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Helps to load fonts and activate them by preloading.

font nuxt-module nuxtjs prefetch preload webfont webworker

Last synced: 23 days ago
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Helps to load fonts and activate them by preloading.




# nuxt-font-loader-strategy

## :warning: **This project is no longer maintained**, because the concept is not suitable for global management of many fonts in larger projects. For this reason we have developed a new concept that guarantees smart, efficient and performant component-based font management even in larger websites. Please visit:

[![Grabarz & Partner - Module][grabarz-partner-module-src]][grabarz-partner-href]


[![npm version][npm-version-src]][npm-version-href]
[![npm downloads][npm-downloads-src]][npm-downloads-href]
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> Helps to load the fonts and activate them by preloading.

`nuxt-font-loader-strategy` helps loading the fonts and provides a loading strategy based on preloads.

Define yourself which fonts will be unlocked first.
This gives the best experience in the initial viewport of the website.

- Use preload to prevent font flashs.
- Generates the `@font-face` definitions automatically and includes them in the layout.
- Increases the **Pagespeed Insight Score** 🎉
- Take the fonts from [Minimize critical request depth]( and load them via `WebWorker`.
- Deactivate fonts at low connection. (Show [Browser-Support](#browser-support))

> ⚠️ Configuration of the fonts must be included only in the [**module settings**](#options).

[📖 **Release Notes**](./

## Setup

1. Add `nuxt-font-loader-strategy` dependency to your project

yarn add nuxt-font-loader-strategy # or npm install nuxt-font-loader-strategy

2. Add `nuxt-font-loader-strategy` to the `modules` section of `nuxt.config.js`

modules: [

['nuxt-font-loader-strategy', {
ignoreLighthouse: true,
ignoredEffectiveTypes: ['2g', 'slow-2g'],
fonts: [
// Font
fileExtensions: ['woff2', 'woff'],
fontFamily: 'Font A',
fontFaces: [
// Font-Face
preload: true,
localSrc: ['Font A', 'FontA-Regular'],
src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-regular',
fontWeight: 400,
fontStyle: 'normal'
// Font-Face
localSrc: ['Font A Light', 'FontA-Light'],
src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-300',
fontWeight: 300,
fontStyle: 'normal'
// Font-Face
localSrc: ['Font A Light Italic', 'FontA-LightItalic'],
src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-300Italic',
fontWeight: 300,
fontStyle: 'Italic'
// Font
fileExtensions: ['woff2', 'woff'],
fontFamily: 'Font B',
fontFaces: [
// Font-Face
preload: true,
src: '@/assets/fonts/font-b-regular',
fontWeight: 400,
fontStyle: 'normal'
// Font-Face
src: '@/assets/fonts/font-b-700',
fontWeight: 700,
fontStyle: 'normal'

## Options

| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `useWorker` | `Boolean` | If set, the non-preloads (prefetches) are loaded via WebWorker. | `false` |
| `ignoreLighthouse` | `Boolean` | If set, the non-preloads (prefetches) in Lighthouse are disabled (ignored). | `false` |
| `classPattern` | `Boolean` | Font css class pattern. | `[family]_[weight]_[style]` |
| `importPathResolve` | `Function` | Path resolve for font `src: url(fontPath)` | Replace `@/` to `~` |
| `requirePathResolve` | `Function` | Path resolve for `require(fontPath)` | no changes |
| `ignoredEffectiveTypes` | `Array` | List of excluded connection types. | `[]` |
| `fonts` | `Array` | List of included fonts. | `[]` |
| `unlockDelay` | `Number` | Delay in milliseconds for unlock prefetched fonts. | `0` |
| `prefetchCount` | `Number` | Defines how many fonts are prefetched at the same time.
**Important:** Lower than zero, everything is loaded at once. | `2` |

### Maximum expression `classPattern`


### WebWorker `useWorker`

Look for compactability at

WebWorker is executed with the setting `inline` to reduce the script loads.

### Font

| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ---------------- | -------- | ---------------- | ------------------- |
| `fileExtensions` | `Array` | Font-Family Name | `['woff2', 'woff']` |
| `fontFamily` | `String` | Font-Family Name | `['2g', 'slow-2g']` |
| `fontFaces` | `Array` | Font-Faces | `[]` |

### Font-Face

| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| --------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| `preload` | `Boolean` | Specifies whether font is loaded as preload. | `false` |
| `local` | `Array` | List of local font names (System, etc.). | `[]` |
| `src` | `Array` | File Path without extension. | `null` |
| `fontVariant` | `String` | CSS-Prop. `font-variant` | `'normal'` |
| `fontFeatureSettings` | `String` | CSS-Prop. `font-feature-settings` | `'normal'` |
| `fontStretch` | `String` | CSS-Prop. `font-stretch` | `'normal'` |
| `fontWeight` | `Number` | CSS-Prop. `font-weight` | `'normal'` |
| `fontStyle` | `String` | CSS-Prop. `font-style` | `'normal'` |
| `fontDisplay` | `String` | CSS-Prop. `font-display` | `'swap'` |

>⚠️ **The first `fileExtensions` entry is used as `preload`.**

## Usage

On the HTML tag a class is set for each font file. This class then activates the set styles in the CSS.

The name of the font is specified in `SnakeCase`. (Example: `Open Sans` -> `open_sans`)

**It is recommended to normalize the used tags.**

**Example:** `h1` has `font-weight: bold` as standard.

p {
font-family: sans-serif;

html.font_open_sans p {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

For additional FontFaces, classes switch with the options `weight` and `style`.

p {
font-family: sans-serif;

html.font_roboto_400_normal p.bold {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;

p.bold {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;

html.font_roboto_700_normal p.bold {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

p.light {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;

html.font_roboto_300_normal p.light {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

p.italic {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 400;

html.font_roboto_400_italic p.italic {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

## Browser Performance

![alt text][performance-image]

## Preview

- [Preview](
- [Report Client](
- [Report Modern](
- [Report Server](

## Development

1. Clone this repository
2. Install dependencies using `yarn install` or `npm install`
3. Start development server using `npm run dev`

## Browser-Support

### Preload Fonts

The options `preload` and `prefetch` are required for the link tag.

**Not all browsers support this:**
- [Can I use - link-rel-preload](
- [Can I use - link-rel-prefetch](

If not supported, all fonts are activated.

### Deactivate fonts at low connection

Connection speed dependent font loading, requires the support of `navigator.connection.effectiveType`.

[Can I use - effectivetype](

## License

[MIT License](./LICENSE)








[performance-image]: ./example/static/performance.jpg