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Intelligent WindiCSS tooling for VS Code

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Intelligent WindiCSS tooling for VS Code




⚠️ Windi CSS is Sunsetting ⚠️

We are sunsetting Windi CSS and we recommend new projects to seek for alternatives. Read the full blog post.

# Windi CSS Intellisense

Windi CSS IntelliSense enhances the Windi development experience by providing Visual Studio Code users with advanced features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, code folding, and building.

## Installation

**[Install via the Visual Studio Code Marketplace →](**

**[Install via the Open VSX Registry →](**

This plugin packs a windicss compiler, so you can use it without installing windicss, and it also supports the configuration file `(tailwind|windi).config.(js|cjs|ts)`.

## Configuration

> By default VS Code will not trigger completions when editing "string" content. Updating the `editor.quickSuggestions` setting may improve your experience:

"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"strings": true

> Vscode css validation may display errors when using windi syntax, such as @apply. You can disable this with the `css.validate setting:

"css.validate": false

## Features

### Autocomplete

Intelligent suggestions for utilities and variants.

Auto Complete

### Hover Preview

See the complete CSS for a class name by hovering over it.

Hover Preview

### Syntax Highlighting

Highlight utilities, variants and importants.

Syntax Highlighting

### Color Preview

Preview color and spectrum.

Color Preview

### Code Folding

> disabled by default, activate with "windicss.enableCodeFolding"

Fold overly long classes to increase readability.

Code Folding

### Compile Commands

Built-in commands, one-key operation.

Compile Commands

### Visual Analyzer

Browse your utilities usages, have an overview of your design system, identify "bad practices", and more!

Visual Analyzer

## Extension Settings

| Settings | type | default | description |
| :--------------------------------- | :------ | :------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `windicss.enableColorDecorators` | boolean | true | Enable Color Decorators. |
| `windicss.enableHoverPreview` | boolean | true | Enable hover className to show preview of CSS. |
| `windicss.enableCodeCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable/Disable all code completions. |
| `windicss.enableUtilityCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Utility Completion. |
| `windicss.enableVariantCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Variant Completion. |
| `windicss.enableDynamicCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Dynamic Utilities Completion like p-{int}. |
| `windicss.enableBracketCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Square Bracket Utilities Completion like bg-[#ff0]. |
| `windicss.enableAttrUtilityCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Utility Completion For Attributify Mode. |
| `windicss.enableAttrVariantCompletion` | boolean | true | Enable Variant Completion For Attributify Mode. |
| `windicss.enableRemToPxPreview` | boolean | true | Enable Rem to Px Preview. |
| `windicss.rootFontSize` | number | 16 | Used to convert rem CSS values to their px equivalents. |
| `windicss.enableEmmetCompletion` | boolean | false | Enable . trigger for emmet. |
| `windicss.enableCodeFolding` | boolean | false | Enable ClassNames Code Folding. |
| `windicss.colorDecoratorsType` | string | 'cube' | Configure the type of color decorations, optional ['border', 'bg', 'cube', 'picker'], default is 'cube'. |
| `windicss.foldByLength` | boolean | false | Folding code by length. Default option is false, will fold by utility count. |
| `windicss.foldCount` | number | 3 | Used by foldByCount. |
| `windicss.foldLength` | number | 25 | Used by foldByLength |
| `windicss.hiddenText` | string | ` ...` | Placeholder used when folding code. |
| `windicss.hiddenTextColor` | string | \#AED0A4 | Placeholder Color. |
| `windicss.sortOnSave` | boolean | false | Runs class sorting on file save. |
| `windicss.includeLanguages` | object | {} | Add additional file types. |

Give an example of `windicss.includeLanguages`

"windicss.includeLanguages": {
"abc": "html", // css, js
"def": {
"type": "css"
"ghi": {
"type": "js",
"patterns": ["@apply\s+\S+$", "..." ],

## For more information

* [Windi CSS](
* [Documentation](
* [Discussions](
* [Issues](