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Sienna Network Monorepo

amm blockchain defi lending privacy

Last synced: 22 days ago
JSON representation

Sienna Network Monorepo





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## Mainnet addresses

MOVED: See [**`receipts/secret-4/deployments/prod.yml`**](./receipts/secret-4/deployments/prod.yml)
for the up-to-date mainnet addresses of all production contracts.

## Development quickstart

git clone

git submodule update --init --recursive
nix-shell # optional, or bring your own Cargo and PNPM
pnpm i
pnpm build latest
FADROMA_CHAIN=Scrt_1_2_Devnet pnpm deploy latest

The smart contracts are written in Rust, targeting SecretNetwork's fork of `cosmwasm-std 0.10`
on `wasm32-unknown-unknown`.

See [**`package.json`**](package.json) and [**`scripts/`**](./scripts/)
for the available workflow commands.

See also:

- **[Git submodules](** documentation,
and most importantly the `git submodule update --init --recursive` command.
- The **[pnpm](** package manager, and most importantly
its [Workspaces feature](

## Repository content

* [**artifacts**](./artifacts) contains the compiled smart contracts (gitignored)
and their checksums (not gitignored).

* [**contracts**](./contracts) contains the Rust source code of the smart contracts,
as well as the TypeScript code necessary to build them and interact with them.

* [📖 tge](./contracts/tge) - **Token Generation Event (TGE)**: mints and vests a new token
* **Contract:** [snip20-sienna](./contracts/tge/snip20-sienna) - Main SIENNA governance token
* **Contract:** [mgmt](./contracts/tge/mgmt) - Vesting management contract
* **Contract:** [rpt](./contracts/tge/rpt) - Remaining pool token splitter contract
* **Script:** [deploy.ts](./contracts/tge/deploy.ts) - TGE deployment

* [📖 amm](./contracts/amm) - **Automated Market Maker (AMM)**: Sienna Swap and friends
* **Contract:** [amm-snip20](./contracts/amm/amm-snip20) - Vanilla SNIP20 token usable by the AMM
* **Contract:** [factory](./contracts/amm/factory) - Sienna Swap Factory
* **Contract:** [exchange](./contracts/amm/exchange) - Sienna Swap Exchange
* **Contract:** [lp-token](./contracts/amm/lp-token) - Sienna Swap LP Token
* **Contract:** [router](./contracts/amm/router) - Sienna Swap Router
* **Contract:** [📖 rewards](./contracts/amm/rewards) - Sienna Rewards
* **Contract:** [launchpad](./contracts/amm/launchpas) - Sienna Launchpad
* **Contract:** [ido](./contracts/amm/ido) - Sienna IDO
* **Script:** [deploy.ts](./contracts/amm/deploy.ts) - AMM deployment
* **Script:** [upgrade.ts](./contracts/amm/upgrade.ts) - AMM migrations

* [📖 lend](./contracts/lend) - **Sienna Lend** - Private Lending Protocol
* **Contract:** [market](./contracts/lend/market)
* **Contract:** [oracle](./contracts/lend/oracle)
* **Contract:** [overseer](./contracts/lend/overseer)
* **Contract:** [interest_model](./contracts/lend/interest_model)

* [**deps**](./deps) contains submodules of our foundational frameworks.
* [fadroma](./deps/fadroma) is a Git submodule pointing to the top of
the [Fadroma deployment framework](, which takes care of building and uploading the
contracts behind the scenes.

* [**frontends**](./frontends) contains clients for the smart contracts, written in JS/TS.
Some of them are transcluded as git submodules pointing to other repos.
* [siennajs](./frontends/siennajs) - current client library
* [@sienna/api](./frontends/api) - upcoming mixed deploy/client library
* [dashboard](./frontends/dashboard) - rewards simulation dashboard
* [reward-pools-monitor](./frontends/reward-pools-monitor) - query status of reward pools
* [claim](./frontends/claim) - TGE claim frontend
* [vest](./frontends/vest) - TGE vest frontend

* [**libraries**](./libraries) contains Rust libraries used by one or more smart contracts.
* [amm-shared](./libraries/amm-shared) defines the contract API of Sienna Swap.
* [lend-shared](./libraries/lend-shared) defines the contract API of Sienna Lend.

* [**receipts**](./receipts) contains the responses to upload and init transactions
performed by the framework, grouped by chain ID. This lets you keep track of uploaded
* [secret-4/deployments/prod](./receipts/secret-4/deployments/prod.yml) - current mainnet deployment
* [pulsar-2/deployments/.active](./receipts/pulsar-2/deployments/.active) - current testnet deployment

* [**scripts**](./scripts) contains utility scripts pertaining to the whole repo.
* [](./scripts/ - build with `pnpm build`
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/ - deploy with `pnpm deploy`
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/ - test with `pnpm test`
* [](./scripts/
* [](./scripts/

* [**settings**](./settings) contains the values of configurable properties for each
smart contract, again grouped by chain ID. This is a NPM module that can be imported
by the deploy scripts to access the settings for deploying to a specific chain
(as testnet configuration may need to systematically differ from mainnet).
* [schedule.json](./settings/schedule.json) - vesting schedule

## Post-deployment configuration

After deployment the contracts should be
transferred to the master multisig account.
The CLI and API wrappers in this repo
do not support generating multisig transactions.

See [hackbg/motika](
for a GUI-based multisig transaction signer.