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Magically generate all the @font-face rules

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Magically generate all the @font-face rules




# Font Magician [![test](](

[Font Magician] is a [PostCSS] plugin that magically generates all of your `@font-face` rules. Never write a `@font-face` rule again.

Just use the **font** and **font-family** properties as if they were magic.

/* before */

body {
font-family: "Alice";

/* after */

@font-face {
font-family: "Alice";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local("Alice"), local("Alice-Regular"),
url("") format("eot"),
url("") format("woff2"),
url("") format("woff"),
url("") format("truetype")

body {
font-family: "Alice";

* Want to use **[Google Fonts](#foundries)**? I’ll add them for you.
* Want to use **Material Icons**?
body {
font-family: "Material Icons";
* Want to use the visitor’s **local** copy of a font? Done.
* Want to **[host](#hosted)** your own fonts? Just tell me where they are, and I’ll do the rest.
* Want to load a font **[async](#async)** and only use it after it has been loaded? I can do that too.
* Want to use **[Bootstrap](#foundries)** typography? Beautiful, fully-stacked families for **serif**, **sans-serif**, and **monospace** are waiting for you.

Seriously, never write a `@font-face` rule again.

Need more? Request additional magic by [creating an issue].

## Installation

Add [Font Magician] to your build tool.
npm install postcss postcss-font-magician --save-dev
yarn add postcss postcss-font-magician --dev

### Node

Use [Font Magician] in your script:
const fs = require('fs');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const pfm = require('postcss-font-magician');
pfm({ /* options */ })
fs.readFileSync('./css/src/style.css', 'utf8')
).then(function (result) {
fs.writeFileSync('./css/style.css', result.css);

### Webpack

Use [Font Magician] in your webpack.config.js:

*Webpack 1.x*

postcss: function () {
return [
variants: {
'Roboto Condensed': {
'300': [],
'400': [],
'700': []
foundries: ['google']

*Webpack 2.x*

plugins: [
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {
postcss: [
variants: {
'Roboto Condensed': {
'300': [],
'400': [],
'700': []
foundries: ['google']

*Webpack 3+*

module.exports = {
plugins: {
'postcss-font-magician': {
variants: {
'Roboto Condensed': {
'300': [],
'400': [],
'700': []
foundries: ['google']

loader: 'postcss-loader',
options: {
config: {
path: 'path/to/postcss.config.js'

### Grunt

Use [Font Magician] in your Gruntfile:

postcss: {
options: {
processors: [
require('postcss-font-magician')({ /* options */ })
src: './css/src/*.css',
dest: './css'

### Gulp

Use [Font Magician] in your Gulpfile:
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');

gulp.task('css', function () {
return gulp.src('./css/src/*.css').pipe(
require('postcss-font-magician')({ /* options */ })

## Options

### variants

Want to download only specific font weights, styles and formats?

variants: {
'Open Sans': {
'300': ['woff, eot, woff2'],
'400 italic': ['woff2']

The plugin will download the font only selected weights, styles and formats.

### unicode-range

Need to support [unicode-range]( You can use both the names of the subsets of Google fonts (e.g. 'latin-ext' or 'cyrillic') and specific unicode ranges values. You can use it as a second element in an option array.

variants: {
'Open Sans': {
'300': ['woff2', 'cyrillic-ext, greek'],
'400 italic': ['woff2', 'U+0100-024F, U+1E00-1EFF, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF']

### font-stretch

Need to support [font-stretch]( You can use it as a 2nd or 3rd params in an option key.

variants: {
'Open Sans': {
'300 ultra-condensed': ['woff, eot, woff2'],
'400 italic': ['woff2'],
'400 italic semi-expanded': ['woff2']

### font-display

Need to control how custom fonts display when they loading? You can use [font-display]( css rule.

display: 'swap'

### hosted

Have a directory of self-hosted fonts?

hosted: ['./src/fonts', /custom/path/to/fonts/on/site]

The directory will be scanned for font files, which will be read and automatically added if they are used in the document.

**Please note** that at the moment the plugin doesn't detect woff2 fonts

The first argument of `hosted` array is required and it should be a path that related to the project root. i.e. `./src/fonts`
In this case, the path to the fonts folder structure must match the structure of the path to the fonts folder on the server, because **the path will be relative css file**.

The second argument of `hosted` array is optional and it can be an arbitrary path which should match the fonts directory on the site.
i.e. `/assets/fonts`

### aliases

Prefer another name for particular fonts?

aliases: {
'sans-serif': 'Source Sans Pro'

The `@font-face` rule will be updated so that your alias key is the new name of the font family.

You can also use the 'aliases' option with other options, i.g with the 'variants'

aliases: {
'sans-serif': 'Source Sans Pro'
variants: {
'sans-serif': {
'400': ['woff']

### async

Need to load the fonts asynchronously?

async: 'path/to/your-fonts-async-loader.js'

Any `@font-face` rules are moved out of CSS and into a JavaScript file may be added to a page separately. It will automatically load the fonts before using them.

### formats

Want to control which font formats are used?

formats: 'woff2 woff'

By default, `local`, `woff2`, `woff`, and `eot` are enabled.
Supported formats include `local`, `woff2`, `woff`, `ttf`, `eot`, `svg`, and `otf`.

### foundries

Want to enable specific foundries? Provide a space-separated list or array:

foundries: 'bootstrap google'

By default, all foundries are enabled.
Supported foundries include `custom`, `hosted`, `bootstrap`, and `google`.

### custom

Need something very specific? I can do that, too.

custom: {
'My Special Font': {
variants: {
normal: {
400: {
url: {
woff2: 'path/to/my-body-font-normal-400.woff2',
woff: 'path/to/my-body-font-normal-400.woff'
700: {
url: {
woff2: 'path/to/my-body-font-normal-700.woff2'
italic: {
400: {
url: {
woff2: 'path/to/my-body-font-italic-400.woff2'

### protocol

Do you want to control the font URL-address protocol?

protocol: 'https:'

By default, 'http/https' protocol is removed from the font url.
Supports any string values, eg - '', 'http:' or 'https:'

## Ignore

If you don't need Font Magician in some part of your CSS, you can use control comments to disable it.


body {
/* font-magician: ignore-next */
font-family: "Alice"; /* will not generate font-face */

## Future

Look forward to more magic, like:

- Support for the TypeKit foundry.
- Option to warn you when unmatched typefaces are used.


[creating an issue]:
[Font Magician]:
[Grunt PostCSS]:
[Gulp PostCSS]: