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A simple file-based key-value database written in Python

cross-language database file-based key-value-store process-safe python rest-api

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A simple file-based key-value database written in Python




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## What is it?

PupDB is an ernest attempt to create a simple file-based key-value database written in Python.

## Why PupDB?

The objective behind the creation of PupDB is to create a database system which performs simple persistence operations well and data can be accessed with a minimalist, easy-to-use API with least configuration.

### PupDB is the best choice when:

1. You need a simple NoSQL data store with an interface as simple as a Python `dict`, and want to start storing and retrieving data within a few minutes.
2. You want to create an application without bothering much about configuration and setup for storing data.
3. Your database is not very huge i.e. not greater than a few megabytes of data.

### When not to use PupDB:

1. You want to perform advanced queries on your data.
2. Your database is larger than a few megabytes of data.
3. You want a database software that supports advanced capabilities like indexing, partitioning etc.

## Salient Features

1. **Multi-processing support**: Same database file can be used across multiple processes concurrently.
2. **Mult-threading support**: Same database file (with separate `PupDB` instance per thread) can be used concurrently.
3. **REST-based HTTP Interface**: Apart from using it as a `python` package, you can also use PupDB via a `flask`-based HTTP interface. This way you can use PupDB with programming languages other than Python.

## Installation

PupDB can be installed using `pip`:

pip install pupdb

## Basic API Documentation and Usage

PupDB can be instantiated as follows:
from pupdb.core import PupDB

# Specify database file path as an argument to the PupDB constructor. That's it.
db = PupDB('db.json')

1. `set(key, value)`: Stores the `value` mapped to `key` in the database file.
db.set('test_key', 'test_value')
2. `get(key)`: Returns the `value` mapped to `key` in the database file. Returns `None` if `key` is not found.
3. `remove(key)`: Removes the `key` from the database file. Raises a `KeyError` if `key` is not found in the database file.
# Remove the key `test_key` from the db.

# Try doing the same again and it'll raise a `KeyError`,
# as the key has already been deleted from the db in the above step.
4. `keys()`: Returns the keys present in the database file. Return type is `list` in Python 2 and [Dictionary view object]( (similar to [`dict.keys()`]( in Python 3.
# Python 2
print db.keys() # This will print ['key1', ...]

# Python 3
print(list(db.keys())) # This will print ['key1', ...]
5. `values()`: Returns the values of all keys present in the database file. Return type is `list` for Python 2 and [Dictionary view object]( (similar to [`dict.values()`]( in Python 3.
# Python 2
print db.values() # This will print ['value1', ...]

# Python 3
print(list(db.values())) # This will print ['value1', ...]
6. `items()`: Returns the values of all keys present in the database file. Return type is `list` for Python 2 and [Dictionary view object]( (similar to [`dict.items()`]( in Python 3.
# Python 2
print db.items() # This will print [('key1', 'value1'), ...]

# Python 3
print(list(db.items())) # This will print [('key1', 'value1'), ...]
7. `dumps()`: Returns a `json` dump of the entire database file sorted by key.
db.dumps() # This will print the database json string.
8. `truncate_db()`: Removes all data from the database file i.e. truncates the database file.
print(db) # Will print an empty database dict '{}', as the database has been truncated.

## Using the PupDB HTTP/REST Interface

**Using the HTTP/REST Interface, all PupDB-related operations can be performed without using PupDB as a Python package. As a result, PupDB can be used in any programming language that can make HTTP requests.**

To start PupDB's `gunicorn`-based `flask` server:

from pupdb.server import start_http_server

# Start the gunicorn server (with 4 worker threads).

The server will listen to local port 4000. The server will be available at `http://localhost:4000`.

### HTTP API Endpoints

1. `/get?key=` (Method: `GET`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `get()` method. e.g.:

curl -XGET http://localhost:4000/get?key=test

The above `curl` request will fetch the result for key `test`.

2. `/set` (Method: `POST`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `set()` method. e.g.:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:4000/set -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"key": "test", "value": "1234"}'

The above `curl` request will set the value `1234` to key `test` in the database.

3. `/remove/` (Method: `DELETE`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `remove()` method. e.g.:

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:4000/remove/test

The above `curl` request will remove the key `test` in the database. It returns a `404 Not Found` if the key does not exist in the database.

4. `/keys` (Method: `GET`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `keys()` method. e.g.:

curl -XGET http://localhost:4000/keys

The above `curl` request will return a payload containing the `list` of keys in the database.

5. `/values` (Method: `GET`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `values()` method. e.g.:

curl -XGET http://localhost:4000/values

The above `curl` request will return a payload containing the `list` of values of all keys in the database.

6. `/items` (Method: `GET`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `items()` method. e.g.:

curl -XGET http://localhost:4000/items

The above `curl` request will return a payload containing the `list` of `[key, value]` pairs in the database.

7. `/dumps` (Method: `GET`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `dumps()` method. e.g.:

curl -XGET http://localhost:4000/dumps

The above `curl` request will return a payload containing the string dump of the entire database.

7. `/truncate-db` (Method: `POST`): This API endpoint is an interface to PupDB's `truncate_db()` method. e.g.:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:4000/truncate-db

The above `curl` request will truncate i.e. remove all key-value pairs from the database.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available,
see the
[tags on this repository](

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
[LICENSE.txt]( file for more details.