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JavaScript library for Contentful's Delivery API (node & browser)

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JavaScript library for Contentful's Delivery API (node & browser)




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Content Delivery API


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## Introduction

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JavaScript library for the Contentful [Content Delivery API]( and [Content Preview API]( It helps you to easily access your content stored in Contentful with your JavaScript applications.

**What is Contentful?**

[Contentful]( provides content infrastructure for digital teams to power websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enables developers and content creators to ship their products faster.

Table of contents

- [contentful.js - Contentful JavaScript Delivery library](#contentfuljs---contentful-javascript-delivery-library)
- [Core Features](#core-features)
- [Supported browsers and Node.js versions](#supported-browsers-and-nodejs-versions)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Using it directly in the browser](#using-it-directly-in-the-browser)
- [Legacy browsers:](#legacy-browsers)
- [React Native & Server Side Rendering:](#react-native--server-side-rendering)
- [Your first request](#your-first-request)
- [Using this library with the Preview API](#using-this-library-with-the-preview-api)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Documentation & References](#documentation--references)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Client chain modifiers](#client-chain-modifiers)
- [Reference documentation](#reference-documentation)
- [Tutorials & other resources](#tutorials--other-resources)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Typscript](#typescript)
- [Advanced Concepts](
- [Migration](
- [Reach out to us](#reach-out-to-us)
- [You have questions about how to use this library?](#you-have-questions-about-how-to-use-this-library)
- [You found a bug or want to propose a feature?](#you-found-a-bug-or-want-to-propose-a-feature)
- [You need to share confidential information or have other questions?](#you-need-to-share-confidential-information-or-have-other-questions)
- [Get involved](#get-involved)
- [License](#license)
- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)

## Core Features

- Content retrieval through [Content Delivery API]( and [Content Preview API](
- [Synchronization](
- [Localization support](
- [Link resolution](
- Built in rate limiting with recovery procedures
- Supports [Environments]( (since `v6.0.0`)

### Supported browsers and Node.js versions

- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
- Safari
- node.js (LTS)

> See list of min supported browser version here [@contentful/browserslist-config
> ](

The default export is an `es9` compliant module. In order to import the `commonJS` bundle, please use:

const contentful = require('contentful/contentful.node')

## Getting started

In order to get started with the Contentful JS library you'll need not only to install it, but also to get credentials which will allow you to have access to your content in Contentful.

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Your first request](#your-first-request)
- [Using this library with the Preview API](#using-this-library-with-the-preview-api)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Documentation & References](#documentation--references)

### Installation

npm install contentful

#### Using it directly in the browser

For browsers, we recommend downloading the library via npm or yarn to ensure 100% availability.

If you'd like to use a standalone built file you can use the following script tag or download it from [jsDelivr](, under the `dist` directory:



Using `contentful@latest` will always get you the latest version, but you can also specify a specific version number.



The Contentful Delivery library will be accessible via the `contentful` global variable.

Check the [releases]( page to know which versions are available.

### Your first request

The following code snippet is the most basic one you can use to get some content from Contentful with this library:

const contentful = require('contentful')
const client = contentful.createClient({
// This is the space ID. A space is like a project folder in Contentful terms
space: 'developer_bookshelf',
// This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app
accessToken: '0b7f6x59a0',
// This API call will request an entry with the specified ID from the space defined at the top, using a space-specific access token
.then((entry) => console.log(entry))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

Check out this [JSFiddle]( version of our Product Catalogue demo app.

### Using this library with the Preview API

This library can also be used with the Preview API. In order to do so, you need to use the Preview API Access token, available on the same page where you get the Delivery API token, and specify the host of the preview API, such as:

const contentful = require('contentful')
const client = contentful.createClient({
space: 'developer_bookshelf',
accessToken: 'preview_0b7f6x59a0',
host: '',

You can find all available methods of our client in our [reference documentation](

### Authentication

To get your own content from Contentful, an app should authenticate with an OAuth bearer token.

You can create API keys using the [Contentful web interface]( Go to the app, open the space that you want to access (top left corner lists all the spaces), and navigate to the APIs area. Open the API Keys section and create your first token. Done.

Don't forget to also get your Space ID.

For more information, check the [Contentful REST API reference on Authentication](

## Documentation & References

- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Client chain modifiers](#client-chain-modifiers)
- [Reference documentation](#reference-documentation)
- [Tutorials & other resources](#tutorials--other-resources)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [TypeScript](#typescript)
- [Advanced concepts](#advanced-concepts)
- [Migration](#migration)

To help you get the most out of this library, we've prepared all available client configuration options, a reference documentation, tutorials and other examples that will help you learn and understand how to use this library.

### Configuration

The `createClient` method supports several options you may set to achieve the expected behavior:

...your config here...

The configuration options belong to two categories: request config and response config.

##### Request configuration options

| Name | Default | Description |
| ---------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `accessToken` | | **Required**. Your CDA access token. |
| `space` | | **Required**. Your Space ID. |
| `environment` | `'master'` | Set the environment that the API key has access to. |
| `host` | `''` | Set the host used to build the request URI's. |
| `basePath` | `''` | This path gets appended to the host to allow request urls like `` for custom gateways/proxies. |
| `httpAgent` | `undefined` | Custom agent to perform HTTP requests. Find further information in the [axios request config documentation]( |
| `httpsAgent` | `undefined` | Custom agent to perform HTTPS requests. Find further information in the [axios request config documentation]( |
| `adapter` | `undefined` | Custom adapter to handle making the requests. Find further information in the [axios request config documentation]( |
| `headers` | `{}` | Additional headers to attach to the requests. We add/overwrite the following headers:

  • Content-Type: `application/`

  • X-Contentful-User-Agent: `sdk contentful.js/1.2.3; platform node.js/1.2.3; os macOS/1.2.3` (Automatically generated)

| `proxy` | `undefined` | Axios proxy configuration. See the [axios request config documentation]( for further information about the supported values.  |
| `retryOnError` | `true` | By default, this library is retrying requests which resulted in a 500 server error and 429 rate limit response. Set this to `false` to disable this behavior. |
| `application` | `undefined` | Application name and version e.g myApp/version. |
| `integration` | `undefined` | Integration name and version e.g react/version. |
| `timeout` | `30000` | in milliseconds - connection timeout. |
| `retryLimit` | `5` | Optional number of retries before failure. |
| `logHandler` | `function (level, data) {}` | Errors and warnings will be logged by default to the node or browser console. Pass your own log handler to intercept here and handle errors, warnings and info on your own. |
| `requestLogger` | `function (config) {}` | Interceptor called on every request. Takes Axios request config as an arg. |
| `responseLogger` | `function (response) {}` | Interceptor called on every response. Takes Axios response object as an arg. |

##### Response configuration options

> :warning: **Response config options** have been **removed** in `v10.0.0` in favor of the new [client chain modifiers](#client-chain-modifiers) approach.

### Client chain modifiers

> Introduced in `v10.0.0`.

The contentful.js library returns calls to `sync`, `parseEntries`, `getEntries`, `getEntry`, `getAssets` and `getAsset` in different shapes, depending on the configurations listed in the respective sections below.

In order to provide type support for each configuration, we provide the possibility to chain modifiers to the Contentful client, providing the correct return types corresponding to the used modifiers.

This way, we make developing with `contentful.js` much more predictable and safer.

When initialising a client, you will receive an instance of the [`ContentfulClientApi`](lib/create-contentful-api.ts#L91) shape.

#### Entries

| Chain | Modifier |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| _none (default)_ | Returns entries in a single locale. Resolvable linked entries will be inlined while unresolvable links will be kept as link objects. [Read more on link resolution]( |
| `withAllLocales` | Returns entries in all locales. |
| `withoutLinkResolution` | All linked entries will be rendered as link objects. [Read more on link resolution]( |
| `withoutUnresolvableLinks` | If linked entries are not resolvable, the corresponding link objects are removed from the response. |

##### Example

// returns entries in one locale, resolves linked entries, removing unresolvable links
const entries = await client.withoutUnresolvableLinks.getEntries()

You can also combine client chains:

// returns entries in all locales, resolves linked entries, removing unresolvable links
const entries = await client.withoutLinkResolution.withAllLocales.getEntries()

The default behaviour doesn't change, you can still do:

// returns entries in one locale, resolves linked entries, keeping unresolvable links as link object
const entries = await client.getEntries()

The same chaining approach can be used with `parseEntries`. Assuming this is the raw data we want to parse:

const localizedData = {
total: 1,
skip: 0,
limit: 100,
items: [
metadata: { tags: [] },
sys: {
space: {
sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Space', id: 'my-space-id' },
id: 'my-zoo',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
updatedAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
environment: {
sys: { id: 'master', type: 'Link', linkType: 'Environment' },
revision: 1,
contentType: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'ContentType', id: 'zoo' } },
locale: 'en-US',
fields: {
animal: {
'en-US': { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'oink' } },
anotheranimal: {
'en-US': { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'middle-parrot' } },
includes: {
Entry: [
metadata: { tags: [] },
sys: {
space: {
sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Space', id: 'my-space-id' },
id: 'oink',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
updatedAt: '2020-02-01T00:00:00.000Z',
environment: {
sys: { id: 'master', type: 'Link', linkType: 'Environment' },
revision: 2,
contentType: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'ContentType', id: 'animal' } },
locale: 'en-US',
fields: {
name: {
'en-US': 'Pig',
de: 'Schwein',
friend: {
'en-US': { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'groundhog' } },

It can be used to receive parsed entries with all locales:

// returns parsed entries in all locales
const entries = client.withAllLocales.parseEntries(localizedData)

Similarly, raw data without locales information can be parsed as well:

const data = {
total: 1,
skip: 0,
limit: 100,
items: [
metadata: { tags: [] },
sys: {
space: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Space', id: 'my-space-id' } },
id: 'my-zoo',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
updatedAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
environment: { sys: { id: 'master', type: 'Link', linkType: 'Environment' } },
revision: 1,
contentType: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'ContentType', id: 'zoo' } },
locale: 'en-US',
fields: {
animal: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'oink' } },
anotheranimal: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'middle-parrot' } },
includes: {
Entry: [
metadata: { tags: [] },
sys: {
space: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Space', id: 'my-space-id' } },
id: 'oink',
type: 'Entry',
createdAt: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
updatedAt: '2020-02-01T00:00:00.000Z',
environment: { sys: { id: 'master', type: 'Link', linkType: 'Environment' } },
revision: 2,
contentType: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'ContentType', id: 'animal' } },
locale: 'en-US',
fields: {
name: 'Pig',
friend: { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', id: 'groundhog' } },

// returns parsed entries keeping unresolvable links as link object
const entries = client.withoutLinkResolution.parseEntries(data)

#### Assets

| Chain | Modifier |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| _none (default)_ | Returns assets in a single locale. |
| `withAllLocales` | Returns assets in all locales. |

##### Example

// returns assets in all locales
const assets = await client.withAllLocales.getAssets()

The default behaviour doesn't change, you can still do:

// returns assets in one locale
const assets = await client.getAssets()

#### Sync

The Sync API always retrieves all localized content, therefore `withAllLocales` is accepted, but ignored.

| Chain | Modifier |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| _none (default)_ | Returns content in all locales. |
| `withoutLinkResolution` | Linked content will be rendered as link objects. [Read more on link resolution]( |
| `withoutUnresolvableLinks` | If linked content is not resolvable, the corresponding link objects are removed from the response. |

##### Example

// returns content in all locales, resolves linked entries, removing unresolvable links
const { entries, assets, deletedEntries, deletedAssets } =
await client.withoutUnresolvableLinks.sync({ initial: true })

More information on behavior of the Sync API can be found in [the sync section in](

### Reference documentation

The [JS library reference]( documents what objects and methods are exposed by this library, what arguments they expect and what kind of data is returned.

Most methods also have examples which show you how to use them.

### Tutorials & other resources

- This library is a wrapper around our Contentful Delivery REST API. Some more specific details such as search parameters and pagination are better explained on the [REST API reference](, and you can also get a better understanding of how the requests look under the hood.
- Check the [Contentful for JavaScript]( page for Tutorials, Demo Apps, and more information on other ways of using JavaScript with Contentful.

### Troubleshooting

- **I get the error: Unable to resolve module `http`.**
Our library is supplied as node and browser version. Most non-node environments, like React Native, act like a browser. To force using of the browser version, you can require it via:

const { createClient } = require('contentful/dist/contentful.browser.min.js')

- **Is the library doing any caching?**
No, check this [issue]( for more infos.

### TypeScript

This library is 100% written in TypeScript. Type definitions are bundled. Find out more about the advantages of using this library in conjunction with TypeScript in the [TYPESCRIPT]( document.

### Advanced concepts

More information about how to use the library in advanced or special ways can be found in the [ADVANCED]( document.

### Migration

We gathered all information related to migrating from older versions of the library in our [MIGRATION]( document.

## Reach out to us

### You have questions about how to use this library?

- Jump into our community Slack channel: [![Contentful Community Slack](](

### You found a bug or want to propose a feature?

- File an issue here on GitHub: [![File an issue](](
Make sure to remove any credential from your code before sharing it.

### You need to share confidential information or have other questions?


## Get involved

We appreciate any help on our repositories. For more details about how to contribute see our [CONTRIBUTING]( document.

## License

This repository is published under the [MIT](LICENSE) license.

## Code of Conduct

We want to provide a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free space and experience for all participants, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, body size, ethnicity, nationality, level of experience, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other identity markers.

[Read our full Code of Conduct](