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Apache Traffic Control is an Open Source implementation of a Content Delivery Network

apache cdn contentdelivery hacktoberfest trafficcontrol

Last synced: 14 days ago
JSON representation

Apache Traffic Control is an Open Source implementation of a Content Delivery Network




# Apache Traffic Control

Traffic Control Logo

Apache Traffic Control allows you to build a large scale content delivery network using open source. Built around Apache Traffic Server as the caching software, Traffic Control implements all the core functions of a modern CDN.

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__Build Status__ [^1]

[![Build Status](](
[![Documentation Status](](

__Code Status__ [^1]

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__Test Status__ [^1]

| Component | Unit Tests | Integration Tests |
| Go Libraries | [![Go Lib Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | - |
| Traffic Ops | [![Traffic Ops Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( [![Traffic Ops API Contract Tests](]( | [![TO Go Client Integration Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( |
| Traffic Router | [![Traffic Router Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | [![TR Ultimate Test Harness](]( |
| Traffic Monitor| [![Traffic Monitor Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | [![TM Integration Tests](]( |
| T3C | [![T3C Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | [![T3C Integration Tests](]( |
| Traffic Stats | [![Traffic Stats Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | - |
| Grove | [![Grove Unit Tests](]( [![Codecov](]( | - |
| Traffic Portal | - | [![TP Integration Tests](]( |
| TCHC | - | [![TC Health Client Integration Tests](]( |


## Documentation [^2]
* [Intro](
* [CDN Basics](
* [Traffic Control Overview](
* [Administrator's Guide](
* [Developer's Guide](
* [Traffic Ops API](

## Components [^2]
* [Traffic Ops]( is the RESTful API service for management and monitoring of all servers in the CDN.
* [Traffic Portal]( is the web GUI for managing and monitoring the CDN via the Traffic Ops API.
* [Traffic Router]( uses DNS and HTTP302 to redirect clients to the closest available cache on the CDN.
* [Traffic Monitor]( uses HTTP to poll the health of caches and provide this information to Traffic Router.
* [Traffic Stats]( acquires and stores real-time metrics and statistics into an InfluxDB for charting and alerting.

## Releases
* [Releases](

## Downloads
* [Downloads](

## Questions, Comments, Bugs and More
* [Frequently Asked Questions](
* [Found a bug or file a feature request](
* [Subscribe to our users list](mailto:[email protected])
* [Subscribe to our dev list](mailto:[email protected])
* [Search the email archives]([email protected])
* [Check out the wiki]( for less formal documentation, design docs and roadmap discussions

[^1]: *Status links point to the unreleased *master* branch

[^2]: *Documentation links point to the __latest__ which is the unreleased master branch and are neither stable nor necessarily accurate for any given supported release.*