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Manifolds.jl provides a library of manifolds aiming for an easy-to-use and fast implementation.

julia manifolds

Last synced: 27 days ago
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Manifolds.jl provides a library of manifolds aiming for an easy-to-use and fast implementation.




Manifolds.jl logo with text on the side

| **Documentation** | **Source** | **Citation** |
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Package __Manifolds.jl__ aims to provide both a unified interface to define and
use manifolds as well as a library of manifolds to use for your projects.
This package is mostly stable, see for planned upcoming changes.

## Getting started

To install the package just type

using Pkg; Pkg.add("Manifolds")

Then you can directly start, for example to stop half way from the north pole on the [`Sphere`]( to a point on the equator, you can generate the [`shortest_geodesic`]({AbstractManifold,%20Any,%20Any}).
It internally employs [`exp`]({AbstractManifold,%20Any,%20Any}) and [`log`]({AbstractManifold,%20Any,%20Any}).

using Manifolds
M = Sphere(2)
γ = shortest_geodesic(M, [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.])

## Ecosystem highlights

* A wide selection of Riemannian manifolds like spheres, hyperbolic spaces, Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds.
* Support for optimization on manifolds using [Manopt.jl](
* Support for many operations used in optimization and manifold-valued statistics with a focus on performance and ease of use.
* Connection manifolds.
* Lie groups.
* Atlases, charts and custom metrics (work in progress).
* A lightweight interface package: [ManifoldsBase.jl](
* Differential equations on manifolds: [ManifoldDiffEq.jl](
* Finite differences and automatic differentiation on manifolds using [ManifoldDiff.jl]( (work in progress).
* Integration and measures on manifolds: [ManifoldMeasures.jl]( (work in progress).
* Functional manifolds: [FunManifolds.jl]( (work in progress).

## Support

If you have any questions regarding the Manifolds.jl ecosystem feel free to reach us using [Github discussion forums](, [Julia Slack](, [Julia Zulip]( or [Julia discourse]( forums. We are interested in new applications and methods on manifolds -- sharing your work is welcome!

## Citation

If you use `Manifolds.jl` in your work, please cite the following open access article

AUTHOR = {Axen, Seth D. and Baran, Mateusz and Bergmann, Ronny and Rzecki, Krzysztof},
DOI = {10.1145/3618296},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
MONTH = {dec},
NUMBER = {4},
TITLE = {Manifolds.Jl: An Extensible Julia Framework for Data Analysis on Manifolds},
VOLUME = {49},
YEAR = {2023}

To refer to a certain version we recommend to also cite for example

Author = {Seth D. Axen and Mateusz Baran and Ronny Bergmann},
Title = {Manifolds.jl},
Doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.4292129},
Url = {},
Publisher = {Zenodo},
Year = {2021},
Copyright = {MIT License}

for the most recent version or a corresponding version specific DOI, see [the list of all versions](
Note that both citations are in [BibLaTeX]( format.