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Consume the Twitter Stream API in real-time.

package php twitter twitter-api twitter-api-stream

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Consume the Twitter Stream API in real-time.




# Twitter Stream API (v2)

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Consume the Twitter Stream API v2 in real-time.

This package is the spiritual successor of `fennb/phirehose`. It also uses some of `salsify/jsonstreamingparser` and `maxakawizard/json-collection-parser`.

## Getting started

You need an approved developer account. If you don't have
one, [apply here](
Once you are in, create an "Application" in the Developer Portal and generate a new bearer token.

> Requires [PHP 8.1+](

You can install the package via composer:

composer require redwebcreation/twitter-stream-api

Then, create a connection:

$connection = new \Felix\TwitterStream\TwitterConnection(
bearerToken: '...' # the one you got from the Developer Portal

## Usage

### Streams

* [\Felix\TwitterStream\Streams\VolumeStream](src/Streams/VolumeStream.php)
* [\Felix\TwitterStream\Streams\FilteredStream](src/Streams/FilteredStream.php)

### Creating a stream

$stream = new \Felix\TwitterStream\Streams\VolumeStream();
// or
$stream = new \Felix\TwitterStream\Streams\FilteredStream();

### Configuring a stream

* `withTweetLimit(int)` - Limit the number of tweets a connection should process
* `fields(string[])` - See [Fields](#fields)
* `expansions(...string)` - See [Expansions](#expansions)

#### For advanced use

* `withBufferSize(int = 85)` - How many bytes should the parser store before trying to parse the JSON, on very
high-volume streams, using a larger buffer size is recommended (2500, 10000, depending on the volume). Setting to a big
value > 2000 on a low-volume stream would result in 0 tweets being processed until there are enough tweets in the buffer.

### Interacting with a stream

* `stopListening()` - Stops listening to the stream.
* `createdAt(): int` - The UNIX timestamp at which you started listening
* `timeElapsedInSeconds(): int` - How much time passed since you started listening
* `tweetsReceived(): int` - How much the stream sent

#### For advanced use

* `response(): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface` - The response sent by Twitter

### Listening to a stream

$stream->listen($connection, function (object $tweet) {
echo $tweet->data->text . PHP_EOL;

## Filtering the stream

**This part only applies if you're interested in the *filtered stream*.**

### Building a rule

> Note, If you change your rules while connected to the stream, Twitter will use the new rules immediately.

#### Save, read and delete rules

> You can not update rules.

use Felix\TwitterStream\Rule\RuleManager;

$rule = new RuleManager($connection);

Let's create a rule:

# tweets must contain the word cat and have at least one image
"cat has:images",
"images of cats"

You may now retrieve your newly saved rule:


Which returns an array of `Felix\TwitterStream\Rule\Rule`:

0 => Felix\TwitterStream\Rule\Rule{
+value: "cat has:images",
+tag: "images of cats",
+id: "4567654567654567654"
> Note, the `Felix\TwitterStream\Rule\Rule` is merely a Data Object, it does not contain any method.

To delete the rule pass its ID to the `delete` method:

##### Batch Processing

To save many rules at once:

use Felix\TwitterStream\Rule\Rule;

new Rule("cats has:images", "cat pictures"),
new Rule("dogs has:images", "dog pictures"),
new Rule("horses has:images", "horse picture"),

To delete these new rules,

'[RULE ID]',
'[RULE ID]',
'[RULE ID]',

#### Validating your rules

You can either use the `validate()` method:

# returns a list of errors
$errors = $rule->validate('cats ha:images');

Or, the `save` and `saveMany` method both have a dryRun parameter:

$rule->save('...', '...', dryRun: true);

$rule->saveMany([...], dryRun: true);

#### Rule Builder

Every operator is available, here's an example:

$rule->new('listening to music')

You may also use `and[Operator]`, `or[Operator]`, for example `orNotFrom('ID')` or `andBioLocation('location')`.

Compiling this would produce the following:
#nowplaying -is:retweet lang:en sample:10

##### Tips
* To directly add a string to the rule, use `raw(string)`
* You may call `dump()` or `dd()` to quickly debug your rule.
* `and` is the default operator, you may omit it. For example, `andIsNotRetweet()` is the same as `isNotRetweet()`.

## Fields

Fields allow for more customization regarding the payload returned per tweet. Let's see that in an example below:

'tweet' => 'author_id'
// or,
// 'tweet' => ['author_id', '...']

Which could return:

"data": {
"id": "1234321234321234321",
"text": "Hello world!",
"author_id": "5678765678765678765"

Here's the list of all the available field types and their respective object model (last updated: Aug. 2022):

* Tweet
* User
* Media
* Poll
* Place

You can also check out [Twitter’s documentation]( for more

## Expansions

Expansions let you expand ids to their complete object, for example, if you request an extra author_id field, you may
expand it using the author_id expansion:

->fields(['tweet' => 'author_id'])

Which could return:

"data": {
"id": "1234321234321234321",
"text": "Hello world!",
"author_id": "5678765678765678765"
"includes": {
"users": [
"id": "5678765678765678765",
"name": "John Doe",
"username": "johndoe"

The list of expansions is quite extensive and not all expansions work the same, please check
out [Twitter's documentation]( on the subject.

## Testing

composer test

**Twitter Stream API** was created by [Félix Dorn]( under
the [MIT License](