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# stax

Go-based CLI for managing CloudFormation stacks written in Cue

## Installation

1. Clone the repo.
2. `cd` into the repo and run `go install ./...`
3. The `stax` binary will be placed in `$GOHOME/bin/stax` (e.g. `~/go/bin/stax`). Make sure this is in your `$PATH`

## Usage

`stax [global flags] [command flags] [./... or specific cue files]`

If no args are present after , stax will default to using `./...` as a way to find Cue files. This can be overriden with specific files: `stax print ./text.cue`

### Commands

- `add` Writes scaffolding to template.cfn.cue
- `delete` Deletes the stack along with .yml and .out.cue files
- `deploy` Deploys a stack by creating a changeset, previews expected changes, and optionally executes.
- `diff` DIFF against CloudFormation for the evaluted leaves.
- `events` Shows the latest events from the evaluated stacks.
- `export` Exports cue templates that implement the Stack pattern as yml files.
- `help` Help about any command
- `import` Imports an existing stack into Cue.
- `print` Prints the Cue output as YAML
- `resources` Lists the resources managed by the stack.
- `save` Saves stack outputs as importable libraries to cue.mod
- `status` Returns a stack status if it exists
- `notify` Creates a light http server to listen for stack events from sns