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A versioning data store for time-variant graph data.

arangodb data-versioning dynamic-networks foxx-microservice streaming-graph-data temporal-graphs

Last synced: 22 days ago
JSON representation

A versioning data store for time-variant graph data.





# RecallGraph - A versioning data store for time-variant graph data.
RecallGraph is a _versioned-graph_ data store - it retains all changes that its data (vertices and edges) have gone
through to reach their current state. It supports _point-in-time_ graph traversals, letting the user query any past
state of the graph just as easily as the present.

It is a [Foxx Microservice]( for [ArangoDB]( that
features _VCS-like_ semantics in many parts of its interface, and is backed by a transactional event tracker. It is
currently being developed and tested on ArangoDB v3.6, with support for v3.7 in the pipeline.

**Example: [A Time-Travelling Mind Map Tool](**


[![Build Status](](
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## Do I Need a 'Versioned Graph' Database?
To get an idea of where such a data store might be used, see:

1. [The Case for Versioned Graph Databases](,
1. [Illustrative Problems in Dynamic Network Analysis](

Also, check out the recording below (RecallGraph presented @ ArangoDB Online Meetup)

[![YouTube link for RecallGraph presentation](]( "RecallGraph Presented @ ArangoDB Online Meetup")

**TL;DR:** RecallGraph is a potential fit for scenarios where data is best represented as a network of vertices and edges (i.e., a graph) having the following characteristics:
1. Both vertices and edges can hold properties in the form of attribute/value pairs (equivalent to JSON objects).
1. Documents (vertices/edges) mutate within their lifespan (both in their individual attributes/values and in their relations with each other).
1. Past states of documents are as important as their present, necessitating retention and queryability of their change history.

Refer to the [documentation]( for an in-depth introduction.

## API Features
RecallGraph's API is split into 3 top-level categories:

### Document
- **Create** - Create single/multiple documents (vertices/edges).
- **Replace** - Replace entire single/multiple documents with new content.
- **Delete** - Delete single/multiple documents.
- **Update** - Add/Update specific fields in single/multiple documents.
- **Restore** - Restore deleted nodes back to their last known undeleted state.
- **(Planned) Materialization** - Point-in-time checkouts.
- **(Planned) CQRS/ES Operation Mode** - Async implicit commits.

### Event
- **Log** - Fetch a log of events (commits) for a given path pattern (path determines scope of documents to pick). The log can be optionally grouped/sorted/sliced within a specified time interval.
- **Diff** - Fetch a list of forward or reverse commands (diffs) between commits for specified documents.
- **Explicit Commits** - Commit a document's changes separately, after it has been written to DB via other means (AQL / Core REST API / Client).
- **(Planned) Branch/Tag** - Create parallel versions of history, branching off from a specific event point of the main timeline. Also, tag specific points in branch+time for convenient future reference.

### History
- **Show** - Fetch a set of documents, optionally grouped/sorted/sliced, that match a given path pattern, at a given point in time.
- **Filter** - In addition to a path pattern like in **'Show'**, apply an expression-based, simple/compound post-filter on the retrieved documents.
- **Traverse** - A point-in-time traversal (walk) of a past version of the graph, with the option to apply additional post-filters to the result.
- **k Shortest Paths** - Point-in-time, weighted, shortest paths between two endpoints.
- **Purge** - Delete all history for specified nodes.

## Installation
RecallGraph installs like any other _Foxx Microservice_ inside a database, on an ArangoDB instance.

1. Download the [latest release](
2. Follow the instructions in the [Foxx Deployment Manual]( The web interface is the easiest, while the `foxx-cli` is more suitable for power users.

### Install From Source
Refer to the [installation docs]( if you want to install from source.

## Documentation

### API
- API documentation is hosted at [SwaggerHub](
- API documentation is also available directly in the Swagger console once the service is installed (accessed through ArangoDB's web UI).

#### Provider API
- API documentation is hosted at [Github Pages](

### Concepts and Guides
User guides, glossary and technical docs are available at the [main documentation website](

## Limitations
1. Although the test cases are quite extensive and have good coverage, this service has only been tested on single-instance DB deployments, and **not on clusters**.
2. As of version 3.6, ArangoDB does not support ACID transactions for multi-document/collection writes in [cluster mode]( Transactional ACIDity is not guaranteed for such deployments.

## Development Roadmap
1. Support for absolute/relative revision-based queries on individual documents (in addition to the timestamp-based queries supported currently),
1. Branching/tag support,
1. Support for the _valid time_ dimension in addition to the currently implemented _transaction time_ dimension (,
1. Support for ArangoDB v3.7,
1. Multiple, simultaneous materialized checkouts (a la `git`) of selectable sections of the database (entire DB, named graph, named collection, document list, document pattern), with eventual branch-level specificity,
1. CQRS/ES operation mode (async implicit commits),
1. Support for ArangoDB clusters (limited at present by lack of support for multi-document ACID transactions in clusters).
1. Multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms.

## Get in Touch
- Raise an issue or PR on this repo, or
- Mail me (![Email Link](, or
- Join the Gitter channel - [](

## Disclaimer
The authors and maintainers of RecallGraph are not liable for damages or indemnity (express or implied) for loss of any kind incurred directly or indirectly as a result of using this software.