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Write pure, functional code that encapsulates side effects using the IO monad (and friends) in Ruby

functional-programming io-monad maybe-monad state-monad

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Write pure, functional code that encapsulates side effects using the IO monad (and friends) in Ruby

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# Rubio

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Write pure, functional code that encapsulates side effects using the IO monad (and friends) in Ruby.

## Contents

- [1. Installation](#1-installation)
- [2. Usage and syntax](#2-usage-and-syntax)
- [2.1 `main :: IO`](#21-main--io)
- [2.2 `>>` operator for monads](#22--operator-for-monads)
- [2.3 Function composition](#23-function-composition)
- [2.4 Partially applying functions in Ruby](#24-partially-applying-functions-in-ruby)
- [2.5 `%` operator](#25--operator)
- [2.6 Expose/extend pattern](#26-exposeextend-pattern)
- [3. Built-in modules](#3-built-in-modules)
- [3.1 `Rubio::IO::Core`](#31-rubioiocore)
- [3.1.1 Limitations](#311-limitations)
- [3.1.2 Built-in functions](#312-built-in-functions)
- [3.2 `Rubio::Maybe::Core`](#32-rubiomaybecore)
- [3.2.1 Unwraping `Maybe a -> a`](#321-unwraping-maybe-a---a)
- [ Ruby < 2.7](#3211-ruby--27)
- [ Ruby >= 2.7](#3212-ruby--27)
- [3.2.2 Built-in functions](#322-built-in-functions)
- [3.2.3 Converting nillable results to `Maybe`](#323-converting-nillable-results-to-maybe)
- [3.3 `Rubio::State::Core`](#33-rubiostatecore)
- [3.3.1 Built-in functions](#331-built-in-functions)
- [ `State`](#3311-state)
- [ `StateIO`](#3312-stateio)
- [3.4 `Rubio::Unit::Core`](#34-rubiounitcore)
- [3.4.1 Built-in functions](#341-built-in-functions)
- [3.5 `Rubio::Functor::Core`](#35-rubiofunctorcore)
- [3.5.1 Built-in functions](#351-built-in-functions)
- [3.6 `Rubio::Expose`](#36-rubioexpose)
- [4. Examples](#4-examples)

## 1. Installation

Add the following line to your Gemfile.

gem "rubio", github: "12joan/rubio"

## 2. Usage and syntax

### 2.1 `main :: IO`

All programs written using Rubio are encouraged to construct and then invoke a `main` value which describes the entire behaviour of the program. `IO#perform!` is the equivalent of [`unsafePerformIO`]( in Haskell, and must be explicitly called at the bottom of the program in order for the program to run.

require "rubio"

include Rubio::IO::Core

# agree :: String -> String
agree = ->(favourite) {
"I like the #{favourite.chomp} monad too! 🙂"

# main :: IO
main = println["What's your favourite monad?"] >> getln >> (println << agree)

`Rubio::IO::Core` provides a number of standard IO operations, such as `println` and `getln`.

### 2.2 `>>` operator for monads

Monads are "composed" using the `>>` (bind) operator. Note that unlike in Haskell, `>>` behaves differently depending on whether the right operand is a function or a monad.

-- When the right operand is a function (equivalent to (>>=) in Haskell)
(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

-- When the right operand is a monad (equivalent to (>>) in Haskell)
(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b

For example:

- `println["hello"] >> println["world"]` returns a single `IO` which, when performed, will output "hello" and then "world".
- `getln >> println` returns an IO which prompts for user input (as per `Kernel#gets`) and passes the result to `println`.
- `getln >> ->(x) { println[x] }` is equivalent to `getln >> println`.

Note that whereas `getln` is a value of type `IO`, `println` is a function of type `String -> IO`.

### 2.3 Function composition

Ruby Procs can be composed using the built-in `>>` and `<<` operators.

add10 = ->(x) { x + 10 }
double = ->(x) { x * 2 }

add10_and_double = double << add10
double_and_add10 = double >> add10

add10_and_double[5] #=> 30
double_and_add10[5] #=> 20

### 2.4 Partially applying functions in Ruby

Ruby `Proc`s are not curried by default. In order to partially apply a function, you must first call `Proc#curry` on it.

add = ->(x, y) {
x + y

add[6, 4] #=> 10
add[6][4] #=> 10

add10 = add[10]

add10[5] #=> 15

### 2.5 `%` operator

Rubio monkey patches the `%` operator, which is an alias for `fmap`, onto `Proc` and `Method`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

reverse = proc(&:reverse)

reverse % Just["Hello"] #=> Just "olleH"
reverse % Nothing #=> Nothing

### 2.6 Expose/extend pattern

For a function or value defined in a module to be "includable" (either with `include` or `extend`), it must be wrapped inside a method.

module SomeStandardFunctions
# not includable
add = ->(x, y) { x + y }

# includable
def multiply
->(x, y) { x * y }

module SomewhereElse
extend SomeStandardFunctions

add[4, 6] #=> NameError (undefined local variable or method `add' for SomewhereElse:Module)

multiply[4, 6] #=> 24

To make the syntax for this nicer, Rubio provides the `Rubio::Expose` module.

module SomeStandardFunctions
extend Rubio::Expose

expose :add, ->(x, y) { x + y }
expose :multiply, ->(x, y) { x * y }

module SomewhereElse
extend SomeStandardFunctions

add[4, 6] #=> 10
multiply[4, 6] #=> 24

## 3. Built-in modules

### 3.1 `Rubio::IO::Core`

#### 3.1.1 Limitations

Currently, the `Rubio::IO::Core` module provides a limited subset of the functionality available via calling methods on `Kernel`. Custom `IO` operations can be defined as follows.

# runCommand :: String -> IO String
runCommand = ->(cmd) { { `#{cmd}` }

#### 3.1.2 Built-in functions

- `pureIO :: a -> IO a`

Wraps a value in the `IO` monad.

include Rubio::IO::Core

# io :: IO Integer
io = pureIO[5]
io.perform! #=> 5

Useful for adhering to the contract of the bind operator. In the example below, the anonymous function defined on `input` takes a `String` and returns an `IO String`.

include Rubio::IO::Core

main = getln >> ->(input) { pureIO[input.reverse] } >> println

- `println :: String -> IO`

Encapsulates `Kernel#puts`.

include Rubio::IO::Core

main = println["Hello world!"]

include Rubio::IO::Core

main = pureIO["This works too!"] >> println

- `getln :: IO`

Encapsulates `Kernel#gets`.

include Rubio::IO::Core

doSomethingWithUserInput = ->(input) {
println["You just said: #{input}"]

main = getln >> doSomethingWithUserInput

- `openFile :: String -> String -> IO File`

Encapsulates `Kernel#open`. First argument is the path to the file; second argument is the mode.

include Rubio::IO::Core

# io :: IO File
io = openFile["", "r"]
io.perform! #=> #

require "open-uri"

include Rubio::IO::Core

main = openFile[""]["r"] >> ->(handle) {
readFile[handle] >> println >> hClose[handle]

main.perform! #=> ""

- `hClose :: File -> IO`

Encapsulates `File#close`. Note that `withFile` is generally preferred.

- `readFile :: File -> IO String`

Encapsulates `File#read`.

include Rubio::IO::Core

# ...
# someFile :: IO File

main = someFile >> readFile >> println
main.perform! #=> "Contents of someFile"

- `bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c`

Pattern to automatically acquire a resource, perform a computation, and then release the resource.

The first argument is performed to acquire the resource of type `a`. The resource is then passed to the third argument. This returns an `IO c`, which will eventually be returned by `bracket`. Finally, the second argument is called to release the resource.

This pattern is used by `withFile` to automatically close the file handle.

include Rubio::IO::Core

# withFile :: String -> String -> (File -> IO a) -> IO a
withFile = ->(path, mode) {
bracket[ openFile[path, mode] ][ hClose ]

withFile["", "r"][readFile] #=> IO String

- `withFile :: String -> String -> (File -> IO a) -> IO a`

Acquires a file handle, performs a computation, and then closes the file handle.

require "open-uri"

include Rubio::IO::Core

main = withFile[""]["r"][readFile] >> println
main.perform! #=> ""

### 3.2 `Rubio::Maybe::Core`

#### 3.2.1 Unwraping `Maybe a -> a`

##### Ruby < 2.7

`Maybe#get!` will return `x` in the case of `Just[x]`, or `nil` in the case of `Nothing`.

If you call `get!`, you should explicitly handle the case where `get!` returns `nil`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

doSomethingWithMaybe = ->(maybe) {
when x = maybe.get!
"You got #{x}!"
"You got nothing."

doSomethingWithMaybe[ Just["pattern matching"] ] #=> "You got pattern matching!"
doSomethingWithMaybe[ Nothing ] #=> "You got nothing."

Note that if `x` is a "falsey" value, such as `false` or `nil`, you must explicitly check for `Rubio::Maybe::JustClass` or `Rubio::Maybe::NothingClass`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

doSomethingWithMaybe = ->(maybe) {
case maybe
when Rubio::Maybe::JustClass
"You got #{maybe.get!}!"
when Rubio::Maybe::NothingClass
"You got nothing."

doSomethingWithMaybe[ Just[false] ] #=> "You got false!"
doSomethingWithMaybe[ Nothing ] #=> "You got nothing."

Alternatively, `Maybe#get_or_else(y)` will return `x` in the case of `Just[x]`, or `y` in the case of `Nothing`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

orEmptyString = ->(maybe) {

orEmptyString[ Just["hello"] ] #=> "hello"
orEmptyString[ Nothing ] #=> ""

##### Ruby >= 2.7

Ruby 2.7 introduces support for pattern matching, which allows for much nicer syntax when working with `Maybe`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

doSomethingWithMaybe = ->(maybe) {
case maybe
in Just[x]
"You got #{x}!"
in Nothing
"You got nothing."

doSomethingWithMaybe[ Just["even better pattern matching"] ] #=> "You got even better pattern matching!"
doSomethingWithMaybe[ Nothing ] #=> "You got nothing."

#### 3.2.2 Built-in functions

- `Just :: a -> Maybe a`

Constructs a `Just` value for the given argument.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

maybe = Just[5]
maybe.inspect #=> "Just 5"

- `Nothing :: Maybe`

Singleton `Nothing` value.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

divide = ->(x, y) {
if y == 0
Just[x / y]

divide[12, 2] #=> Just 6
divide[12, 0] #=> Nothing

double = ->(x) { x * 2 }

double % divide[12, 2] #=> Just 12
double % divide[12, 0] #=> Nothing

- `pureMaybe :: a -> Maybe a`

Alias for `Just`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

maybe1 = Just[5]
maybe1.inspect #=> "Just 5"

maybe2 = pureMaybe[5]
maybe2.inspect #=> "Just 5"

#### 3.2.3 Converting nillable results to `Maybe`

Rubio defines `to_maybe` on `Object` and `NilClass`.

hash = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

maybe1 = hash[:a].to_maybe
maybe1.inspect #=> "Just 1"

maybe2 = hash[:e].to_maybe
maybe2.inspect #=> "Nothing"

### 3.3 `Rubio::State::Core`

#### 3.3.1 Built-in functions

##### `State`

- `State :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a`

Constructs a `State` object with the given function. Note that since Ruby does not support tuples, you are expected to use an `Array` as the return value of the function.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::Unit::Core

# push :: a -> State [a] ()
push = ->(x) { State[
->(xs) { [unit, [x] + xs] }

# pop :: State [a] a
pop = State[
->(xs) { [ xs.first, xs.drop(1) ] }

# pop :: State [a] a
complexOperation = push[1] >> push[2] >> push[3] >> pop

runState[ complexOperation ][ [10, 11] ] #=> [3, [2, 1, 10, 11]]

Often, composing `State` objects using the functions listed below is preferable to calling the `State` constructor directly.

- `pureState :: a -> State s a`

Constructs a `State` object which sets the result and leaves the state unchanged.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation :: State s Integer
operation = pureState[123]
runState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> [123, "initial state"]

- `get :: State s s`

A `State` object that sets the result equal to the state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation1 :: State s Integer
operation1 = pureState[123]
runState[ operation1 ][ "initial state" ] #=> [123, "initial state"]

# operation2 :: State s s
operation2 = pureState[123] >> get
runState[ operation2 ][ "initial state" ] #=> ["initial state", "initial state"]

Often used to retrieve the current state just before `>>`.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation :: State [a] [a]
operation = get >> ->(state) {

runState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> ["etats laitini", "initial state"]

- `put :: s -> State s ()`

Constructs a `State` object which sets the state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation :: State String ()
operation = put["new state"]
runState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> [(), "new state"]

- `modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()`

Constructs a `State` object which applies the function to the state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = proc(&:reverse)

# operation :: State [a] ()
operation = modify[reverse]
runState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> [(), "etats laitini"]

- `gets :: (s -> a) -> State s a`

Constructs a `State` object that sets the result equal to `f[s]`, where `f` is the given function and `s` is the state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# count :: [a] -> Integer
count = proc(&:count)

# operation :: State [a] Integer
operation = gets[count]
runState[ operation ][ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ] #=> [5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

- `runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)`

Runs a `State` object against an initial state. Returns a tuple containing the final result and the final state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# push :: a -> State [a] ()
push = ->(x) {
modify[ ->(xs) {
[x] + xs

head = proc(&:first)
tail = ->(xs) { xs.drop(1) }

# pop :: State [a] a
pop = gets[head] >> ->(x) {
modify[tail] >> pureState[x]

# operation :: State [a] ()
operation = pop >> ->(a) {
pop >> ->(b) {
push[a] >> push[b]

runState[ operation ][ [1, 2, 3, 4] ] #=> [(), [2, 1, 3, 4]]

- `evalState :: State s a -> s -> a`

As per `runState`, except it only returns the final result.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation :: State String String
operation = put["final state"] >> pureState["final result"]
evalState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> "final result"

- `execState :: State s a -> s -> s`

As per `runState`, except it only returns the final state.

include Rubio::State::Core

# operation :: State String String
operation = put["final state"] >> pureState["final result"]
execState[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> "final state"

##### `StateIO`

- `StateIO :: (s -> IO (a, s)) -> StateIO s IO a`

`IO` variety of `State`.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

operation = StateIO[
->(s) {
println["The current state is #{s.inspect}"] >> pureIO[ ["result", s.reverse] ]

io = runStateT[operation][ [1, 2, 3] ] #=> IO
# The current state is [1, 2, 3]
#=> ["result", [3, 2, 1]]

- `liftIO :: IO a -> StateIO s IO a`

Lift an `IO` into the `StateIO` monad. Useful for performing `IO` operations during a computation.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

operation = (liftIO << println)["Hello world!"]

io = execStateT[operation][ [1, 2, 3] ] #=> IO
# Hello world!
#=> [3, 2, 1]

- `pureStateIO :: a -> StateIO s IO a`

`IO` variety of `pureState`.

- `getIO :: StateIO s IO s`

`IO` variety of `get`.

- `putIO :: s -> StateIO s IO ()`

`IO` variety of `put`.

- `modifyIO :: (s -> s) -> StateIO s IO ()`

`IO` variety of `modify.`

- `getsIO :: (s -> a) -> StateIO s a`

`IO` variety of `gets`.

- `runStateT -> StateIO s IO a -> s -> IO (a, s)`

`IO` variety of `runState`.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

operation = putIO["final state"] >> pureStateIO["final result"]

io = runStateT[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> IO
io.perform! #=> ["final result", "final state"]

- `evalStateT :: StateIO s IO a -> s -> IO a`

`IO` variety of `evalState`.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

operation = putIO["final state"] >> pureStateIO["final result"]

io = evalStateT[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> IO
io.perform! #=> "final result"

- `execStateT :: StateIO s IO a -> s -> IO s`

`IO` variety of `execState`.

include Rubio::State::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

operation = putIO["final state"] >> pureStateIO["final result"]

io = execStateT[ operation ][ "initial state" ] #=> IO
io.perform! #=> "final state"

### 3.4 `Rubio::Unit::Core`

#### 3.4.1 Built-in functions

- `unit :: ()`

Singleton `()` value.

include Rubio::Unit::Core

unit.inspect #=> "()"

### 3.5 `Rubio::Functor::Core`

#### 3.5.1 Built-in functions

- `fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b`

Calls `fmap` on the second argument with the given function.

include Rubio::Functor::Core
include Rubio::IO::Core

io1 = pureIO["Hello"]

reverse = proc(&:reverse)

io2 = fmap[reverse][io1]
io2.perform! #=> "olleH"

include Rubio::Functor::Core
include Rubio::Maybe::Core

reverse = proc(&:reverse)

fmap[reverse][ Just["Hello"] ] #=> Just "olleH"
fmap[reverse][ Nothing ] #=> Nothing

include Rubio::Functor::Core

CustomType = do
def fmap(f) f[value] )

obj ="Hello")

reverse = proc(&:reverse)

fmap[reverse][obj] #=> #

Note that the infix `%` operator can also be used without including `Rubio::Functor::Core`.

include Rubio::Maybe::Core

reverse = proc(&:reverse)

reverse % Just["Hello"] #=> Just "olleH"
reverse % Nothing #=> Nothing

### 3.6 `Rubio::Expose`

#### 3.6.1 Methods

- `expose(method_name, value) -> value`

Defines a getter method for the given value.

module StdMath
extend Rubio::Expose

add = ->(x, y) { x + y }.curry
instance_methods.include?(:add) #=> false

expose :add, add
instance_methods.include?(:add) #=> true

include StdMath

add[3, 4] #=> 7

## 4. Examples

- [examples/fizz_buzz.rb](examples/fizz_buzz.rb) - Examples of basic functional programming, basic IO, Maybe, fmap
- [examples/repl.rb](examples/repl.rb) and [examples/whileM.rb](examples/whileM.rb) - Custom includable modules, looping, more nuanced use of IO
- [examples/ruby_2.7_pattern_matching.rb](examples/ruby_2.7_pattern_matching.rb) - Using Maybe with the experimental pattern matching syntax in Ruby 2.7
- [examples/rackio/](examples/rackio/) - A small Rack application built using Rubio; uses the StateIO monad to store data in memory that persists between requests