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Proposing security measures and security analysis in the Fiware IoT environment.

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Proposing security measures and security analysis in the Fiware IoT environment.




# SecureFiware


### Overview


### End-to-end encryption

#### COAP Device to LWM2M IoT Agent encrypted communication


For the encrypted communication between the device and the IoT agent we've embedded a DTLS server feature in the **lwm2m-node-lib** source code that forwards any request to the plain-text lwm2m udp server via localhost network then forward the response back to the client. We designed this solution to be setup easily in the configuration `.js` file and is totally compatible with the **lightweightm2m-iotagent** as described [here](fiware-improvements/ and also demonstrated on the PoC below. Notice that the other lightweightm2m-iotagent features are totally unnafected by this modifications.
The dtls-proxy library was also developed by us and already have more than 300 downloads in the npm (search for **node-dtls-proxy**)


- Positive points:
- Enables DTLS communication between UDP servers and UDP clients (of any kind) with minimal or none source code modifications.
- Really quick to setup.

- Negative points:
- A bit slower than a Pure DTLS solution.
- The client requires dtls support or be able to run a software that implements the dtls proxy downgrade service.

- Links:
- [ goldy - IBM Lightweight DTLS proxy ](
- [ node-dtls-proxy ](

#### Orion ContextBroker and LWM2M IoT Agent HTTPS Communication and Support


For the HTTPS support on the Orion ContextBroker we've added a nginx container in the `docker-compose.yml` file that acts like a HTTPS reverse-proxy to the ContextBroker in HTTP context (SSL/TLS Termination), then we've modified the **iotagent-node-lib** used by the **lightweightm2m-iotagent** to support the ContextBroker in HTTPS context, the configuration can be setupt in the `.js` configuration file of the IoTa described [here](fiware-improvements#connect-to-orion-in-https-context), also we modified the IoT Agent with a new feature that starts the NGSI server in HTTPS context too. the configuration can be easily set up in the `.js` configuration file of the IoTA as described [here](fiware-improvements/ just like the https orion configuration.

### Walkthrough


Clone the repositoy:

git clone --recursive

Install Docker: and docker-compose:

Since all the Fiware libraries for LWM2M are in NodeJS, install NodeJS and it's package manager NPM

Run the following command:

sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm

Also install de node-dtls-proxy library that will be responsible for encrypting the device requests and sending to the LWM2MIoTA in the DTLS context.

sudo npm install -g node-dtls-proxy

Start the Orion Context Broker and the LWM2M IoT Agent

Generate a certificate and key to be used in TLS and DTLS connections of the components

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt

Run the command below inside this directory to start the orion, mongodb, iota and openssl docker containers

$ sudo docker-compose up

Press CTRL+C to stop the environment


Acessing the MongoDB:

$ sudo docker exec -it secfiware_mongodb mongo

Acessing the Orion bash:

$ sudo docker exec -it secfiware_orion bash

Acessing the IoT Agent bash:

$ sudo docker exec -it secfiware_iota bash

Destroying the environment:

$ sudo docker-compose down

Start the IoT Device

Running the LWM2M IoT Device (Client)

Enter the fiware-improvements/lwm2m-node-lib directory and install the nodejs requirements:

cd fiware-improvements/lwm2m-node-lib/ ; npm install

Run the LWM2M IoT Device:

node bin/iotagent-lwm2m-client.js

Secure DTLS and TLS Environment Walkthrough

- Provisioning a service configuration for devices
curl -X POST -k https://localhost:4041/iot/services \
--header "fiware-service:light_control" \
--header "fiware-servicepath:/light_control" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{
"services": [
"resource": "/light_control",
"apikey": "",
"type": "Light Control",
"commands": [],
"attributes": [
"name": "On/Off",
"type": "Boolean"

- Provisioning a new device for the service created

curl -X POST -k https://localhost:4041/iot/devices \
--header "fiware-service:light_control" \
--header "fiware-servicepath:/light_control" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{
"devices": [
"device_id": "rasp1",
"entity_type": "Raspberry",
"attributes": [
"name": "On/Off",
"type": "Boolean"
"internal_attributes": {
"lwm2mResourceMapping": {
"On/Off" : {
"objectType": 3311,
"objectInstance": 0,
"objectResource": 5850

- If you get error on logs about self-signed certificates, you may need to generate a keypair and declare the path on the config-secure.json

- Open another separated terminal and run

$ udp2dtls 5687 localhost 5684

- Then (on another separated terminal) start an lwm2m-client
LWM2M-Client> create /3311/0
LWM2M-Client> connect localhost 5687 rasp1 /light_control
LWM2M-Client> set /3311/0 5850 On

Query the device in the ContextBroker

- Run this

curl -X POST -k https://localhost:1026/v1/queryContext \
--header "fiware-service:light_control" \
--header "fiware-servicepath:/light_control" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--header "Accept:application/json" -d \
'{"entities": [{"id": "Raspberry:rasp1"}]}'

> Notice that you will need to setup a udp2dtls proxy on a different port for each device, unless you already have a client that supports dtls. (The dtls support will be added in the client in future updates)


- [Fiware tour guide application](

- [IoTa Docs](

- [lwm2m-node-lib](

- [Devices provisioning](

- [Configuration provisioning (fiware-service)](

- [Installation of client](

- [Using the device](


- [OMA Specification - OMA-LWM2M](

- [OMA LWM2M Object and Resource Registry](

- [Objects and their corresponding Object IDs](

- [IP for Smart Objects - IPSO Objects](

### Contributors

|Prof. Dr. Sergio Takeo Kofuji| Mentor| [email protected] |
|Prof. MSc. Fábio Henrique Cabrini | Mentor | [email protected] |
|Angelo Moura | Developer | [email protected] |
|Bruno Galvão | Developer | [email protected] |
|Igor Servulo | Developer | [email protected] |
|Lucas Pereira| Developer | [email protected] |
|Anderson A. Alves da Silva | Collaborator | [email protected] |
|Noris Junior | Collaborator | [email protected] |
|Albérico de Castro | Collaborator | [email protected] |
|Filippo Valiante Filho | Collaborator | [email protected] |