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FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.

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FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.




**Detectron is deprecated. Please see [detectron2](, a ground-up rewrite of Detectron in PyTorch.**

# Detectron

Detectron is Facebook AI Research's software system that implements state-of-the-art object detection algorithms, including [Mask R-CNN]( It is written in Python and powered by the [Caffe2]( deep learning framework.

At FAIR, Detectron has enabled numerous research projects, including: [Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection](, [Mask R-CNN](, [Detecting and Recognizing Human-Object Interactions](, [Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection](, [Non-local Neural Networks](, [Learning to Segment Every Thing](, [Data Distillation: Towards Omni-Supervised Learning](, [DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation In The Wild](, and [Group Normalization](

Example Mask R-CNN output.

## Introduction

The goal of Detectron is to provide a high-quality, high-performance
codebase for object detection *research*. It is designed to be flexible in order
to support rapid implementation and evaluation of novel research. Detectron
includes implementations of the following object detection algorithms:

- [Mask R-CNN]( -- *Marr Prize at ICCV 2017*
- [RetinaNet]( -- *Best Student Paper Award at ICCV 2017*
- [Faster R-CNN](
- [RPN](
- [Fast R-CNN](
- [R-FCN](

using the following backbone network architectures:

- [ResNeXt{50,101,152}](
- [ResNet{50,101,152}](
- [Feature Pyramid Networks]( (with ResNet/ResNeXt)
- [VGG16](

Additional backbone architectures may be easily implemented. For more details about these models, please see [References](#references) below.

## Update

- 4/2018: Support Group Normalization - see [`GN/`](./projects/GN/

## License

Detectron is released under the [Apache 2.0 license]( See the [NOTICE]( file for additional details.

## Citing Detectron

If you use Detectron in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results published in the [Model Zoo](, please use the following BibTeX entry.

author = {Ross Girshick and Ilija Radosavovic and Georgia Gkioxari and
Piotr Doll\'{a}r and Kaiming He},
title = {Detectron},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2018}

## Model Zoo and Baselines

We provide a large set of baseline results and trained models available for download in the [Detectron Model Zoo](

## Installation

Please find installation instructions for Caffe2 and Detectron in [``](

## Quick Start: Using Detectron

After installation, please see [``]( for brief tutorials covering inference and training with Detectron.

## Getting Help

To start, please check the [troubleshooting]( section of our installation instructions as well as our [FAQ]( If you couldn't find help there, try searching our GitHub issues. We intend the issues page to be a forum in which the community collectively troubleshoots problems.

If bugs are found, **we appreciate pull requests** (including adding Q&A's to `` and improving our installation instructions and troubleshooting documents). Please see []( for more information about contributing to Detectron.

## References

- [Data Distillation: Towards Omni-Supervised Learning](
Ilija Radosavovic, Piotr Dollár, Ross Girshick, Georgia Gkioxari, and Kaiming He.
Tech report, arXiv, Dec. 2017.
- [Learning to Segment Every Thing](
Ronghang Hu, Piotr Dollár, Kaiming He, Trevor Darrell, and Ross Girshick.
Tech report, arXiv, Nov. 2017.
- [Non-Local Neural Networks](
Xiaolong Wang, Ross Girshick, Abhinav Gupta, and Kaiming He.
Tech report, arXiv, Nov. 2017.
- [Mask R-CNN](
Kaiming He, Georgia Gkioxari, Piotr Dollár, and Ross Girshick.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017.
- [Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection](
Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He, and Piotr Dollár.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017.
- [Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour](
Priya Goyal, Piotr Dollár, Ross Girshick, Pieter Noordhuis, Lukasz Wesolowski, Aapo Kyrola, Andrew Tulloch, Yangqing Jia, and Kaiming He.
Tech report, arXiv, June 2017.
- [Detecting and Recognizing Human-Object Interactions](
Georgia Gkioxari, Ross Girshick, Piotr Dollár, and Kaiming He.
Tech report, arXiv, Apr. 2017.
- [Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection](
Tsung-Yi Lin, Piotr Dollár, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He, Bharath Hariharan, and Serge Belongie.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017.
- [Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks](
Saining Xie, Ross Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Zhuowen Tu, and Kaiming He.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017.
- [R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks](
Jifeng Dai, Yi Li, Kaiming He, and Jian Sun.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016.
- [Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition](
Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
- [Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks](
Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming He, Ross Girshick, and Jian Sun.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015.
- [Fast R-CNN](
Ross Girshick.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015.