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F# to JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Rust and Dart Compiler

dart fsharp javascript python rust typescript

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F# to JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Rust and Dart Compiler




# Fable: F# |> JS

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Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler powered [FSharp Compiler Services](, designed to make F# a first-class citizen of the JavaScript ecosystem. [Check the website]( for more information and if you find the project useful, don't forget to give us a star!

> Fable actually uses a fork of FCS with a few tweaks. Binaries are in `lib/fcs` folder. See [this PR]( for more info.

## Getting started

Check [this page](

## Building

### Requirements

#### Use VSCode Dev Container

You can use VSCode Dev Container to get a preconfigured environment both with requirements and VSCode extensions.

1. You need to have docker installed and running.
2. [Install the Dev Container extension in VSCode](vscode:extension/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers)
3. Open the project in VSCode and click on the green button in the bottom left corner.

#### Use your machine

Make sure the following **requirements** are installed in your system:

- [dotnet SDK 6 or higher](
- [node.js]( with npm
- [Python 3]( is installed and available as `python`
- [Poetry](
- [Rust](
- [Dart](

### Build

Run `./` or `./build.cmd` to see the build options.

When using VSCode, you can also run the build tasks from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) by typing `Run Task` and selecting the task you want to run.

We also configured several debug configurations that you can use from the debug panel (Ctrl+Shift+D). This is useful as you can attach the debugger to the Fable compiler process to check what's going on.

## Contributing

Just by using Fable you're already contributing! You can help the community a lot by sharing examples and experiences in your personal (or Fable's) blog and/or by editing the [Fable Resources]( page.

Send bug reports (ideally with minimal code to reproduce the problem) and feature requests to this [GitHub repository]( To interact with the community you can use the [Gitter chat]( but please note maintainers are not checking the chat regularly.

If you are up to contribute a fix or a feature yourself, you're more than welcome! Please send first an issue or a minimal Work In Progess PR so we can discuss the implementation details in advance.