you got from your bot, ***with everything inside the quotes***.
(Some chat_id's start with a ```-```, in this case, you must also include the ```-``` in the url)
To use multiple chats just add more receivers.

If you want send messages to topic chat, append ```topic_id``` after ```chat_id```.
- name: 'admins'
- send_resolved: True

## Test

To run tests with `make test` you have to:

- Create `config.yml` with a valid telegram API key and timezone in the project directory
- Create `prometheus_bot` executable binary in the project directory
- Define chat ID with `TELEGRAM_CHATID` environment variable
- Ensure port `9087` on localhost is available to bind to

make test
### Create your own test
When alert manager send alert to telegram bot, *only debug flag ```-d```* Telegram bot will dump json in that generate alert, in stdout.
You can copy paste this from json for your test, by creating new .json.
Test will send ```*.json``` file into ```testdata``` folder



## Customising messages with template

This bot support [go templating language](
Use it for customising your message.

To enable template set these settings in your ```config.yaml``` or template will be skipped.

telegram_token: "token here"
template_path: "template.tmpl" # your template file name
time_zone: "Europe/Rome" # your time zone check it out from WIKI
split_token: "|" # token used for split measure label.
disable_notification: true # disable notification for messages.

You can also pass template path with `-t` command line argument, it has higher priority than the config option.

[WIKI List of tz database time zones](

Best way for build your custom template is:
- Enable bot with ```-d``` flag
- Catch some of your alerts in json, then copy it from bot STDOUT
- Save json in testdata/yourname.json
- Launch ```make test```

```-d``` options will enable ```debug``` mode and template file will reload every message, else template is load once on startup.

Is provided as [default template file](testdata/default.tmpl) with all possibile variable.
Remember that telegram bot support HTML tag. Check [telegram doc here]( for list of aviable tags.

### Template extra functions
Template language support many different functions for text, number and data formatting.

#### Support this functions list

- ```str_UpperCase```: Convert string to uppercase
- ```str_LowerCase```: Convert string to lowercase
- ```str_Title```: Convert string in Title, "title" --> "Title" fist letter become Uppercase
- DEPRECATED ```str_Format_Byte```: Convert number expressed in ```Byte``` to number in related measure unit. It use ```strconv.ParseFloat(..., 64)``` take look at go related doc for possible input format, usually every think '35.95e+06' is correct converted.
- 35'000'000 [Kb] will converter to '35 Gb'
- 89'000 [Kb] will converter to '89 Mb'
- ```str_Format_MeasureUnit```: Convert string to scaled number and add append measure unit label. For add measure unit label you could add it in prometheus alerting rule. Example of working: 8*e10 become 80G. You cuold also start from a different scale, example kilo:"s|g|3". Check production example for complete implementation. Require ```split_token: "|"``` in conf.yaml
- ```HasKey```: Param:dict map, key_search string Search in map if there requeted key

- ```str_FormatDate```: Convert prometheus string date in your preferred date time format, config file param ```time_outdata``` could be used for setup your favourite format
Require more setting in your cofig.yaml
time_zone: "Europe/Rome"
time_outdata: "02/01/2006 15:04:05"
[WIKI List of tz database time zones](

## Production example

Production example contains a example of how could be a real template.


It could be a base, for build a real template, or simply copy some part, check-out how to use functions.
Sysadmin usually love copy.