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Instant Previews LaTeX snippets in Org-mode

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Instant Previews LaTeX snippets in Org-mode




#+TITLE: org-latex-impatient
=org-latex-impatient= provides instant preview of LaTeX snippets via MathJax outputed SVG. Unlike [[][webkit-katex-render]], this does not need xwidget support. Currently =org-mode= and its derived modes, e.g. org-journal, are fully supported. =Markdown-mode= support is new, but seems decent as long as you have correct highlight for math fragments. Support for =latex-mode= is experimental and under construction (no support for custom =\newcommand= yet).
* Dependencies
- [[][Names]]
- [[][MathJax-node]]
- [[][MathJax-node-cli]]
- [[][posframe]]

* Installation
You can install =MathJax-node-cli= via ~npm~:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
npm install mathjax-node-cli
You need to set ~org-latex-impatient-tex2svg-bin~ to the location of the executable ~tex2svg~.

* Usage
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org-latex-impatient
:defer t
:hook (org-mode . org-latex-impatient-mode)
(setq org-latex-impatient-tex2svg-bin
;; location of tex2svg executable
Or just enable minor mode ~org-latex-impatient-mode~ manually when it is needed.

* Customization
- ~org-latex-impatient-delay~: change the number of seconds to wait before re-compilation after Emacs is idle. Default to be 0.1.
- ~org-latex-impatient-tex2svg-bin~: set the location of ~tex2svg~ executable.
- ~org-latex-impatient-border-color~: border color.
- ~org-latex-impatient-border-width~: border width (an integer), 0 will disable border.
- ~org-latex-impatient-scale~: set the scale of the preview. Due to limitations in the way Emacs handles SVG pictures, it is implemented by manipulating SVG directly.
- ~org-latex-impatient-posframe-position~: at which point shall the posframe be positioned. Can take two choices, ~point~ at the current point, or ~tex-end~ at the end of the LaTeX snippet. See the next option for detail.
- ~org-latex-impatient-posframe-position-handler~: set the posframe position handler.
Default value is ~org-latex-impatient-poshandler~, which uses end point of current LaTeX fragment for inline math, and centering right below the end point otherwise. You might want to use ~posframe-poshandler-point-bottom-left-corner~ for showing it using the point specified by ~org-latex-impatient-posframe-position~, or ~posframe-poshandler-point-window-center~ for a position centering right below the end point. Check the documentation of ~posframe-show~ for other options.
- ~org-latex-impatient-user-latex-definitions~: custom LaTeX definitions used in the preview. Should be a list of strings. Default: ~'("\\newcommand{\\ensuremath}[1]{#1}" "\\renewcommand{\\usepackage}[2][]{}")~, which handles ~\ensuremath~ correctly for =MathJax=. In general, it is recommended to add your custom LaTeX command via the following:
,#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\someNewCommand}{Some Definition}
- ~org-latex-impatient-inhibit-envs~: a list of LaTeX environments. If a LaTeX fragment contains one of them, preview will be disabled. This exists to avoid previewing environments unsupported by MathJax, e.g. =tikzpicture=.
- ~org-latex-impatient-inhibit-commands~: a list of LaTeX commands. If a LaTeX fragment contains one of them, preview will be disabled. This exists to avoid previewing commands unsupported by MathJax, e.g. =\tikz=


** TeX parse error: Undefined control sequence
There are many LaTeX commands that are not supported by MathJax, therefore also unsupported by =org-latex-impatient-mode=. Mostly, such commands are not important for a preview.

If this is the case, you can /ignore/ it by override its definition with a place holder in ~org-latex-impatient-user-definitions~. For example, if you are using beamer, you would be calling ~\setbeamertemplate~ in the setup file or header. You will see errors like "TeX parse error: Undefined control sequence =\setbeamercolor=". This is a command that receives two parameters, so you can run
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-latex-impatient-user-latex-definitions "\\renewcommand{\\setbeamertemplate}[2]{}" t)
It is recommended to override top level commands for obvious reasons. Repeat this process for every such command.

Since most LaTeX packages are not relevant in math preview, we assume that *all* package usage are not necessary in producing a preview, and override the ~\usepackage~ call in the header. +If this prevents you from using certain commands defined by an external package, add this in the *front* of ~org-latex-impatient-user-latex-definitions~ like the following:+
# #+begin_src emacs-lisp
# (add-to-list 'org-latex-impatient-user-latex-definitions "\\usepackage{somepackge}") ;
# #+end_src

* Known Issue
- Some SVG files get cropped slightly more than it should. This happens with =librsvg= 2.45 or below. It can also happen on Emacs 28, problem introduced in commit =8f42b94f= and fixed in =b42481e2=. ([[][bug #44065]])
- Some report problem of showing scaled SVG on Mac OSX. A workaround is to avoid customization of ~org-latex-impatient-scale~.
- For ~latex-mode~, currently we do not support customized ~newcommand~ or ~renewcommand~. One workaround is to manually add the definitions to ~org-latex-impatient-user-latex-definitions~.

* Future Plans
- Add support for ~latex-mode~. There is experimental support, but it does not support any customized commands. Such a support would require either parsing =tex= file, or actually compiling a =tex= file with ~latex/pdflatex/xelatex~.
- Use ~latex/pdflatex/xelatex~ for image generation instead of ~mathjax~. Some progress made, but needs refactoring to make things consistent.
- Support for scaling in different Emacs versions.

* License
This piece work is licensed under GPLv3.