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Deploy a Gatsby Project to an AWS S3 bucket (optional Cloudfront support)

aws cloudfront gatsby gatsby-site s3-bucket

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Deploy a Gatsby Project to an AWS S3 bucket (optional Cloudfront support)




# gatsby-s3-action

**Deploy a Gatsby site to an AWS S3 bucket and optionally invalidate a CloudFront distribution**

- Supports Gatsby v5, v4, v3 & v2 static (SSG) sites 🚀
- Copies a Gatsby site to the root of an S3 bucket (uses `sync --delete` so old files in the bucket will be removed - can be disabled by using `sync-delete: false`, see [Parameters Reference](#parameters-reference)).
- Sets cache headers as defined by the rules described in the [Gatsby documentation](
- Fast - uses AWS Cli commands for mass file operations which only create/modify files as needed.
- Suitable for hosting with or without CloudFront. If a CloudFront distribution is specified then it will be invalidated after deployment.

Please read the notes on the [AWS Setup](#aws-setup) below.

For a full step by step guide for setting up from scratch please take a look at [GitHub Actions powered Gatsby AWS how-to guide](

### QUICK RECIPE: S3 Static Hosting, no CloudFront

name: Deploy

- main # could be 'master' on older repos
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
- name: Build
run: |
npm ci
npm run build
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
- name: Deploy
uses: jonelantha/gatsby-s3-action@v3
dest-s3-bucket: your_bucket

- `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` / `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` are obtained from the AWS console, see [AWS IAM Secrets](#aws-iam-secrets) below.
- `your_bucket` should be changed to the name of your bucket
- See [Parameters Reference](#parameters-reference) below for the full list of parameters

### QUICK RECIPE: With CloudFront

Add the `cloudfront-id-to-invalidate` parameter to specify the ID of a distribution to be invalidated after deployment.

- name: Deploy
uses: jonelantha/gatsby-s3-action@v3
dest-s3-bucket: your_bucket
cloudfront-id-to-invalidate: CLOUDFRONTID

### QUICK RECIPE: Deploy to a sub-directory on S3

Add the `dest-s3-path` parameter to specify a sub-directory to copy to in your bucket.

- name: Deploy
uses: jonelantha/gatsby-s3-action@v3
dest-s3-bucket: your_bucket
dest-s3-path: blog/files

### QUICK RECIPE: With a non-standard Gatsby build directory (default is ./public/):

Gatsby builds to ./public by default. If you've changed the build directory to something else then use `public-source-path` to specify that directory:

- name: Deploy
uses: jonelantha/gatsby-s3-action@v3
dest-s3-bucket: your_bucket
public-source-path: ./build/

## AWS Setup

### AWS IAM Secrets

You'll need to [setup an AWS IAM user]( with `Programmatic Access` and then configure the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` / `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` in the Settings/Secrets area of the repo. Ideally you should follow [Amazon IAM best practices]( and grant least privileges to the user:

- `s3:ListBucket` on `arn:aws:s3:::your_bucket`
- `s3:PutObject`, `s3:GetObject`, `s3:DeleteObject` on `arn:aws:s3:::your_bucket/*`
- _(only if you're using CloudFront)_ `cloudfront:CreateInvalidation` on `arn:aws:cloudfront::YOURACCOUNT_ID:distribution/YOURCLOUDFRONTID`

_For a complete walkthrough of setting up the user, please see the first section of the associated [Setting up Github Actions for Gatsby]( guide_

### S3

- With CloudFront:
- The S3 bucket does not need to be set for public access but the CloudFront distribution should have access to your bucket, see the [CloudFront](#cloudfront) section below.
- Without CloudFront, S3 Static Website hosting only:
- Use these S3 Static Website Hosting settings:
- **Index Document**: `index.html`
- **Error Document**: `404.html`

### CloudFront

Your CloudFront distribution will need read access to your S3 bucket. More information in the [AWS Gatsby S3 CloudFront guide]( but in short this is easy to configure when you create your CloudFront distribution, just make sure you use the following settings on the **Create Distribution** screen:

- **Origin Access Identity**: `Create New Identity`
- **Grant Read Permissions on Bucket**: `Yes Update Bucket Policy`

Also, you'll need to setup a [CloudFront Function]( on the CloudFront distribution to properly handle serving up `index.html` files. More information in the [Gatsby CloudFront Function guide]( Alternatively if you'd prefer to set up index handling using a [lambda@edge]( function, please see the [Gatsby CloudFront Lambda guide](

## Redirects

If you plan to use Gatsby redirects you'll need to use a Gatsby redirect plugin such as one of the following:

- [gatsby-plugin-client-side-redirect](
- [gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect](

## Parameters Reference

| Argument | Status | Description |
| ----------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dest-s3-bucket | Required | The destination S3 Bucket |
| dest-s3-path | Optional | The destination S3 Path (defaults to root) |
| cloudfront-id-to-invalidate | Optional | The ID of the CloudFront distribution to invalidate. |
| cloudfront-path-to-invalidate | Optional | The path to invalidate on the CloudFront distribution. See the [CloudFront Invalidation guide]( for information on the format (default: `/*`) |
| public-source-path | Optional | The path to your gatsby ./public directory. Default: is `./public/` |
| sync-delete | Optional | Boolean: delete files on S3 not in the latest Gatsby build (defaults to 'true') |
| only-size-changed | Optional | Boolean, sync only files where size has changed since the last deployment. Can speed up deployments for larger sites, however in rare cases could miss files where the content changed without the file size changing (one character corrections for example). Defaults to 'false' |
| browser-cache-duration | Optional | The cache duration (in seconds) to instruct browsers to cache files for. This is only for files which should be cached as per [Gatsby caching recommendations]( Default is 31536000 (1 year) |
| cdn-cache-duration | Optional | The cache duration (in seconds) to instruct a CDN (if there is one) to cache files for. If on a development environment and you want to avoid issuing CloudFront invalidations you could set this to 0. Default is 31536000 (1 year) |
| debug | Optional | Boolean: enable debug logging (defaults to 'false') |