
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Wrapper for application use of Twitter API v2

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Wrapper for application use of Twitter API v2




[![Python 3.8 | 3.9 | 3.10 | 3.11](](
[![Code style: black](](

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# Code Archived

# twitterapiv2

### Requirements:

- [Python>=3.8](
- [httpx>=0.23.1](


# Local developer installation

It is **strongly** recommended to use a virtual environment
([`venv`]( when working with python
projects. Leveraging a `venv` will ensure the installed dependency files will
not impact other python projects or any system dependencies.

The following steps outline how to install this repo for local development. See
the []( file in the repo root for information on
contributing to the repo.

**Windows users**: Depending on your python install you will use `py` in place
of `python` to create the `venv`.

**Linux/Mac users**: Replace `python`, if needed, with the appropriate call to
the desired version while creating the `venv`. (e.g. `python3` or `python3.8`)

**All users**: Once inside an active `venv` all systems should allow the use of
`python` for command line instructions. This will ensure you are using the
`venv`'s python and not the system level python.


## Installation steps

Clone this repo and enter root directory of repo:

$ git clone
$ cd twitterapiv2

Create the `venv`:

$ python -m venv venv

Activate the `venv`:

# Linux/Mac
$ . venv/bin/activate

# Windows
$ venv\Scripts\activate

The command prompt should now have a `(venv)` prefix on it. `python` will now
call the version of the interpreter used to create the `venv`

Install editable library and development requirements:

# Update pip and tools
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install editable version of library
$ python -m pip install --editable .[dev]

Install pre-commit [(see below for details)](#pre-commit):

$ pre-commit install


## Misc Steps

Run pre-commit on all files:

$ pre-commit run --all-files

Run tests:

$ tox [-r] [-e py3x]

Build dist:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade build

$ python -m build

To deactivate (exit) the `venv`:

$ deactivate

## Note on flake8:

`flake8` is included in the `requirements-dev.txt` of the project. However it
disagrees with `black`, the formatter of choice, on max-line-length and two
general linting errors. `.pre-commit-config.yaml` is already configured to
ignore these. `flake8` doesn't support `pyproject.toml` so be sure to add the
following to the editor of choice as needed.



## [pre-commit](

> A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

This repo is setup with a `.pre-commit-config.yaml` with the expectation that
any code submitted for review already passes all selected pre-commit checks.
`pre-commit` is installed with the development requirements and runs seemlessly
with `git` hooks.


## Makefile

This repo has a Makefile with some quality of life scripts if the system
supports `make`. Please note there are no checks for an active `venv` in the

| PHONY | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `init` | Update pip to newest version |
| `install` | install the project |
| `install-dev` | install development/test requirements and project as editable install |
| `upgrade-dev` | update all dependencies, regenerate requirements.txt (disabled by default) |
| `build-dist` | Build source distribution and wheel distribution |
| `clean` | Deletes build, tox, coverage, pytest, mypy, cache, and pyc artifacts |