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# Website live link:

## Add at least five bullet points mentioning different features and functionalities of your project.

My Project based on survey and polling application. There has many functionalities and features which user use what their want. Here are five bullet points describing different features and functionalities of online job marketplaces:
- **Admin side:**
when you are admin , you can change user roles to admin/surveyor. Also you delete a user. published and unpublished a survey. and see all survey data.See all Survey responses with
● A table (name, email, time, voted) and
● Chart

- **Surveyor Side:**
when yor are a surveyor, you can create or update a survey.
you can see all feedback for individual surveys given by users. also you can see feedback messages for individual surveys given by the
admin on unpublished. See particular Survey responses with
● A table (name, email, time, voted) and
● Chart

- **Become a pro user:**
Logged in user payment in pro user package for become a pro user member.

- **Vote, Comment:**
Logged-in user and pro user can participate in surveys. Only pro users can comment in a survey but all user can see all comments.User can report a survey.
- **Chart:**
Display survey results visually by charts. After user voted or the deadline
expires. chart show a survey all votes.

- **Registration & Login:**
User create their profile use registration and login this website. Also user can use google account for login this website.

These features should provide a user-friendly experience for individuals interested in my survey swift website.