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Build URL requests using functional composition and result builders.

composition foundation functional http ios middleware networking rest resultbuilder swift

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Build URL requests using functional composition and result builders.

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# HTTPRequestBuilder

A Swift package to help build HTTP requests in a composable and type-safe way.

## Installation

Add the following to your `Package.swift` file:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.9.0")

## Overview

This library provides a result builder and supporting types
to define HTTP requests in Swift. It relies on function composition (`pipe`)
to create reusable request middleware that can be used in turn to create
platform specific requests, such as `URLRequest` in Foundation.

Function composition shines in this task as REST APIs are often built
using the same middleware approach, resulting in most requests sharing
a lot of the same logic such as paths, authentication, headers, etc.

Author note: I gave a talk about this topic here.

## Usage

Define one request middleware per endpoint.
The library comes with a few commonly used middleware functions that can
be further composed to build your own middleware, such as `header(key:value:)` used below.

import HTTPRequestBuilder

// Use a variable if the request does not take any parameters
var getUsers: RequestMiddleware = {
header(key: "Content-Type", value: "application/json")
header(key: "Accept", value: "application/json")

// Use a function if the request takes parameters
func getUser(id: Int) -> RequestMiddleware {
header(key: "Accept", value: "application/json")

Note that the order inside the builder only matters for middleware that are not idempotent, such as the built-in `pathAppending`.

Once you have an endpoint defined, you can use it to create a request for Foundation.

import Foundation

let urlRequest = URLRequest(
baseURL: URL(string: "")!

func getUser(id: Int) -> URLRequest {
getUser(id: id),
baseURL: URL(string: "")!

## Paths

This library comes with a `Path` type that can be used to define paths in a type-safe way.
Paths can be defined as string literals or arrays. There is even a custom operator that works on strings or other paths.

let path1: Path = "/users/12"
print(path1.fragments) // ["users", "12"]

let users = "users"

let path2: Path = users/"12"
print(path2.fragments) // ["users", "12"]

enum Action: String {
case edit
case view

let path3: Path = users/12/Action.edit
print(path3.fragments) // ["users", "12", "edit"]

My composing paths this way, it's easy to reuse parts of the path across different endpoints.

let version = "v1"
let api = "api"/version

let users = api/"users"
let createUser = users/Action.create

let games = api/"games"
let createGame = games/"create"
let featuredGames = games/"featured"

You can also compose paths using the built-in `pathAppending` middleware.

import HTTPRequestBuilder

var userEndpoints: RequestMiddleware = {

func editUser(id: Int) -> RequestMiddleware {

## Authentication Middleware

This library comes with a couple middleware functions to help with authentication.

### Basic Authentication

import HTTPRequestBuilder

var signIn: RequestMiddleware = {
basicAuth(username: "user", password: "password")

### Bearer Token Authentication

import HTTPRequestBuilder

var signIn: RequestMiddleware = {

## Custom Middleware

A middleware is a function that takes a request and returns a new request.

(Request) throws -> (Request)

You can define your own middleware functions to encapsulate common logic
unique to your use case.

import HTTPRequestBuilder

func myHeaderMiddleware(
value: String
) -> RequestMiddleware {
header(key: "X-Custom-Header", value: value)

Your custom middleware can then be used in the same way as the built-in middleware.

import HTTPRequestBuilder

var myRequest: RequestMiddleware = {
myHeaderMiddleware(value: "some-value")

## License

This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.