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OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities.

disaster-response grails hacktoberfest healthcare inventory-management shipment-tracking warehouse-management

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities.




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## About

OpenBoxes is an Open Source Inventory and Supply Chain Management System. The initial implementation of OpenBoxes will occur at Partners In Health-supported facilities in Haiti.

## Contributors

### Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].

### Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [[Contribute](]

#### Individuals

#### Organizations

Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Contribute](]

## License

Copyright (c) 2012 Partners In Health. All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this license.
You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

## Deployment Options

We currently support deploying the OpenBoxes application to DigitalOcean and Azure. We would like to support other deployment options like Amazon Web Services, Vultr, Linode, and others but don't have the resources to build and maintain these deployment options at the moment. If interested in other deployment options, please participate in the [discussion here]( to help us better understand your requirements and expectations regarding deployment. For instance, it would be helpful to hear from service providers who would like to manage multiple customers or users who aren't tech savvy but prefer a certain deployment platform because of its ease of use.

### Deploy to DigitalOcean

The *Deploy to DigitalOcean* button will redirect you to DigitalOcean, where you will be able to choose

For more information and step-by-step instructions go to:

For our DigitalOcean marketplace app go to:

[![Deploy to DigitalOcean](](

### Deploy to Azure

*Deploy to Azure* button will bring you to Azure portal, where after filling a few of the properties you can get your OpenBoxes environment in a matter of minutes. In the Azure setup screen, look at each property's tooltip description to understand its purpose.

For more information and step-by-step instructions go to:

*Deploy to Azure* uses the ARM template defined in [openboxes-devops]( repository.

[![Deploy to Azure](](

*Visualize* will open to display graph of all of the Azure resources, which the deployment will provision.


## Setup development environment

### Install Dependencies

#### Required
* [Java 8 (must install Java 8)]( or via SDK
* [MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0]( or [MariaDB 10.11.4](
* Mac users: 5.7.31 is the latest 5.7.x with a pre-built installer and works fine
* Issues related to the MySQL 8 upgrade could be found [here](
* [SDK Man](
* [Grails 3.3.17](
* NPM 6.14.6
* Node 14+

#### Optional
* [IntelliJ IDEA](
* Chrome

### Basic setup instructions for developers

These instructions are for developers only. If you are a user/implementer, please check out our
[Installation]( documentation.

#### 1. Install Dependencies
Install required dependencies above

#### 2. Install Grails and Java 8*
Check that you have SDK Man installed properly (otherwise follow instructions on the skdman install page).
$ sdk version
SDKMAN 5.13.2

Install Grails 3.3.10
$ sdk install grails 3.3.10

Install Java 8*
$ sdk install java 8.0.332-zulu

`*` - in case you have not installed Java yet.

#### 3. Clone repository
If you are a core contributor:
git clone [email protected]:openboxes/openboxes.git
If you are a not core contributor, fork [openboxes git repository](
and replace git url with the one of your forked repository
git clone [email protected]:/openboxes.git

#### 4. Create database
Create openboxes database
mysql -u root -p -e 'create database openboxes default charset utf8;'

Create openboxes user
mysql -u root -p -e 'grant all on openboxes.* to "openboxes"@"localhost" identified by "openboxes";'

#### 5. Create Openboxes configuration file
Edit `$HOME/.grails/`

# Database connection settings
# You can use dataSource.url when you are using a non-dev/non-test database (test-app may not run properly).
# If you want to run $ grails test-app you should comment out the dataSource.url below and create a new
# openboxes_test database. Eventually, we will move to an in-memory H2 database for testing, but we're
# currently stuck with MySQL because I'm using some MySQL-specific stuff in the Liquibase changesets. My bad.


# OpenBoxes mail settings (disabled by default)
NOTE: If you are running in development mode with a copy of an existing production database, you will need to
instruct the application to not setup test fixtures automatically by uncommenting the above property:

#### 6. Install NPM dependencies
npm config set engine-strict true
npm install

#### 7. Build React frontend
You can build React frontend with this command, but it will be automatically build when starting the application.
npm run bundle

#### 8. React frontend Hot-Reload
When using this command React fronted will be rebuild automatically after any change, you just need to refresh the
browser to see the effect.
npm run watch

#### 9. Upgrade the project to the currently installed grails version
Either of the following actions (upgrade, compile, run-app) should generate the all important Spring configuration
(`/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml`) and start the dependency resolution process.

grails upgrade

grails compile

The `grails compile` step is not necessary since `grails run-app` will invoke the compilation step, but it doesn't
hurt anything.

If you see any errors, run the command again.

**IMPORTANT** That last line is important. Because of some quirkiness with the way older versions of Grails resolve
dependencies and generates config files, you may need to run either of these commands multiple times in order to
resolve all dependencies and generate the config files.

Once the dependency resolution phase has completed, all dependencies will be stored in a local ivy cache (usually
under `$USER_HOME/.grails/ivy-cache`). You do not have to worry about this, just know that the dependencies are now
on your machine and Grails will attempt to find them there before it tries to resolve them in a remote repository.

#### 10. Start application in development mode
The application can be run in development mode. This starts the application running in an instance of Tomcat within
the Grails console.
You may need to run 'grails run-app' several times in order to download all dependencies.
grails run-app

#### 11. Open application in Google Chrome

#### 12. Log into OpenBoxes
You can use the default accounts (manager:password OR admin:password). Once you are logged in as an admin, you can
create own account. Or you can use the signup form to create a new account.

#### 13. React tests
To run new frontend (React) tests type:
npm test

#### 14. Grails tests
To run Grails tests type:
grails test-app

#### 15. React documentation
Start a style guide dev server:
npm run styleguide
View your style guide in the browser:

## Troubleshooting

### How to Debug
* Run Grails normally
grails run-app
* In Intellij navigate to Run > Edit Configurations
* Create a new Remote Debug Configuration
* Name: openboxes-debug
* Transport: Socket
* Debugger mode: Attach
* Host: localhost
* Port: 5005
* Command line arguments should look something like this:

### Problem
Caused by: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]
### Solution
Execute the grails upgrade command in order to generate the files nece
$ grails upgrade
See the following stackoverflow article: