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Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with Variational Inference based on Bayes by Backprop in PyTorch.

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Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with Variational Inference based on Bayes by Backprop in PyTorch.




[![Python 3.7+](](
[![Pytorch 1.3](](
[![License: MIT](](

We introduce **Bayesian convolutional neural networks with variational inference**, a variant of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in which the intractable posterior probability distributions over weights are inferred by **Bayes by Backprop**. We demonstrate how our proposed variational inference method achieves performances equivalent to frequentist inference in identical architectures on several datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100) as described in the [paper](


### Filter weight distributions in a Bayesian Vs Frequentist approach

![Distribution over weights in a CNN's filter.](experiments/figures/BayesCNNwithdist.png)


### Fully Bayesian perspective of an entire CNN

![Distributions must be over weights in convolutional layers and weights in fully-connected layers.](experiments/figures/CNNwithdist_git.png)


### Layer types

This repository contains two types of bayesian lauer implementation:
* **BBB (Bayes by Backprop):**
Based on [this paper]( This layer samples all the weights individually and then combines them with the inputs to compute a sample from the activations.

* **BBB_LRT (Bayes by Backprop w/ Local Reparametrization Trick):**
This layer combines Bayes by Backprop with local reparametrization trick from [this paper]( This trick makes it possible to directly sample from the distribution over activations.

### Make your custom Bayesian Network?
To make a custom Bayesian Network, inherit `layers.misc.ModuleWrapper` instead of `torch.nn.Module` and use `BBBLinear` and `BBBConv2d` from any of the given layers (`BBB` or `BBB_LRT`) instead of `torch.nn.Linear` and `torch.nn.Conv2d`. Moreover, no need to define `forward` method. It'll automatically be taken care of by `ModuleWrapper`.

For example:
class Net(nn.Module):

def __init__(self):
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 16, 5, strides=2) = nn.BatchNorm2d(16)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.fc = nn.Linear(800, 10)

def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv(x)
x =
x = self.relu(x)
x = x.view(-1, 800)
x = self.fc(x)
return x
Above Network can be converted to Bayesian as follows:
class Net(ModuleWrapper):

def __init__(self):
self.conv = BBBConv2d(3, 16, 5, strides=2) = nn.BatchNorm2d(16)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.flatten = FlattenLayer(800)
self.fc = BBBLinear(800, 10)

#### Notes:
1. Add `FlattenLayer` before first `BBBLinear` block.
2. `forward` method of the model will return a tuple as `(logits, kl)`.
3. `priors` can be passed as an argument to the layers. Default value is:
'prior_mu': 0,
'prior_sigma': 0.1,
'posterior_mu_initial': (0, 0.1), # (mean, std) normal_
'posterior_rho_initial': (-3, 0.1), # (mean, std) normal_


### How to perform standard experiments?
Currently, following datasets and models are supported.
* Datasets: MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100
* Models: AlexNet, LeNet, 3Conv3FC

#### Bayesian

* set hyperparameters in ``

#### Frequentist

* set hyperparameters in ``


### Directory Structure:
`layers/`: Contains `ModuleWrapper`, `FlattenLayer`, `BBBLinear` and `BBBConv2d`.
`models/BayesianModels/`: Contains standard Bayesian models (BBBLeNet, BBBAlexNet, BBB3Conv3FC).
`models/NonBayesianModels/`: Contains standard Non-Bayesian models (LeNet, AlexNet).
`checkpoints/`: Checkpoint directory: Models will be saved here.
`tests/`: Basic unittest cases for layers and models.
``: Train and Evaluate Bayesian models.
``: Hyperparameters for `main_bayesian` file.
``: Train and Evaluate non-Bayesian (Frequentist) models.
``: Hyperparameters for `main_frequentist` file.


### Uncertainty Estimation:
There are two types of uncertainties: **Aleatoric** and **Epistemic**.
Aleatoric uncertainty is a measure for the variation of data and Epistemic uncertainty is caused by the model.
Here, two methods are provided in ``, those are `'softmax'` & `'normalized'` and are respectively based on equation 4 from [this paper]( and equation 15 from [this paper](
Also, `` can be used to compare uncertainties by a Bayesian Neural Network on `MNIST` and `notMNIST` dataset. You can provide arguments like:
1. `net_type`: `lenet`, `alexnet` or `3conv3fc`. Default is `lenet`.
2. `weights_path`: Weights for the given `net_type`. Default is `'checkpoints/MNIST/bayesian/'`.
3. `not_mnist_dir`: Directory of `notMNIST` dataset. Default is `'data\'`.
4. `num_batches`: Number of batches for which uncertainties need to be calculated.

1. You need to download the [notMNIST]( dataset from [here](
2. Parameters `layer_type` and `activation_type` used in `` needs to be set from `` in order to match with provided weights.


If you are using this work, please cite:

title={A comprehensive guide to bayesian convolutional neural network with variational inference},
author={Shridhar, Kumar and Laumann, Felix and Liwicki, Marcus},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02731},

title={Uncertainty estimations by softplus normalization in bayesian convolutional neural networks with variational inference},
author={Shridhar, Kumar and Laumann, Felix and Liwicki, Marcus},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.05978},
