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a 2D Game Development Framework

c-sharp csharp dotnet duality framework game-development game-engine gamedev opengl portable

Last synced: 18 days ago
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a 2D Game Development Framework




Duality - A 2D GameDev Framework

Duality is a plugin based 2D game development framework based on C# and OpenTK. To get a quick overview, please visit the [project page]( For documentation, take a look at our [docs page](

If you have questions or just want to say Hi, feel free to check out the [discussions]( area, or join us in the [chat]( Also, feedback is always welcome! Bugs and feature requests that do not require further discussion, however, should be filed in the issue tracking system, directly here on github.

### Latest Binary Release

You can find the latest binary release [here]( If you already have a Duality project, you can update your Duality version or any of its plugins in the [Package Manager](

### Build status:
| [Branch]( | Status |
| master | [![Build status](]( |
| release | [![Build status](]( |
| 1.x | [![Build status](]( |
| 2.x | [![Build status](]( |
| 3.x | [![Build status](]( |

### Building From Source

If you want to build Duality yourself, you can do so using Visual Studio or MonoDevelop by simply opening `Duality.sln` and selecting "Build Solution". On non-Windows systems, you will be able to build core projects only and have to unload any editor projects first. When building Duality from the command line, make sure to call `nuget restore Duality.sln` first, so the required packages can be restored.

All framework build results will be located in the shared `Build/Output` folder. Sample project build results will be separate, and located in their respective `Content/Plugins` subdirectories. To launch any of the included sample projects after building Duality, select it as a startup project in your IDE. Otherwise, you can use either `DualityEditor` or `DualityLauncher` as a startup project.

### Contributing

We're actively looking for contributors. Are you experienced with Duality and want to join the development team? Look at our [contribution guide](


### Maintainers
- [SirePi](
- [Barsonax](
- [Ilexp]( (creator, now inactive but still around to give us advice)