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goben is a golang tool to measure TCP/UDP transport layer throughput between hosts.

bandwidth benchmarking go golang measure-tcp-throughput networking performance-testing tcp throughput tool udp

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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goben is a golang tool to measure TCP/UDP transport layer throughput between hosts.




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# goben

goben is a golang tool to measure TCP/UDP transport layer throughput between hosts.

* [Features](#features)
* [History](#history)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Install](#install)
* [With Go Modules (since Go 1\.11)](#with-go-modules-since-go-111)
* [Without Go Modules (before Go 1\.11)](#without-go-modules-before-go-111)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Command\-line Options](#command-line-options)
* [Example](#example)
* [TLS](#tls)

Created by [gh-md-toc](

# Features

- Support for TCP, UDP, TLS.
- Can limit maximum bandwidth.
- Written in [Go]( Single executable file. No runtime dependency.
- Simple usage: start the server then launch the client pointing to server's address.
- Spawns multiple concurrent lightweight goroutines to handle multiple parallel traffic streams.
- Can save test results as PNG chart.
- Can export test results as YAML or CSV.

# History

- Years ago out of frustration with [iperf2]( limitations, I wrote the [nepim]( tool. One can find some known iperf problems here: [iperf caveats]( Nepim was more customizable, easier to use, reported simpler to understand results, was lighter on CPU.
- Later I found another amazing tool called [nuttcp]( One can read about nepim and nuttcp here: [nepim and nuttcp](
- [goben]( is intended to fix shortcomings of nepim: (1) Take advantage of multiple CPUs while not wasting processing power. Nepim was single-threaded. (2) Be easily portable to multiple platforms. Nepim was heavily tied to UNIX-like world. (3) Use a simpler synchronous code flow. Nepim used hard-to-follow asynchronous architecture.

# Requirements

- You need a [system with the Go language]( in order to build the application. There is no special requirement for running it.
- You can also download a binary release from

# Install

## With Go Modules (since Go 1.11)

git clone ;# clone outside GOPATH
cd goben
go test ./goben
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install ./goben

## Without Go Modules (before Go 1.11)

go get
go get
go get
go install

# Usage

Make sure ~/go/bin is in your shell PATH.

Start server:

server$ goben

Start client:

client$ goben -hosts ;# is server's address

# Command-line Options

Find several supported command-line switches by running 'goben -h':

$ goben -h
2021/02/28 00:43:28 goben version 0.6 runtime go1.16 GOMAXPROCS=12 OS=linux arch=amd64
Usage of goben:
plot ascii chart (default true)
-cert string
TLS cert file (default "cert.pem")
-chart string
output filename for rendering chart on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -chart chart-%d-%s.png
-connections int
number of parallel connections (default 1)
-csv string
output filename for CSV exporting test results on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -csv export-%d-%s.csv
-defaultPort string
default port (default ":8080")
-export string
output filename for YAML exporting test results on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -export export-%d-%s.yaml
-hosts value
comma-separated list of hosts
you may append an optional port to every host: host[:port]
-key string
TLS key file (default "key.pem")
-listeners value
comma-separated list of listen addresses
you may prepend an optional host to every port: [host]:port
-localAddr string
bind specific local address:port
example: -localAddr
-maxSpeed float
bandwidth limit in mbps (0 means unlimited)
suppress client writes
suppress server writes
-reportInterval string
periodic report interval
unspecified time unit defaults to second (default "2s")
-tcpReadSize int
TCP read buffer size in bytes (default 1000000)
-tcpWriteSize int
TCP write buffer size in bytes (default 1000000)
set to false to disable TLS (default true)
-totalDuration string
test total duration
unspecified time unit defaults to second (default "10s")
run client in UDP mode
-udpReadSize int
UDP read buffer size in bytes (default 64000)
-udpWriteSize int
UDP write buffer size in bytes (default 64000)

# Example

Server side:

$ goben
2018/06/28 15:04:26 goben version 0.3 runtime go1.11beta1 GOMAXPROCS=1
2018/06/28 15:04:26 connections=1 defaultPort=:8080 listeners=[":8080"] hosts=[]
2018/06/28 15:04:26 reportInterval=2s totalDuration=10s
2018/06/28 15:04:26 server mode (use -hosts to switch to client mode)
2018/06/28 15:04:26 serve: spawning TCP listener: :8080
2018/06/28 15:04:26 serve: spawning UDP listener: :8080

Client side:

$ goben -hosts localhost
2018/06/28 15:04:28 goben version 0.3 runtime go1.11beta1 GOMAXPROCS=1
2018/06/28 15:04:28 connections=1 defaultPort=:8080 listeners=[":8080"] hosts=["localhost"]
2018/06/28 15:04:28 reportInterval=2s totalDuration=10s
2018/06/28 15:04:28 client mode, tcp protocol
2018/06/28 15:04:28 open: opening tcp 0/1: localhost:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 handleConnectionClient: starting 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 handleConnectionClient: options sent: {2s 10s 50000 50000 false 0}
2018/06/28 15:04:28 clientReader: starting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 clientWriter: starting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:30 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13917 Mbps 34793 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:30 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13468 Mbps 33670 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:32 0/1 report clientReader rate: 14044 Mbps 35111 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:32 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13591 Mbps 33978 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:34 0/1 report clientReader rate: 12934 Mbps 32337 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:34 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 12517 Mbps 31294 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:36 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13307 Mbps 33269 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:36 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 12878 Mbps 32196 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13330 Mbps 33325 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13774 Mbps 34436 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 handleConnectionClient: 10s timer
2018/06/28 15:04:38 workLoop: 0/1 clientWriter: write tcp [::1]:42130->[::1]:8080: use of closed network connection
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 average clientWriter rate: 13157 Mbps 32892 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 clientWriter: exiting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:38 workLoop: 0/1 clientReader: read tcp [::1]:42130->[::1]:8080: use of closed network connection
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 average clientReader rate: 13595 Mbps 33989 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 clientReader: exiting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:38 input:
14038 ┤ ╭────╮
13939 ┤──────────╯ ╰╮
13840 ┼ ╰─╮
13741 ┤ ╰╮ ╭──
13641 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13542 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭──╯
13443 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13344 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
13245 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13146 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
13047 ┤ ╰────╯
12948 ┤
2018/06/28 15:04:38 output:
13585 ┤ ╭────╮
13489 ┤──────────╯ ╰╮
13393 ┼ ╰─╮
13297 ┤ ╰╮ ╭──
13201 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13105 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭──╯
13009 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
12914 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
12818 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
12722 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
12626 ┤ ╰────╯
12530 ┤
2018/06/28 15:04:38 handleConnectionClient: closing: 0/1 [::1]:8080


For TLS, a server-side certificate is required:

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem

If the certificate is available, goben server listens on TLS socket. Otherwise, it falls back to plain TCP.
