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C# functional language extensions - a base class library for functional programming

ad-hoc-polymorphism applicative bcl c-sharp f-sharp functional-languages functional-programming functor higher-kinded-types immutable-collections immutable-types language-ext lenses monad monad-transformers monads monoid records semigroup structural-equality

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C# functional language extensions - a base class library for functional programming





C# Functional Programming Language Extensions

This library uses and abuses the features of C# to provide a functional-programming 'base class library' that, if you squint, can look like
extensions to the language itself. The desire here is to make programming in C# much more reliable and to make the engineer's inertia flow
in the direction of declarative and functional code rather than imperative.

[![GitHub Discussions](](

__Author on...__
* __twitter:__ [@paullouth](
* __mastodon:__ [@[email protected]](

__Paul Louth [discussing FP for the GitHub ReadME project](

## Contents

* [Reference](#reference)
* [Nu-get package](#nu-get)
* [Code-gen setup](#code-gen-setup)
* [Unity](#unity)
* [Getting started](#getting-started)
* [Prologue](#prologue)
* [**Features**](#features)
* [Functional effects and IO](#functional-effects-and-io)
* [Atomic concurrency, shared state, and collections](#atomic-concurrency-and-collections)
* [Immutable collections](#immutable-collections)
* [Optional and Alternative value monads](#optional-and-alternative-value-monads)
* [State managing monads](#state-managing-monads)
* [Parser combinators](#parser-combinators)
* [Type aliasing](#new-types---type-aliasing)
* [Records, Unions, Free Monads, Lenses - Code Generation](#code-generation)
* [Pretty: Produce nicely formatted text with smart layouts](#pretty)
* [Make C# better: memoisation, currying, partial application, `Nullable`, `Task`, and `IQueryable` extensions](#make-c-better)
* [Poor tuple support](#poor-tuple-support)
* [Null reference problem](#null-reference-problem)
* [Option](#option)
* [Lack of lambda and expression inference](#lack-of-lambda-and-expression-inference)
* [Void isn't a real type](#void-isnt-a-real-type)
* [Mutable lists and dictionaries](#mutable-lists-and-dictionaries)
* [Lists](#lists)
* [List pattern matching](#list-pattern-matching)
* [Maps](#maps)
* [Difficulty in creating immutable record types](#difficulty-in-creating-immutable-record-types)
* [Transformation of immutable types](#transformation-of-immutable-types)
* [`[With]`](#with)
* [Transformation of nested immutable types with Lenses](#transformation-of-nested-immutable-types-with-lenses)
* [`[WithLens]`](#withlens)
* [The awful 'out' parameter](#the-awful-out-parameter)
* [The lack of ad-hoc polymorphism](#ad-hoc-polymorphism)
* [`Num`](#num)
* [`Eq
* [`Ord
* [`Semigroup
* [`Monoid
* [`Monad`](#monad)
* [Transformer types](#transformer-types)
* [Contributing & Code of Conduct](#contributing--code-of-conduct)

## Reference

* [API Reference](
* [Issues that contain documentation and examples](

## Nu-get

Nu-get package | Description
[LanguageExt.Core]( | All of the core types and functional 'prelude'. __This is all that's needed to get started__.
[LanguageExt.Transformers]( | For every combination of monadic type `M>` (i.e. `Seq>`), this package provides the following extension methods: `ApplyT`, `AppendT`, `BindT`, `CompareT`, `CountT`, `EqualsT`, `ExistsT`, `ForAllT`, `FoldT`, `FoldBackT`, `FilterT`, `IterT`, `MapT`, `PlusT`, `ProductT`, `SubtractT`, `DivideT`, and `SumT`. Which makes it much easier to work with those nested types (no need to manually unpack the bound values)
[LanguageExt.FSharp]( | F# to C# interop package. Provides interop between the LanguageExt.Core types (like `Option`, `List` and `Map`) to the F# equivalents, as well as interop between core BCL types and F#
[LanguageExt.Parsec]( | Port of the [Haskell parsec library](
[LanguageExt.Rx]( | Reactive Extensions support for various types within the Core
[LanguageExt.Sys]( | Provides an [`Aff` and `Eff`]( wrapper around the .NET System namespace making common IO operations pure and unit-testable
[LanguageExt.SysX]( | As above, but provides .NET5+ specific features
[LanguageExt.CodeGen]( | [Used to generate records, unions, lenses, and `With` functions automagically](

## Code-gen setup

To use the code-generation features of `language-ext` (which are totally optional by the way), then you must include the [LanguageExt.CodeGen]( package into your project.

To make the reference **build and design time only** (i.e. your project doesn't gain an additional dependencies because of the code-generator), open up your `csproj` and set the `PrivateAssets` attribute to `all`:


> Obviously, update the `Version` attributes to the appropriate values. Also note that you will probably need the latest VS2019+ for this to work. Even early versions of VS2019 seem to have problems.

There's more information on the code-gen features on [the wiki](

## Unity

This library seems compatible on the latest (at the time of writing) Unity 2018.2 with __incremental compiler__ (which enables C# 7), so it should work well once Unity has official support for C# 7 on upcoming 2018.3.
In the meanwhile, you can install incremental compiler instead.
If you are concerned about writing functionally and the possible performance overheads then please take a look at [this wiki page](

## Getting started

To use this library, simply include `LanguageExt.Core.dll` in your project or grab it from NuGet, and add this to the top of each `.cs` file that needs it:
using LanguageExt;
using static LanguageExt.Prelude;

The namespace `LanguageExt` contains the core types, and `LanguageExt.Prelude` contains the functions that you bring into scope `using static LanguageExt.Prelude`.

## Prologue
One of the great features of C#6+ is that it allows us to treat static classes like namespaces. This means that we can use static
methods without qualifying them first. That instantly gives us access to single term method names that look exactly like functions
in functional languages. i.e.
using static System.Console;

WriteLine("Hello, World");
This library tries to bring some of the functional world into C#. It won't always sit well with the seasoned C# OO programmer,
especially the choice of camelCase names for a lot of functions and the seeming 'globalness' of a lot of the library.

I can understand that much of this library is non-idiomatic, but when you think of the journey C# has been on, is "idiomatic"
necessarily right? A lot of C#'s idioms are inherited from Java and C# 1.0. Since then we've had generics, closures, Func, LINQ,
async... C# as a language is becoming more and more like a functional language on every release. In fact, the bulk of the new
features are either inspired by or directly taken from features in functional languages. So perhaps it's time to move the C#
idioms closer to the functional world's idioms?

### A note about naming

One of the areas that's likely to get seasoned C# heads worked up is my choice of naming style. The intent is to try and make
something that _feels_ like a functional language rather than following rules of naming conventions (mostly set out by
the BCL).

There is, however, a naming guide that will keep you in good stead while reading through this documentation:

* Type names are `PascalCase` in the normal way
* The types all have constructor functions rather than public constructors that you instantiate with `new`. They will always
be `PascalCase`:
Option x = Some(123);
Option y = None;
Seq items = Seq(1,2,3,4,5);
List items = List(1,2,3,4,5);
HashMap dict = HashMap((1, "Hello"), (2, "World"));
Map dict = Map((1, "Hello"), (2, "World"));
* Any (non-type constructor) static function that can be used on its own by `using static LanguageExt.Prelude` are `camelCase`.
var x = map(opt, v => v * 2);
* Any extension methods, or anything "fluent" are `PascalCase` in the normal way
var x = opt.Map(v => v * 2);
Even if you disagree with this non-idiomatic approach, all of the `camelCase` static functions have fluent variants, so you never actually have to see the non-standard stuff.

_If you're not using C# 6 yet, then you can still use this library. Anywhere in the docs below where you see a camelCase function
it can be accessed by prefixing with `Prelude.`_

## Features

### Functional effects and IO

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Aff
` | [An asynchronous effect: an IO monad](
`Core` | `Eff
` | [A synchronous effect: an IO monad](
`Core` | `Aff` | [An asynchronous effect with injectable runtime: a unit testable IO monad](
`Core` | `Eff` | [A synchronous effect with injectable runtime: a unit testable IO monad](
`Core` | Pipes | [A clean and powerful stream processing system that lets you build and connect reusable streaming components](

### Atomic concurrency and collections

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Atom
` | [A lock-free atomically mutable reference for working with shared state](
`Core` | `Ref
` | [An atomic reference to be used in the transactional memory system](
`Core` | `AtomHashMap` | [An immutable `HashMap` with a lock-free atomically mutable reference](
`Core` | `AtomSeq
` | [An immutable `Seq` with a lock-free atomically mutable reference](
`Core` | `VectorClock
` | [Understand distributed causality](
`Core` | `VersionVector
` | [A vector clock with some versioned data](
`Core` | `VersionHashMap ` | [Distrubuted atomic versioning of keys in a hash-map](

### Immutable collections

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Arr
` | [Immutable array](
`Core` | `Seq
` | [Immutable list with lazy behavior - a better `IEnumerable`. Very, very fast!](
`Core` | `Lst
` | [Immutable list - use `Seq` over `Lst` unless you need `InsertAt`](
`Core` | `Map` | [Immutable map](
`Core` | `Map` | [Immutable map with Ord constraint on `K`](
`Core` | `HashMap` | [Immutable hash-map](
`Core` | `HashMap` | [Immutable hash-map with Eq constraint on `K`](
`Core` | `Set
` | [Immutable set](
`Core` | `Set` | [Immutable set with Ord constraint on `A`](
`Core` | `HashSet
` | [Immutable hash-set](
`Core` | `HashSet` | [Immutable hash-set with Eq constraint on `A`](
`Core` | `Que
` | [Immutable queue](
`Core` | `Stck
` | [Immutable stack](

### Optional and alternative value monads

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Option
` | [Option monad]( that can't be used with `null` values
`Core` | `OptionAsync
` | [OptionAsync monad]( that can't be used with `null` values with all value realisation does asynchronously
`Core` | `OptionUnsafe` | [Option monad]( that can be used with `null` values
`Core` | `Either` | [Right/Left choice monad]( that won't accept `null` values
`Core` | `EitherUnsafe` | [Right/Left choice monad]( that can be used with `null` values
`Core` | `EitherAsync` | [EitherAsync monad]( that can't be used with `null` values with all value realisation done asynchronously
`Core` | `Try
` | [Exception handling lazy monad](
`Core` | `TryAsync
` | [Asynchronous exception handling lazy monad](
`Core` | `TryOption
` | [Option monad with third state]( 'Fail' that catches exceptions
`Core` | `TryOptionAsync
` | [Asynchronous Option monad with third state]( 'Fail' that catches exceptions
`Core` | `Validation` | [Validation applicative and monad]( for collecting multiple errors before aborting an operation
`Core` | `Validation` | [Validation applicative and monad]( for collecting multiple errors before aborting an operation, uses the supplied monoid in the first generic argument to collect the failure values.

### State managing monads

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Reader` | [Reader monad](
`Core` | `Writer` | [Writer monad that logs to a `W` constrained to be a Monoid](
`Core` | `State` | [State monad](
`Core` | `RWS` | [Reader Writer State monad](

### Parser combinators

Location | Feature | Description
`Parsec` | `Parser
` | [String parser monad and full parser combinators library](
`Parsec` | `Parser` | [Parser monad that can work with any input stream type](

### New types - Type aliasing

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `NewType` | [Haskell `newtype` equivalent]( i.e: `class Hours : NewType { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }`. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, monadic, and iterable
`Core` | `NumType` | [Haskell `newtype` equivalent but for numeric types]( i.e: `class Hours : NumType { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }`. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, a monoid, a semigroup, monadic, iterable, and can have basic artithmetic operations performed upon it.
`Core` | `FloatType` | [Haskell `newtype` equivalent but for real numeric types]( i.e: `class Hours : FloatType { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }`. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, a monoid, a semigroup, monadic, iterable, and can have complex artithmetic operations performed upon it.

### Code generation

Location | Feature | Description
`CodeGen` | Records | [Generate record types automatically](
`CodeGen` | Unions | [Generate discriminated unions automatically](
`CodeGen` | Free monads | [Generate discriminated free-monads](
`CodeGen` | Reader | [Generate reader-monads](
`CodeGen` | RWS | [Generate RWS-monads](
`CodeGen` | With | [Add a tranformational `With` method to your records](
`CodeGen` | WithLens | [Add a tranformational `With` and generated Lenses method to your data types](
`Core` | `Lens
` | [Well behaved bidirectional transformations](#transformation-of-nested-immutable-types-with-lenses) - i.e. the ability to easily generate new immutable values from existing ones, even when heavily nested.
`Core` | `Record
` | [Base type for creating record types]( with automatic structural equality, ordering, and hash code calculation.

### Pretty

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Doc
` | Produce nicely formatted text with smart layouts

### Differencing

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Patch` | Uses patch-theory to efficiently calculate the difference (`Patch.diff(list1, list2)`) between two collections of `A` and build a patch which can be applied (`Patch.apply(patch, list)`) to one to make the other (think git diff).

### Make C# better

Location | Feature | Description
`Core` | `Nullable` extensions | [Extension methods for `Nullable`]( that make it into a functor, applicative, foldable, iterable and a monad
`Core` | `Task` extensions | [Extension methods for `Task`]( that make it into a functor, applicative, foldable, iterable and a monad
`Core` | [Improved lambda type inference]( | `var add = fun( (int x, int y) => x + y)`
`Core` | Currying | [Translate the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each with a single argument](
`Core` | Partial application | [the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity](
`Core` | [`IQueryable` extensions]( |
`Core` | [`IObservable` extensions]( |
`Core` | Memoization | [An optimization technique used primarily to speed up programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again](

This library started out trying to deal with issues in C#, that after using Haskell and F# started to frustrate me:

## Poor tuple support

> NOTE: Since writing this, the csharplang team have improved tuple support in C#

I've been crying out for proper tuple support for ages. When this library was created we were no closer (C# 6).
The standard way of creating them is ugly `Tuple.Create(foo,bar)` compared to functional languages where the syntax is often
`(foo,bar)` and to consume them you must work with the standard properties of `Item1`...`ItemN`.

var ab = Tuple("a","b");

Now isn't that nice?

Consuming the tuple is now handled using `Map`, which projects the `Item1`...`ItemN` onto a lambda function (or action):

var name = Tuple("Paul","Louth");
var res = name.Map( (first, last) => $"{first} {last}");
Or, you can use a more functional approach:
var name = Tuple("Paul","Louth");
var res = map( name, (first, last) => $"{first} {last}");
This allows the tuple properties to have names, and it also allows for fluent handling of functions that return tuples.

If you are using C#7+ then you'll know that the new `Tuple` type is `ValueTuple`. Just like with `Tuple`, language-ext
adds many extensions to the standard BCL `ValueTuple`.

For example:

var abc = ('a', 'b').Add('c'); // ('a', 'b', 'c')
var abcd = ('a', 'b').Add('c').Add('d'); // ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
var abcd5 = ('a', 'b').Add('c').Add('d').Add(5); // ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 5)

var sum = (1, 2, 3).Sum(); // 6
var product = (2, 4, 8).Product(); // 64
var flag = ("one", "two", "three").Contains("one"); // true
var str = ("Hello", " ", "World").Concat(); // "Hello World"
var list = (List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6)).Concat, Lst>(); // [1,2,3,4,5,6]

## Null reference problem

> NOTE: Since writing this, the csharplang team have improved null support in C#

`null` must be [the biggest mistake]( in the whole of computer language history. I realise the original designers
of C# had to make pragmatic decisions, it's a shame this one slipped through though. So, what to do about the
"null problem"?

`null` is often used to indicate _no value_; the method called can't produce a value of the type it said
it was going to produce, and therefore it gives you "nothing". The thing is that when _no value_ is passed to
the consuming code, it gets assigned to a variable of type T, the same type that the function said it was going
to return, except this variable now has a timebomb in it. You must continually check if the value is `null`, if
it's passed around it must be checked too.

As we all know it's only a matter of time before a null reference bug crops up because the variable wasn't
checked. It puts C# in the realm of the dynamic languages, where you can't trust the value you're being given.

Functional languages use what's known as an _option type_. In F# it's called `Option`, in Haskell it's called
`Maybe`. In the next section we'll see how it's used.

## Option

`Option` works in a very similar way to `Nullable`, except it works with all types rather than just value
types. It's a `struct` and therefore can't be `null`. An instance can be created by either calling `Some(value)`,
which represents a positive "I have a value" response, or `None`, which is the equivalent of returning `null`.

So why is it any better than returning `T` and using `null`? It seems we can have a non-value response again
right? Yes, that's true, however you're forced to acknowledge that fact and to write code to handle both possible
outcomes because you can't get to the underlying value without acknowledging the possibility of the two states
that the value could be in. This bulletproofs your code. You're also explicitly telling any other programmers that "this method might not return a value, so make sure you deal with that". This explicit declaration is very

This is how you create an `Option`:

var optional = Some(123);
To access the value you must check that it's valid first:

int x = optional.Match(
Some: v => v * 2,
None: () => 0
An alternative (functional) way of matching is this:

int x = match( optional,
Some: v => v * 2,
None: () => 0 );
Yet another alternative ("fluent") matching method is this:
int x = optional
.Some( v => v * 2 )
.None( () => 0 );
So choose your preferred method and stick with it. It's probably best not to mix styles.

There are also some helper functions to work with default `None` values; you won't see a `.Value` or a
`GetValueOrDefault()` anywhere in this library. This is because `.Value` puts us right back to where we started, and
you may as well not use `Option` in that case. `GetValueOrDefault()` is also just as bad because it can return `null`
for reference types, and depends on how well defined the `struct` type is you're working with.

However, clearly there will be times when you don't need to do anything with the `Some` case. Also, sometimes you just want some code to execute in the `Some` case and not the
`None` case:

// Returns the Some case 'as is' and 10 in the None case
int x = optional.IfNone(10);

// As above, but invokes a Func to return a valid value for x
int x = optional.IfNone(() => GetAlternative());

// Invokes an Action if in the Some state.
optional.IfSome(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
Of course there are functional versions of the fluent version above:
int x = ifNone(optional, 10);
int x = ifNone(optional, () => GetAlternative());
ifSome(optional, x => Console.WriteLine(x));
To smooth out the process of returning `Option` types from methods there are some implicit conversion
operators and constructors:

// Implicitly converts the integer to a Some of int
Option GetValue()
return 1000;

// Implicitly converts to a None of int
Option GetValue()
return None;

// Will handle either a None or a Some returned
Option GetValue(bool select) =>
? Some(1000)
: None;

// Explicitly converts a null value to None and a non-null value to Some(value)
Option GetValue()
string value = GetValueFromNonTrustedApi();
return Optional(value);

// Implicitly converts a null value to None and a non-null value to Some(value)
Option GetValue()
string value = GetValueFromNonTrustedApi();
return value;

It's actually nearly impossible to get a `null` out of a function, even if the `T` in `Option` is a
reference type and you write `Some(null)`. Firstly, it won't compile, but you might think you can do this:

private Option GetStringNone()
string nullStr = null;
return Some(nullStr);
That will compile, but at runtime will throw a `ValueIsNullException`. If you do either of these (below)
you'll get a `None`.

private Option GetStringNone()
string nullStr = null;
return nullStr;

private Option GetStringNone()
string nullStr = null;
return Optional(nullStr);

These are the coercion rules:

Converts from | Converts to
`x` | `Some(x)`
`null` | `None`
`None` | `None`
`Some(x)` | `Some(x)`
`Some(null)` | `ValueIsNullException`
`Some(None)` | `Some(None)`
`Some(Some(x))` | `Some(Some(x))`
`Some(Nullable null)` | `ValueIsNullException`
`Some(Nullable x)` | `Some(x)`
`Optional(x)` | `Some(x)`
`Optional(null)` | `None`
`Optional(Nullable null)` | `None`
`Optional(Nullable x)` | `Some(x)`

As well as the protection of the internal value of `Option`, there's protection for the return value
of the `Some` and `None` handler functions. You can't return `null` from those either; an exception will
be thrown.

// This will throw a ResultIsNullException exception
string res = GetValue(true)
.Some(x => (string)null)

`null` goes away if you use `Option`.

However, there are times when you may want your `Some` and `None` handlers to return `null`. This is mostly
when you need to use something in the BCL or from a third-party library, so momentarily you need to step
out of your warm and cosy protected optional bubble, but you've got an `Option` that will throw an
exception if you try.

So you can use `matchUnsafe` and `ifNoneUnsafe`:

string x = matchUnsafe( optional,
Some: v => v,
None: () => null );

string x = ifNoneUnsafe( optional, (string)null );
string x = ifNoneUnsafe( optional, () => GetNull() );
And fluent versions:
string x = optional.MatchUnsafe(
Some: v => v,
None: () => null
string x = optional.IfNoneUnsafe((string)null);
string x = optional.IfNoneUnsafe(() => GetNull());
That is consistent throughout the library. Anything that could return `null` has the `Unsafe` suffix. That
means that in those unavoidable circumstances where you need a `null`, it gives you and any other programmers
working with your code the clearest possible sign that they should treat the result with care.

### Option monad - gasp! Not the M word!

I know, it's that damn monad word again. They're actually not scary at all, and damn useful. But if you
couldn't care less (or _could_ care less, for my American friends), it won't stop you taking advantage of the
`Option` type. However, `Option` type also implements `Select` and `SelectMany` and is therefore monadic, which also means it can be used in LINQ expressions and much more!

Option two = Some(2);
Option four = Some(4);
Option six = Some(6);
Option none = None;

// This expression succeeds because all items to the right of 'in' are Some of int
// and therefore it lands in the Some lambda.
int r = match( from x in two
from y in four
from z in six
select x + y + z,
Some: v => v * 2,
None: () => 0 ); // r == 24

// This expression bails out once it gets to the None, and therefore doesn't calculate x+y+z
// and lands in the None lambda
int r = match( from x in two
from y in four
from _ in none
from z in six
select x + y + z,
Some: v => v * 2,
None: () => 0 ); // r == 0
This can be great for avoiding the use of `if then else`, because the computation continues as long as the
result is `Some` and bails otherwise. It is also great for building blocks of computation that you can compose
and reuse. Yes, actually compose and reuse, not like OOP where the promise of composability and modularity are
essentially lies.

To take this much further, all of the monads in this library implement a standard "functional set" of functions:
Sum // For Option it's the wrapped value.
Count // For Option is always 1 for Some and 0 for None.
Bind // Part of the definition of anything monadic - SelectMany in LINQ
Exists // Any in LINQ - true if any element fits a predicate
Filter // Where in LINQ
Fold // Aggregate in LINQ
ForAll // All in LINQ - true if all element(s) fits a predicate
Iter // Passes the wrapped value(s) to an Action delegate
Map // Part of the definition of any 'functor'. Select in LINQ
Lift / LiftUnsafe // Different meaning to Haskell, this returns the wrapped value. Dangerous, should be used sparingly.
This makes them into what would be known in Haskell as a Type Class (although more of a catch-all type-class than a set of well-defined type-classes).

* [Option and alternative-value-monads reference](

__Monad transformer extensions__

> For this section you will need the `LanguageExt.Transformers` nu-get package

Monad transformers extensions allow for behaviours that work with nested monadic types. Imagine functionality for working with `Seq>` or a `Option>`, etc. without having to unpack the values bound within.

One problem with C# is it can't do higher order polymorphism (imagine saying `M where M : Monad` where the `M` is polymorphic like the `T`, and can be constrianed). There is a kind of cheat way to do it in C# through extension methods, but it still doesn't get you something that fits the pattern `M where M : Monad`. So there are limitations in that you can't write generic functions over higher-kinds, but with a bit of cunning we can generate code to deal with every pairing of monadic types.

> There's discussion later in the section on Ad-hoc Polymorphism of a more general approach, but it's a little too complicated use

As an example, below is a list of optional integers: `Lst>` (see lists later). We want to double all of the `Some` values, leave the
`None` alone and keep everything in the list:

using LanguageExt;
using static LanguageExt.Prelude;

var list = List(Some(1), None, Some(2), None, Some(3));

list = list.MapT(x => x * 2);
Notice the use of `MapT` instead of `Map`. If we used `Map` (equivalent to `Select` in `LINQ`), it would look like this:
var list = List(Some(1), None, Some(2), None, Some(3));

list = list.Map(x => x.Map( v => v * 2));
As you can see, the intention is much clearer in the first example, which is the point of functional programming most of the time. It's about declaring intent rather than the mechanics of delivery.

To make this work we need extension methods for `List>` that define `MapT` and `SumT` [for the one example above]. We also need one for
every pair of monads in this library (for one level of nesting `A>`), and for every function from the "standard functional set" listed above. That's 32 monads * 32 monads * 20 functions. That's a lot of extension methods (20,480!). Because of this, there's T4 template that generates 'monad transformers' that allows for nested monads.

This is super powerful, and means that most of the time you can leave your `Option` or any of the monads in this library wrapped and rarely need to extract the value. You usually only need to extract the value to pass to the BCL or third-party libraries. Even then you could keep them wrapped and use `Iter` or `IterT`.

## if( arg == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("arg")

> NOTE: Since writing this, the csharplang team have improved required arguments in C#

Another horrible side-effect of `null` is having to bullet-proof every function that takes reference arguments. This is truly tedious. Instead use this:
public void Foo( Some arg )
string value = arg;
By wrapping `string` as `Some` we get free runtime `null` checking. Essentially it's impossible (well, almost) for `null` to propagate through. As you can see above, the `arg` variable casts automatically to `string value`. It's also possible to get at the inner-value like so:
public void Foo( Some arg )
string value = arg.Value;
`Some` is a `struct` and has implicit conversion operators that convert a type of `T` to a type of `Some`. The constructor of `Some` ensures that the value of `T` has a non-null value.

There is also an implicit cast operator from `Some` to `Option`. The `Some` will automatically put the `Option` into a `Some` state. It's not possible to go the other way and cast from `Option` to `Some`, because the `Option` could be in a `None` state which would cause the `Some` to throw `ValueIsNullException`. We want to avoid exceptions being thrown, so you must explicitly `match` to extract the `Some` value.

There is one weakness to this approach: if you add a member property or field to a class which is a `struct`, and if you don't initialise it, then C# is happy to go along with that. This is the reason why you shouldn't normally include reference members inside structs (or if you do, have a strategy for dealing with it).

`Some` unfortunately falls victim to this; it wraps a reference of type T. Therefore it can't realistically create a useful default. C# also doesn't call the default constructor for a `struct` in these circumstances, so there's no way to catch the problem early. For example:

class SomeClass
public Some SomeValue = "Hello";
public Some SomeOtherValue;


public void Greet(Some arg)


public void App()
var obj = new SomeClass();
In the example above, `Greet(obj.SomeOtherValue);` will work until `arg` is used inside of the `Greet` function, which puts us back into the `null` realm. There's nothing (that I'm aware of) that can be done about this. `Some` will throw a useful `SomeNotInitialisedException`, which should make life a little easier.
"Unitialised Some<...>"
So what's the best plan of attack to mitigate this?

* Don't use `Some` for class members. That means the class logic might have to deal with `null` however.
* Or, always initialise `Some` class members. Mistakes do happen though.

There's no silver bullet here unfortunately.

_NOTE: Since writing this library I have come to the opinion that `Some` isn't that useful. It's much better to protect everything else using `Option` and immutable data structures. It doesn't fix the argument null checks unfortunately. Perhaps using a contracts library would be better._

* [Some and alternative-value monads reference](

## Lack of lambda and expression inference

> NOTE: Since writing this, the csharplang team have improved lamdba inference in C#

One really annoying thing about the `var` type inference in C# is that it can't handle inline lambdas. For example this won't compile, even though it's obvious it's a `Func`.
var add = (int x, int y) => x + y;
There are some good reasons for this, so best not to bitch too much. Instead use the `fun` function from this library:
var add = fun( (int x, int y) => x + y );
This will work for `Func<..>` and `Action<..>` types of up to seven generic arguments. `Action<..>` will be converted to `Func<..,Unit>`. To maintain an `Action` use the `act` function instead:
var log = act( (int x) => Console.WriteLine(x) );
If you pass a `Func<..>` to `act` then its return value will be dropped, so `Func` becomes `Action`, and `Func` will become `Action`.

To do the same for `Expression<..>`, use the `expr` function:

var add = expr( (int x, int y) => x + y );

Note, if you're creating a `Func` or `Action` that take parameters, you must provide the type:

// Won't compile
var add = fun( (x, y) => x + y );

// Will compile
var add = fun( (int x, int y) => x + y );

* [`fun`, `act`, `expr` and prelude reference](

## Void isn't a real type

Functional languages have a concept of a type that has one possible value (itself) called `Unit`. As an example, `bool` has two possible values: `true` and `false`. `Unit` has one possible value, usually represented in functional languages as `()`. You can imagine that methods that take no arguments do in fact take one argument of `()`. Anyway, we can't use the `()` representation in C#, so `LanguageExt` now provides `unit`.

public Unit Empty()
return unit;

`Unit` is the type and `unit` is the value. It is used throughout the `LanguageExt` library instead of `void`. The primary reason is that if you want to program functionally then all functions should return a value and `void` is a type with zero possible values - and that's the type-theory reason why `void` is a pain in the arse in C#. This can help a lot with LINQ expressions.

Any `void` function or its asynchronous equivalent `Task` can be converted using `fun` and `ToUnit` as follows:

public static Func GetConsoleWrite() => fun(Console.Write);
public static Func> GetConsoleWriteAsync() => (string v) => Console.Out.WriteAsync(v).ToUnit();

public static Unit WriteToConsole(string v) => fun(() => Console.Write(v))();
public static Task WriteToConsoleAsync(string v) => Console.Out.WriteAsync(v).ToUnit();

* [Unit reference](

## Mutable lists and dictionaries

With the new "get only" property syntax with C# 6 it's now much easier to create immutable types (which everyone should do). However, there's still going to be a bias towards mutable collections. There's a great library on NuGet called "Immutable Collections" which sits in the `System.Collections.Immutable` namespace. It brings performant immutable lists, dictionaries, etc. to C#. However, this:

var list = ImmutableList.Create();
compared to this:
var list = new List();
is annoying. There's clearly going to be a bias toward the shorter, easier to type, better known method of creating lists. In functional languages collections are often baked in (because they're so fundamental), with lightweight and simple syntax for generating and modifying them. So let's have some of that...

### Lists

There's support for `Cons`, which is the functional way of constructing lists:
var test = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Cons(5, empty())))));

var array = test.ToArray();

Assert.IsTrue(array[0] == 1);
Assert.IsTrue(array[1] == 2);
Assert.IsTrue(array[2] == 3);
Assert.IsTrue(array[3] == 4);
Assert.IsTrue(array[4] == 5);

_Note, this isn't the strict definition of `Cons`, but it's a pragmatic implementation that returns an `IEnumerable`, is lazy, and behaves the same. Functional purists, please don't get too worked up! I have yet to think of a way of implementing a proper type-safe `cons` (that can also represent trees, etc.) in C#._

Functional languages usually have a shortcut list constructor syntax that makes the `Cons` approach easier. It usually looks something like this:

let list = [1;2;3;4;5]

In C# it looks like this:

var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var list = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Or worse:
var list = new List();
So we provide the `List` function that takes any number of parameters and turns them into a list:

// Creates a list of five items
var test = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

This is much closer to the "functional way". It also returns a `Lst` which is an immutable list implementation, making it easier to use immutable-lists than mutable ones, and requires significantly less typing.

Also `Range`:

// Creates a sequence of 1000 integers lazily (starting at 500).
var list = Range(500,1000);

// Produces: [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]
var list = Range(0,50,10);

// Produces: ['a,'b','c','d','e']
var chars = Range('a','e');

Some of the standard set of list functions are available (in `LanguageExt.List`):

using static LanguageExt.List;

// Generates 10,20,30,40,50
var input = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
var output1 = map(input, x => x * 10);

// Generates 30,40,50
var output2 = filter(output1, x => x > 20);

// Generates 120
var output3 = fold(output2, 0, (x, s) => s + x);

Assert.IsTrue(output3 == 120);

The above can be written in a "fluent" style as well:

var res = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
.Map(x => x * 10)
.Filter(x => x > 20)
.Fold(0, (x, s) => s + x);

Assert.IsTrue(res == 120);

### List pattern matching

Here we implement the standard functional pattern for matching on list elements. In our version you must provide at least 2 handlers:

* One for an empty list
* One for a non-empty list

However, you can provide up to seven handlers, one for an empty list and six for deconstructing the first six items at the head of the list.

public int Sum(IEnumerable list) =>
match( list,
() => 0,
(x, xs) => x + Sum(xs) );

public int Product(IEnumerable list) =>
match( list,
() => 0,
x => x,
(x, xs) => x * Product(xs) );

public void RecursiveMatchSumTest()
var list0 = List();
var list1 = List(10);
var list5 = List(10,20,30,40,50);

Assert.IsTrue(Sum(list0) == 0);
Assert.IsTrue(Sum(list1) == 10);
Assert.IsTrue(Sum(list5) == 150);

public void RecursiveMatchProductTest()
var list0 = List();
var list1 = List(10);
var list5 = List(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);

Assert.IsTrue(Product(list0) == 0);
Assert.IsTrue(Product(list1) == 10);
Assert.IsTrue(Product(list5) == 12000000);
Those patterns should be very familiar to anyone who's ventured into the functional world. For those that haven't, the `(x,xs)` convention might seem odd. `x` is the item at the head of the list - `list.First()` in LINQ world. `xs` (many X-es) is the tail of the list - `list.Skip(1)` in LINQ. This recursive pattern of working on the head of the list until the list runs out is pretty much how loops are done in the functional world.

Be wary of recursive processing; C# will happily blow up the stack after a few thousand iterations.

Functional programming doesn't really _do_ design patterns, but if anything is a design pattern it's the use of `fold`. If you put a bit of thought into it, you will realise that recursive processes all tend to follow a very similar pattern.

The two recursive examples above for calculating the sum and product of a sequence of numbers can be written as:

// Sum
var total = fold(list, 0, (s,x) => s + x);

// Product
var total = reduce(list, (s,x) => s * x);
`reduce` is `fold` but instead of providing an initial state value, it uses the first item in the sequence. Therefore you don't get an initial multiply by zero (unless the first item is zero!). Internally `fold`, `foldBack`, and `reduce` use an iterative loop rather than a recursive one, so no stack blowing problems!

* [Immutable collections reference](

### Maps

We also support dictionaries. Again the word `Dictionary` is such a pain to type, especially when there's a perfectly valid alternative used in the functional world: `map`.

To create an immutable map, you no longer have to type:

var dict = ImmutableDictionary.Create();
Instead you can use:
var dict = Map();
_`Map` is an implementation of an AVL Tree (self balancing binary tree). This allows us to extend the standard `IDictionary` set of functions to include things like `findRange`._

Also you can pass in a list of tuples or key-value pairs:

var people = Map((1, "Rod"),
(2, "Jane"),
(3, "Freddy"));
To read an item call:
Option result = find(people, 1);
This allows for branching based on whether the item is in the map or not:

// Find the item, do some processing on it and return.
var res = match( find(people, 100),
Some: v => "Hello " + v,
None: () => "failed" );

// Find the item and return it. If it's not there, return "failed"
var res = find(people, 100).IfNone("failed");

// Find the item and return it. If it's not there, return "failed"
var res = ifNone( find(people, 100), "failed" );
Because checking for the existence of something in a dictionary (`find`), and then matching on its result is very common, there is a more convenient `match` override:
// Find the item, do some processing on it and return.
var res = match( people, 1,
Some: v => "Hello " + v,
None: () => "failed" );

To set an item call:
var newThings = setItem(people, 1, "Zippy");

Obviously because it's an immutable structure, calling `add`, `tryAdd`, `addOrUpdate`, `addRange`, `tryAddRange`, `addOrUpdateRange`, `remove`, `setItem`, `trySetItem`, `setItems` or `trySetItems`... will generate a new `Map`. It's quite cunning though, and it only replaces the items that need to be replaced and returns a new map with the new items and shared old items. This massively reduces the memory allocation burden

By holding onto a reference to the `Map` before and after calling `add` you essentially have a perfect timeline history of the changes. Be wary that if what you're holding in the `Map` is *mutable* and you change your mutable items, then the old `Map` and the new `Map` will change, so only store immutable items in a `Map` or leave them alone if they're mutable.

* [Immutable collections reference](

### Map transformers

There are additional transformer functions for dealing with "wrapped" maps (i.e. `Map>`). We only cover a limited set of the full set of `Map` functions at the moment. You can wrap `Map` up to 4 levels deep and still call things like `Fold` and `Filter`. There's interesting variants of `Filter` and `Map` called `FilterRemoveT` and `MapRemoveT`, where if a filter or map operation leaves any keys at any level with an empty `Map` then it will auto-remove them.

Map>>> wrapped = Map.create>();

wrapped = wrapped.AddOrUpdate(1,2,3,4,"Paul");
wrapped = wrapped.SetItemT(1,2,3,4,"Louth");
var name = wrapped.Find(1,2,3,4); // "Louth"
The `Map` transformer functions:

_Note, there are only fluent versions of the transformer functions._

* `Find`
* `AddOrUpdate`
* `Remove`
* `MapRemoveT` - maps each level, checks if the map is empty, in which case it removes it
* `MapT`
* `FilterT`
* `FilterRemoveT`` - filters each level, checks if the map is empty, in which case it removes it
* `Exists`
* `ForAll`
* `SetItemT`
* `TrySetItemT`
* `FoldT`
* more coming...

## Difficulty in creating immutable record types

It's no secret that implementing immutable record types with structural equality, structural ordering, and efficient hashing solutions is a real manual head-ache of implementing `Equals`, `GetHashCode`, deriving from `IEquatable`, `IComparer`, and implementing the operators: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`. It is a constant maintenance headache of making sure they're kept up to date when new fields are added to the type, with no compilation errors if you forget to do it.

## `Record`

This can now be achieved simply by deriving your type from `Record` where `A` is the type you want to have structural equality and ordering:
public class TestClass : Record
public readonly int X;
public readonly string Y;
public readonly Guid Z;

public TestClass(int x, string y, Guid z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;

This gives you `Equals`, `IEquatable.Equals`, `IComparer.CompareTo`, `GetHashCode`, `operator==`, `operator!=`, `operator >`, `operator >=`, `operator <`, and `operator <=` implemented by default. It also gives you a default `ToString()` implementation and `ISerializable.GetObjectData()` with a deserialisation constructor.

Note that only _fields_ or _field backed properties_ (including auto-properties) are used in the structural comparisons and hash-code building. There are also `Attribute`s for opting fields out of the equality testing, ordering comparisons, hash-code generation, stringification (`ToString`), and serialisation:

* `Equals()` - `NonEq`
* `CompareTo()` - `NonOrd`
* `GetHashCode()` - `NonHash`
* `ToString()` - `NonShow`
* Serialization - `NonSerializable`

For example, here's a record type that opts out of various default behaviours:
public class TestClass2 : Record
public readonly int X;

public readonly string Y;

public readonly Guid Z;

public TestClass2(int x, string y, Guid z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
If you want your type to serialise with Json.NET or other serialisers, then you will need to add an extra serialisation constructor that calls the default base implementation:
public class TestClass : Record
public readonly int X;
public readonly string Y;
public readonly Guid Z;

public TestClass(int x, string y, Guid z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;

TestClass(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context) { }
This will do full structural equality as the following examples demonstrate:
public class Cons
: Record>
public readonly A Head;
public readonly Cons

public Cons(A head, Cons tail)
Head = head;
Tail = tail;

public void ConsTests()
var listA = new Cons(1, new Cons(2, new Cons(3, new Cons(4, null))));
var listB = new Cons(1, new Cons(2, new Cons(3, new Cons(4, null))));
var listC = new Cons(1, new Cons(2, new Cons(3, null)));

Assert.True(listA == listB);
Assert.True(listB != listC);
Assert.True(listA != listC);

public class Tree : Record>
public readonly A Value;
public readonly Tree
public readonly Tree

public Tree(A value, Tree left, Tree right)
Value = value;
Left = left;
Right = right;

public void TreeTests()
var treeA = new Tree(5, new Tree(3, null, null), new Tree(7, null, new Tree(9, null, null)));
var treeB = new Tree(5, new Tree(3, null, null), new Tree(7, null, new Tree(9, null, null)));
var treeC = new Tree(5, new Tree(3, null, null), new Tree(7, null, null));

Assert.True(treeA == treeB);
Assert.True(treeB != treeC);
Assert.True(treeA != treeC);
There are some [unit tests]( to see this in action.

> Inheritance is not supported in `Record` derived types, so if you derive a type from a type that derives from `Record` then you won't magically inherit any equality, ordering, hash-code, etc. behaviours. This feature is explicitly here to implement record-like functionality, which do not support inheritance in other functional languages. Equality of origin is explicitly checked for.

## `RecordType`

You can also use the "toolkit" that `Record` uses to build this functionality in your own bespoke types (perhaps if you want to use this for `struct` comparisons or if you can't derive directly from `Record`, or maybe you just want some of the functionality for ad-hoc behaviour):

The toolkit is composed of four functions:

This will provide the hash-code for the record of type `A` provided. It can be used for your default `GetHashCode()` implementation.
.Equality(record, obj);
This provides structural equality with the record of type `A` and the record of type `object`. The types must match for the equality to pass. It can be used for your default `Equals(object)` implementation.
.EqualityTyped(record1, record2);
This provides structural equality with the record of type `A` and another record of type `A`. It can be used for your default `Equals(a, b)` method for the `IEquatable
` implementation.
.Compare(this, other);
This provides a structural ordering comparison with the record of type `A` and another record the record of type `A`. It can be used for your default `CompareTo(a, b)` method for the `IComparable
` implementation.

Below is the toolkit in use, it's used to build a `struct` type that has structural equality, ordering, and hash-code implementation.
public class TestStruct : IEquatable, IComparable
public readonly int X;
public readonly string Y;
public readonly Guid Z;

public TestStruct(int x, string y, Guid z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;

public override int GetHashCode() =>

public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
RecordType.Equality(this, obj);

public int CompareTo(TestStruct other) =>
RecordType.Compare(this, other);

public bool Equals(TestStruct other) =>
RecordType.EqualityTyped(this, other);
## Transformation of immutable types

If you're writing functional code you should treat your types as values. Which means they should be immutable. One common way to do this is to use `readonly` fields and provide a `With` function for mutation. i.e.

public class A
public readonly X X;
public readonly Y Y;

public A(X x, Y y)
X = x;
Y = y;

public A With(X X = null, Y Y = null) =>
new A(
X ?? this.X,
Y ?? this.Y
Then transformation can be achieved by using the named arguments feature of C# thus:

val = val.With(X: x);

val = val.With(Y: y);

val = val.With(X: x, Y: y);
### `[With]`
It can be quite tedious to write the `With` function however. And so, if you include the `LanguageExt.CodeGen` nu-get package in your solution you gain the ability to use the `[With]` attribtue on a type. This will build the `With` method for you.

> NOTE: The `LanguageExt.CodeGen` package and its dependencies will not be included in your final build - it is purely there to generate the code.

You must however:
* Make the `class` `partial`
* Have a constructor that takes the fields in the order they are in the type
* The names of the arguments should be the same as the field, but with the first character lower-case


public partial class A
public readonly X X;
public readonly Y Y;

public A(X x, Y y)
X = x;
Y = y;

## Transformation of nested immutable types with Lenses

One of the problems with immutable types is trying to transform something nested deep in several data structures. This often requires a lot of nested `With` methods, which are not very pretty or easy to use.

Enter the `Lens` type.

Lenses encapsulate the getter and setter of a field in an immutable data structure and are composable:

public partial class Person
public readonly string Name;
public readonly string Surname;

public Person(string name, string surname)
Name = name;
Surname = surname;

public static Lens name =>
Get: p => p.Name,
Set: x => p => p.With(Name: x));

public static Lens surname =>
Get: p => p.Surname,
Set: x => p => p.With(Surname: x));
This allows direct transformation of the value:
var person = new Person("Joe", "Bloggs");

var name =;
var person2 = + "l", person); // Joel Bloggs
This can also be achieved using the `Update` function:
var person = new Person("Joe", "Bloggs");

var person2 = => name + "l", person); // Joel Bloggs
The power of lenses really becomes apparent when using nested immutable types, because lenses can be composed. So, let's first create a `Role` type which will be used with the `Person` type to represent an employee's job title and salary:
public partial class Role
public readonly string Title;
public readonly int Salary;

public Role(string title, int salary)
Title = title;
Salary = salary;

public static Lens title =>
Get: p => p.Title,
Set: x => p => p.With(Title: x));

public static Lens salary =>
Get: p => p.Salary,
Set: x => p => p.With(Salary: x));

public partial class Person
public readonly string Name;
public readonly string Surname;
public readonly Role Role;

public Person(string name, string surname, Role role)
Name = name;
Surname = surname;
Role = role;

public static Lens name =>
Get: p => p.Name,
Set: x => p => p.With(Name: x));

public static Lens surname =>
Get: p => p.Surname,
Set: x => p => p.With(Surname: x));

public static Lens role =>
Get: p => p.Role,
Set: x => p => p.With(Role: x));

We can now compose the lenses within the types to access the nested fields:
var cto = new Person("Joe", "Bloggs", new Role("CTO", 150000));

var personSalary = lens(Person.role, Role.salary);

var cto2 = personSalary.Set(170000, cto);
### `[WithLens]`

Typing the lens fields out every time is even more tedious than writing the `With` function, and so there is code generation for that too: using the `[WithLens]` attribute. Next, we'll use some of the built-in lenses in the `Map` type to access and mutate a `Appt` type within a map:
public partial class Person : Record
public readonly string Name;
public readonly string Surname;
public readonly Map Appts;

public Person(string name, string surname, Map appts)
Name = name;
Surname = surname;
Appts = appts;

public partial class Appt : Record
public readonly int Id;
public readonly DateTime StartDate;
public readonly ApptState State;

public Appt(int id, DateTime startDate, ApptState state)
Id = id;
StartDate = startDate;
State = state;

public enum ApptState
So, here we have a `Person` with a map of `Appt` types. And we want to update an appointment state to be `Arrived`:
// Generate a Person with three Appts in a Map
var person = new Person("Paul", "Louth", Map(
(1, new Appt(1, DateTime.Parse("1/1/2010"), ApptState.NotArrived)),
(2, new Appt(2, DateTime.Parse("2/1/2010"), ApptState.NotArrived)),
(3, new Appt(3, DateTime.Parse("3/1/2010"), ApptState.NotArrived))));

// Local function for composing a new lens from 3 other lenses
Lens setState(int id) =>
lens(Person.appts, Map.item(id), Appt.state);

// Transform
var person2 = setState(2).Set(ApptState.Arrived, person);
Notice the local-function which takes an ID and uses that with the `item` lens in the `Map` type to mutate an `Appt`. Very powerful stuff.

There are a number of useful lenses in the collection types that can do common things like mutate by index, head, tail, last, etc.

## The awful `out` parameter
This has to be one of the most awful patterns in C#:

int result;
if( Int32.TryParse(value, out result) )
There's all kinds of wrong there. Essentially the function needs to return two pieces of information:

* Whether the parse was a success or not
* The successfully parsed value

This is a common theme throughout the .NET framework. For example on `IDictionary.TryGetValue`

int value;
if( dict.TryGetValue("thing", out value) )

So to solve it we now have methods that instead of returning `bool`, return `Option`. If the operation fails it returns `None`. If it succeeds it returns `Some(the value)` which can then be matched. Here's some usage examples:


// Attempts to parse the value, uses 0 if it can't
int res = parseInt("123").IfNone(0);

// Attempts to parse the value, uses 0 if it can't
int res = ifNone(parseInt("123"), 0);

// Attempts to parse the value, doubles it if can, returns 0 otherwise
int res = parseInt("123").Match(
Some: x => x * 2,
None: () => 0

// Attempts to parse the value, doubles it if can, returns 0 otherwise
int res = match( parseInt("123"),
Some: x => x * 2,
None: () => 0 );

`out` method variants
* `IDictionary.TryGetValue`
* `IReadOnlyDictionary.TryGetValue`
* `int.TryParse` becomes `parseInt`
* `long.TryParse` becomes `parseLong`
* `short.TryParse` becomes `parseShort`
* `char.TryParse` becomes `parseChar`
* `sbyte.TryParse` becomes `parseSByte`
* `byte.TryParse` becomes `parseByte`
* `ulong.TryParse` becomes `parseULong`
* `uint.TryParse` becomes `parseUInt`
* `ushort.TryParse` becomes `parseUShort`
* `float.TryParse` becomes `parseFloat`
* `double.TryParse` becomes `parseDouble`
* `decimal.TryParse` becomes `parseDecimal`
* `bool.TryParse` becomes `parseBool`
* `Guid.TryParse` becomes `parseGuid`
* `DateTime.TryParse` becomes `parseDateTime`
* `DateTimeOffset.TryParse` becomes `parseDateTimeOffset`
* `TimeSpan.TryParse` becomes `parseTimeSpan`
* `Enum.TryParse` becomes `parseEnum`

_any others you think should be included, please get in touch_

## Ad-hoc polymorphism

> _This is where things get a little crazy! This section is taking what's possible with C# to its limits. None of what follows is essential for 99% of the use cases for this library. However, the seasoned C# programmer will recognise some of the issues raised (like no common numeric base-type); and experienced functional programmers will recognise the category theory creeping in... Just remember, this is all optional, but also pretty powerful if you want to go for it_.

Ad-hoc polymorphism has long been believed to not be possible in C#. However with some cunning it is. Ad-hoc polymorphism allows programmers to add traits to a type later. For example in C# it would be amazing if we had an interface called `INumeric` for numeric types like `int`, `long`, `double`, etc. The reason this doesn't exist is if you write a function like:
INumeric Add(INumeric x, INumeric y) => x + y;
Then it would cause boxing. Which is slow (well, slower). I can only assume that's why it wasn't added by the BCL team. Anyway, it's possible to create a numeric type, very much like a type-class in Haskell, and ad-hoc _instances_ of the numeric _type-class_ that allow for generic numeric operations without boxing.

> From now on I will call them type-classes and class-instances, or just instances. This is not exactly the same as Haskell's type-classes. If anything it's closer to Scala's implicits. However to make it easier to discuss them I will steal from Haskell's lexicon.

#### `Num`

So for example, this is how to create a number type-class:
public interface Num

A Add(A x, A y);
A Subtract(A x, A y);
Notice how there are two arguments to `Add` and `Subtract`. Normally if I was going to implement this `interface` the left-hand-side of the `Add` and `Subtract` would be `this`. I will implement the _ad-hoc_ class-instance to demonstrate why that is:
public struct TInt : Num
public int Add(int x, int y) => x + y;
public int Subtract(int x, int y) => x - y;
See how `TInt` is a `struct`? Structs have a useful property in C# in that they can't be `null`. So we can invoke the operations like so:
int r = default(TInt).Add(10, 20);
The important thing to note is that `default(TInt)` gets optimisied out in a release build, so there's no cost to the invocation of `Add`. The `Add` and `Subtract` methods both take `int` and return `int`. So therefore there's no boxing at all.

If we now implement `TFloat`:
public struct TFloat : Num
public float Add(float x, float y) => x + y;
public float Subtract(float x, float y) => x - y;
Then we can see how a general function could be written to take any numeric type:
public A DoubleIt(A x) where NumA : struct, Num
default(NumA).Add(x, x);
The important bit is the `NumA` generic argument, and the constraint of `struct, Num
`. That allows us to call `default(NumA)` to get the type-class instance and invoke `Add`.

And so this can now be called by:
int a = DoubleIt(5); // 10
float b = DoubleIt(5.25); // 10.5
By expanding the amount of operations that the `Num
` type-class can do, you can perform any numeric operation you like. If you like you can add new numeric types (say for complex numbers, or whatever), where the rules of the type are kept in the _ad-hoc_ instance.

Luckily you don't need to do that, because I have created the `Num` type (in the `LanguageExt.TypeClasses` namespace), as well as `Floating` (with all of the operations from `Math`; like `Sin`, `Cos`, `Exp`, etc.). `Num` also has a base-type of `Arithmetic` which supports `Plus`, `Subtract`, `Product`, `Negate`. This is for types which don't need the full spec of the `Num` type. I have also mapped all of the core numeric types to instances: `TInt`, `TShort`, `TLong`, `TFloat`, `TDouble`, `TDecimal`, `TBigInt`, etc. So it's possible to write truly generic numeric code once.

> There's no getting around the fact that providing the class-instance in the generic arguments list is annoying (and later you'll see how annoying). The Roslyn team are looking into a type-classes like feature for a future version of C# (variously named: 'Concepts' or 'Shapes'). So this will I'm sure be rectified, and when it is, it will be implemented exactly as I am using them here.
> Until then the pain of providing the generic arguments must continue. You do however get a _super-powered C#_ in the mean-time.
> The need to write this kind of super-generic code is rare; but when you need it, _you need it_ - and right now this is simply the most powerful way.

#### `Eq`

Next up is `Eq`. Equality testing in C# is an absolute nightmare. From the different semantics of `Equals` and `==`, to `IEqualityComparer`, and the enormous hack which is `EqualityComparer.Default` (which doesn't blow up at compile-time if your code is wrong).

The `Eq` type-class looks like this:
public interface Eq

bool Equals(A x, A y);
int GetHashCode(A x);
There are `Eq` prefixed instances for all common types (`EqInt`, `EqString`, `EqGuid` etc.), as well as for all of the types in this library (`EqLst`, `EqSet`, `EqTry`, etc). All of the numeric types (`TInt`, `TDouble`, etc.) also implement `Eq

To make it slightly prettier to use in code, you can use the `Prelude` `equals` function:
bool x = equals(1, 1); // True
Or use `default` as shown before:
bool x = default(EqInt).Equals(1, 1); // True
One final way is:
bool x = EqInt.Inst.Equals(1, 1);
`Inst` is defined on all of the instances in lang-ext, but it's not an 'official feature'. Anybody could implement an ad-hoc implementation of `Eq
` and not provide an `Inst`.

For example you may call this directly:
bool x = EqLst.Inst.Equals(List(1,2,3), List(1,2,3)); // true
Because you may be concerned about calling:
bool x = List(1,2,3) == List(1,2,3); // ?
... as all C# programmers are at some point, because we have no idea most of the time whether `==` does what we think it should.

> Just FYI `List(1,2,3) == List(1,2,3)` does work properly! As do all types in language-ext.

There are two variants of the immutable `HashSet` in language-ext:

HashSet where EqA : struct, Eq

What's interesting about the second one is that the equality _definition_ is baked into the type. So this:
Is not compatible with:
And if you think about that, it's right. The strings that are used as keys in the `HashSet` do not have the same properties as the strings in `HashSet`. So even though they're both strings, they have different semantics (which cause wildly different behaviour for things like set intersection, unions, etc.)

Now compare that to `HashSet` in the BCL, or `ImmutableHashSet` in `System.Collections.Immutable`, where two different sets with different `IEqualityComparer` types injected will cause undefined results when used together.

> That's hopefully a small glimpse into the potential for improving type-safeness in C#.

#### `Ord`

`Ord` is for ordering. i.e. a `IComparable` replacement. By the way, these names `Eq`, `Ord`, `Num`, are all lifted from Haskell. I much prefer the short concise names that still convey meaning than the bulky and often clumsy names of the BCL.

This is `Ord`, it derives from `Eq`
public interface Ord
: Eq
int Compare(A x, A y);
Usage should be self-explanatory now, but the important thing to note here is that because 'type classes' are just interfaces, they can also have an inheritance hierarchy.

This is a slightly more complex example:
public struct OrdArray : Ord

where ORD : struct, Ord

public int Compare(A[] mx, A[] my)
if (ReferenceEquals(mx, my)) return 0;
if (ReferenceEquals(mx, null)) return -1;
if (ReferenceEquals(my, null)) return 1;

var cmp = mx.Length.CompareTo(my.Length);
if (cmp == 0)
for(var i = 0; i < mx.Length; i++)
cmp = default(ORD).Compare(mx[i], my[i]);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
return 0;
return cmp;

public bool Equals(A[] x, A[] y) =>
default(EqArray).Equals(x, y);

public int GetHashCode(A[] x) =>
The `OrdArray` which is an `Ord
`, does itself also take an `ORD` generic argument, which allows the contents of the array to be compared:
int x = OrdArray.Inst.Compare(new [] {1,2}, new [] {1,2}); // 0

#### `Semigroup`

This is where we start going a little more abstract. Semigroups are a feature of category theory, which is soooo not important for this discussion. They represent an associative binary operation, which can be invoked by calling `Append`.
public interface Semigroup

A Append(A x, A y);
Positive numbers (for example) form a semigroup. I won't dwell on it too long, because although the `Append` function is super-useful, nearly everything that falls into the `Semigroup` category is also a `Monoid`...

#### `Monoid`

A monoid has something that a semigroup doesn't, and that's the concept of identity (often meaning 'empty' or 'zero'). It looks like this:

public interface Monoid
: Semigroup
A Empty();
This comes with some helper functions in `LanguageExt.TypeClass`:
public static partial class TypeClass
public static A mempty() where MONOID : struct, Monoid

public static A mconcat(IEnumerable xs) where MONOID : struct, Monoid =>
xs.Fold(mempty(), (s, x) => append(s, x));

public static A mconcat(params A[] xs) where MONOID : struct, Monoid =>
xs.Fold(mempty(), (s, x) => append(s, x));
Now the semigroup `Append` comes to life. Examples of monoids are: `TInt`, `MLst`, `TString`, etc. i.e.
var x = mconcat("Hello", " ", "World"); // "Hello World"
var y = mconcat, Lst>(List(1), List(2, 3)); // [1,2,3]
var z = mconcat(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 15
The `Empty()` function is what provides the _identity value_ for the concat operations. So for `string` it's `""`, for `Lst` it's `[]` and for `int` it's `0`. So a monoid is a semigroup with a _zero_.

It's surprising how much _stuff_ just starts working when you know your type is a monoid. For example in language-ext version 1 there is a monadic type called `Writer`. The writer monad collects a _log_ as well as returning the bound value. In version 1 the log had to be an `IEnumerable`, which isn't super flexible. In language-ext version 2 the type looks like this:

public class Writer where MonoidW : struct, Monoid
So now it can be a running numeric total, or a `Lst`, or a `Set`, or whatever monoid _you_ dream up.

### Higher-kinds

Higher-order polymorphism would allow us to define a type like so:
public interface MyType>
M Foo(M