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A general purpose application launcher for X and wayland inspired by rofi/wofi and alfred

alfred app-launcher application-launcher dmenu launcher rofi wayland wofi xorg

Last synced: 27 days ago
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A general purpose application launcher for X and wayland inspired by rofi/wofi and alfred




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Get Started

A general purpose application launcher for X and wayland inspired

by rofi/wofi and alfred,

build with iced
and pop-launcher.


Onagre is build on top of [pop-launcher]( which makes it very versatile.
The pop-launcher plugin system allow you to extend Onagre with plugins from the community or even write your own
using any programming language.

## Features

- Works on x11 and wayland.
- Fully customizable theme.
- Default plugins: calc, files, pop_shell, recent, terminal, desktop entries, find, pulse, scripts, web.
- Can be extended with [pop-launcher]( plugins.

## Install

- [pop-launcher]( > 1.0.1 (for arch users there is and AUR package out there)
- [Qalculate]( (optional)

[![Packaging status](](

If there is no distro package available for Onagre in your preferred manager,
you need Rust and [cargo]( to build it.

**From source:**

git clone
cd onagre
cargo build --release --locked
sudo mv target/release/onagre /usr/bin/onagre

**Latest release with cargo:**

cargo install --git --tag 1.0.0

**Latest upstream with cargo:**

cargo install --git

## Usage

**1. Key bindings:**

| Key | Action |
| `Arrow up/down` | Change selection |
| `Tab` | Autocomplete (in files mode) |
| `Esc` | Quit without launching |
| `Enter` | Launch selection |

**2. Plugins:**

To use a plugin simply match its regex when typing your query.

For instance the `file` plugin will match `^(/|~).*`, typing `~/` would enable the plugin and start the file navigation.

Plugin with no prefix are enabled by default, there entry will be mixed in the search results.

**Default plugins:**

| Mode | Description | Prefix | Configuration |
| History | Display the most used desktop entries on start | | |
| PopLauncher | Search for desktop entries | | |
| Pulse | Control PulseAudio devices and volume | | |
| Script | Shell scripts as launcher options | | `$HOME/.local/share/pop-launcher/scripts` |
| Terminal | Terminal or background commands | 'run ' | |
| Web | Web search | 'ddg ', 'g', ... | `$HOME/.local/share/pop-launcher/plugins/web/config.ron` |
| Files | Find files using fd/find | 'find ' | |
| Recent | Recently-opened document search | 'recent ' | |
| Calc | Calculator with unit conversion (uses Qalculate! expressions) | '= ' | |
| Help | List available pop-launcher modes | '?' | |

## Theming

Onagre will look for a theme file in `$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/onagre/theme.scss` and will fallback to the default theme if none
is found or if your theme contains syntax errors. To ensure your theme is correctly formatted run `onagre` from the terminal.

For a detailed guide refer to [wiki -> theming](
, or take a look at the [theme examples directory](docs/theme_examples).

## Gallery


*Default theme*


[*Murz*](docs/theme_examples/murz.scss) (credit to [murz](












## Related projects

- [pop-launcher](
- [pop-shell](
- [cosmic-launcher](

## Code of conduct

This project is bound by a [code of conduct]( based on the [contributor covenant]( if you are not familiar with it, and want to contribute please, read it before going further.

## Contributing

Having a question or suggestion for a new feature ? Feel free to open an issue or submit a PR.
Currently, what we need the most is feedback from users using different window managers and hardware.
If Onagre does not work out of the box for you *please let us know*, so we can fix it.

## License

All the code in this repository is released under the MIT License, for more information take a look at the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.

## Thanks

Credit to [@themou3ad]( for the logo!