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A command-line tool to prevent committing secret keys into your source code

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A command-line tool to prevent committing secret keys into your source code




# ripsecrets

![ripsecrets logo, a gravestone that says "R.I.P. Secrets ?-20XX Death by Exposure"](.github/ripsecrets-logo.svg)

`ripsecrets` is a command-line tool to prevent committing secret keys into your source code. `ripsecrets` has a few features that distinguish it from other secret scanning tools:

## What makes ripsecrets different

`ripsecrets` has a few features that distinguish it from other secret scanning tools:

1. **Focused on pre-commit**. It's a lot cheaper to prevent secrets from getting committed in the first place than dealing with the consequences once a secret that has been committed to your repository has been detected.

2. **Extremely fast**. Using a secret scanner shouldn't slow down your development workflow, so `ripsecrets` is 95 times faster or more than other tools. [Learn more about how it's designed for performance](#performance).

3. **Always local operation**. Many other secret scanners try to verify that the secrets are valid, which in practice means sending strings from your source code to 3rd party services automatically. There's a security versus convenience tradeoff in that decision, but `ripsecrets` is designed to be the best "local only" tool and will never send data off of your computer.

4. **Low rate of false positives**. While local-only tools are always going to have more false positives than one that verifies secrets, `ripsecrets` uses a probability theory based approach in order to detect keys more accurately than other tools.

5. **Single binary with no dependencies**. Installing `ripsecrets` is as easy as copying the binary into your `bin` directory.

## Usage

By default, running `ripsecrets` will recursively search source files in your current directory for secrets.

$ ripsecrets

For every secret it finds, it will print out the file, line number, and the secret that was found. If it finds any secrets, it will exit with a non-zero status code.

You can optionally pass a list of files and directories to search as arguments.

$ ripsecrets file1 file2 dir1

This is most commonly used to search files that are about to be committed to source control for accidentally included secrets.

### Installing ripsecrets as a pre-commit hook

You can install `ripsecrets` as a pre-commit hook _automatically_ in your current git repository using the following command:

$ ripsecrets --install-pre-commit

If you would like to install `ripsecrets` _manually_, you can add the following command to your `pre-commit` script:

ripsecrets --strict-ignore `git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM`

Passing `--strict-ignore` ensures that your `.secretsignore` file is respected when running secrets as a pre-commit.

## Installation

### Homebrew

[`ripsecrets`]( is available in Homebrew for macOS and Linux:

$ brew install ripsecrets

### Pre-built

You can download a prebuilt binary for the latest release from the [releases]( page.

### Cargo

Alternatively, if you have [Rust]( and Cargo installed, you can run:

$ cargo install --git --branch main

### Nix Flake

Assuming you have enabled [Flakes]( in your Nix configuration, you can build the `ripsecrets` binary and make it available in your default Nix profile by running:
$ nix profile install github:sirwart/ripsecrets

### Using `pre-commit`

`ripsecrets` works as a hook for [the pre-commit framework](
Add the following to your `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file:

- repo:
rev: v0.1.7 # Use latest tag on GitHub
- id: ripsecrets
# uncomment to check additional patterns
# args:
# - --additional-pattern 'mytoken*'
# - --additional-pattern 'mykey*'

There are two hooks available:

- `ripsecrets` (Recommended)

pre-commit will set up a Rust environment from scratch to compile and run ripsecrets.
See the [pre-commit rust plugin docs]( for more information.

- `ripsecrets-system`

pre-commit will look for `ripsecrets` on your `PATH`.
This hook requires you to install ripsecrets separately, e.g., with your package manager or [a prebuilt binary release](
It is only recommended if you are happy making all repository users install `ripsecrets` manually.

## Ignoring secrets

`ripsecrets` will respect your .gitignore files by default, but there might still be files you want to exclude from being scanned for secrets. To do that, you can create a .secretsignore file, which supports similar syntax to a .gitignore file for ignoring files. In addition to excluding files, it also supports a `[secrets]` section that allows ignoring individual secrets.



In addition to the .secretsignore file, `ripsecrets` is compatible with `detect-secrets` style allowlist comments on the same line as the detected secret:

test_secret = "pAznMW3DsrnVJ5TDWwBVCA" # pragma: allowlist secret

## Finding custom secrets

In some cases, you may have a custom secret that's not recognized by `ripsecrets`. To detect these, call `ripsecrets` with the `--additional-pattern` argument:

ripsecrets --additional-pattern my-secret-\*

Any matching groups in the regex will be tested for randomness before being reported as a secret. If you do not want this behavior, use non-matching groups in your regex. For example instead of `(foo|bar)` use `(?:foo|bar)`.

If the secret pattern you're trying to detect is a publicly documented secret pattern, please open [an issue](

## How it works

`ripsecrets` has 2 types of secrets that it can find in code:

1. Secrets with known patterns that can be matched. API keys from services like Stripe and Slack have a predefined prefix that identifies them as API keys and can be found via regular expressions very reliably. You can see the current list of known secrets matched by `ripsecrets` [here](

2. Random strings assigned to secret variables. Some secrets, like AWS's secret access keys, don't have a known pattern that can be unambiguously matched. To detect these, `ripsecrets` looks for variables or properties that are being assigned with words like "token", "secret", and "password", and checks if a random string is assigned to it.

To determine if a string is random or not `ripsecrets` looks at a few properties of a string, like how many distinct characters it has, and calculates how likely it is to have occurred by random chance. If the probability that it happened by chance is less than 1 in 10,000 then it's determined to not be a secret. You can learn more about how the probability is calculated [here](

If you find either a false negative (a secret that wasn't found by `ripsecrets`) or a false positive (a non-secret that was flagged as such), please open an issue or a pull request.

## Performance

The slowest part of secret scanning is looking for potential secrets in a large number of files. To do this quickly, `ripsecrets` does a couple of things:

1. All the secret patterns are compiled into a single regex, so each file only needs to be processed once.

2. This regex is fed to [ripgrep](, which is specially optimized for running a regex against a large number of files quickly.

Additionally, `ripsecrets` is written in Rust, which means there's no interpreter startup time. To compare real-world performance, here's the runtime of a few different scanning tools to search for secrets in the [Sentry repo]( on an M1 air laptop:

| tool | avg. runtime | vs. baseline |
| -------------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| ripsecrets | 0.32s | 1x |
| trufflehog | 31.2s | 95x |
| detect-secrets | 73.5s | 226x |

Most of the time, your pre-commit will be running on a small number of files, so the runtimes above are not typical, but when working with large commits that touch a lot of files, the runtime can become noticeable.

## Running benchmarks

$ cargo bench

The results will then be viewable at `target/criterion/report/index.html`.

## Alternative tools

Even if `ripsecrets` is not the right tool for you, if you're working on a service that deals with user data you should strongly consider using a secret scanner. Here are some alternative tools worth considering:

- [detect-secrets](
- [trufflehog](
- [gitleaks](