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This ros package acts as a bridge between FIWARE and ROS through MQTT.

fiware mqtt ros ros-kinetic

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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This ros package acts as a bridge between FIWARE and ROS through MQTT.




# fiware-ros-turtlesim
This ros package acts as a bridge between [FIWARE]( and [ROS]( through MQTT.

[![TravisCI Status](](

## Description
### `command_sender`
This ROS node receives a command from [FIWARE orion context broker]( through MQTT.

When receiving a command, this node publish a series of `geometry_msgs/Twist` messages to `/turtle1/cmd_vel` topic. By doing so, `turtlesim` moves according to the received command.

### `attribute_receiver`
This ROS node subscribes for `/turtle1/temperature` topic.

When receiving a `std_msgs/Float32` message from its topic, this node publishes the received `temperature` to FIWARE orion context broker through MQTT.

## Requirement

**ROS kinetic**

## Install libraries

$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd fiware-ros-turtlesim
$ pip install -r requirements/common.txt

## How to Run
1. start X server.
1. open a terminal and start `roscore`.

terminal1:$ cd ~/ros_ws
terminal1:$ source devel/setup.bash
terminal1:$ roscore
1. open another terminal and start `turtlesim`.

terminal2:$ cd ~/ros_ws
terminal2:$ source devel/setup.bash
terminal2:$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
1. configure `config/params.yaml`

* set `` and `mqtt.port`
* If necessary, set `mqtt.cafile`, `mqtt.sername` and `mqtt.password`
1. open another terminal and start `fiware-ros-turtlesim`.

terminal3:$ cd ~/ros_ws
terminal3:$ source devel/setup.bash
terminal3:$ roslaunch fiware-ros-turtlesim fiware-ros-turtlesim.launch

## License

[Apache License 2.0](/LICENSE)

## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2018 TIS Inc.