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Unity Framework for Game Development

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Unity Framework for Game Development

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# Lunar Framework


Lunar Framework is a set of tools and patterns for Unity3D development. It's designed to make the development process easier and more efficient.


## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [UI](#UI)
- [UI Navigation](#navigation)
- [Event](#event)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Object Pool](#object-pool)
- [Scripting](#scripting)
- [Attributes](#attributes)

## Installation

### Unity Package Manager

1. Open the Unity Package Manager by selecting `Window` > `Package Manager`.
2. Click the `+` button in the top-left corner and select `Add package from git URL...`.
3. Enter the git URL `` and click `Add`.

## UI

### Navigation

#### Navigator

To manage the navigation of the UI with the `Navigator` by following these steps:

1. Create a new game object and attach the `Navigator` component to it.
2. Set the root `Widget` you want to show first when the game starts (Root widget is a game object that has a component of the subclass of the `Widget` or `StatefulWidget`).
3. [Optional] Set the root canvas if you want to use the `Navigator` in a different canvas. If you don't set the root canvas, the `Navigator` will find it automatically.

#### Push a widget

public void OnSettingsButtonClicked()

`Navigator.Push` method will push a `Widget` to the top of the navigation stack and the widget will be instantiated and added to the root canvas.

This generic method takes a type of subclass of the `Widget` class as a parameter.

> [!NOTE]
> **A widget type should only have one prefab that corresponds to it.**
> Any prefab with a `Widget` component will automatically be registered in the Widgets prefab database
> (if addressables package is installed, the prefab will be registered as an addressable asset, otherwise it will be registered as a scriptable object resource).

#### Pop a widget

Pop current widget by calling the `Navigator.Pop` method. The top widget will be removed from the navigation stack and destroyed.

void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

Alternatively, you can pop a widget by calling the `Navigator.PopUntil` or `Navigator.PopToRoot` method to pop widgets until a specific widget or the root widget.

#### Pass data

**View -> Subview**

You can use a lambda callback to pass data to the widget. The callback will be executed after the widget is instantiated.

public void OnBlueButtonClick()
Navigator.Push(async (view) => {
// Basically, you can pass data to the widget by setting corresponding properties directly.
// You can also use UniTask to pass data at the next frame if you want to do something after the widget is enabled.
/* await UniTask.NextFrame(); */
view.RouletteData = Data;

> [!NOTE]
> The callback will be executed before the widget is enabled, so you should initialize the widget in Awake method.

**Subview -> View**

Basically, you can pass data back to the previous widget by using the `Navigator.Pop` method.

public void OnExitButtonClick()

Then you can get the data from the previous widget by casting the return value of the `Navigator.Push` method.

public async void OnClickSettingsButton()
var data = await Navigator.Push() as string;

// Following code will be executed after the SettingsView pop.

**View <-> Subview**

public async void OnEditButtonClick()
// Create a new roulette and let the user edit it.
var roulette = new RouletteData();
roulette.title = "New Roulette";
roulette.sectors = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
roulette.sectors.Add(new RouletteSector()
content = $"Roulette {i}",
weight = 1,
color = Color.HSVToRGB(1.0f / 8 * i, 0.5f, 1f),

// Open edit view with a new roulette.
var result = await Navigator.Push((view) => {
view.Data = roulette;
}) as RouletteData;

// Add edited new roulette to front.
if (result != null)
roulettes.Insert(0, result);

#### Compatibility

You can have a new navigator anywhere with a game object as root to adapt old code.

void Start()

## Event

Define some events in a class as static fields.

public static class MyEvents
public static Event TestEvent = new();
public static Event<(string a, string b)> TestArgumentEvent = new();
public static Event<(string a, string b)> TestFilteredEvent = new() {
filter = (sender, receiver, args) => false

Subscribe and unsubscribe to the event in a class.

public class EventSubscriber : MonoBehaviour
private void OnEnable()
MyEvents.TestEvent += OnEvent;
MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent += OnEvent;
MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent += OnEvent;

private void OnDisable()
MyEvents.TestEvent -= OnEvent;
MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent -= OnEvent;
MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent -= OnEvent;

private void OnEvent(object sender) { }
private void OnEvent(object sender, (string a, string b) args) { }

Trigger the event in another class.

public class EventTrigger : MonoBehaviour
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
MyEvents.TestArgumentEvent.Invoke(this, ("Hello", "World"));
MyEvents.TestFilteredEvent.Invoke(this, ("Hello", "Filtered World"));

## Tools

### Object Pool

#### Get an object from the pool

You can get an object from the pool by calling the `ObjectPool.Get` method easily.
The method will return an object from the pool if there is an available **inactive** object in the pool.
Otherwise, it will instantiate a new object from the prefab.

private async void Shoot(GameObject bulletPrefab)
GameObject bulletObject = ObjectPool.Get(bulletPrefab);
bulletObject.SetActive(true); // <- **Important** to activate the object

// align to gun barrel/muzzle position
bulletObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(muzzlePosition.position, muzzlePosition.rotation);

// move projectile forward
var rigidbody = bulletObject.GetComponent();
rigidbody.velocity =;
rigidbody.angularVelocity =;
rigidbody.AddForce(bulletObject.transform.forward * muzzleVelocity, ForceMode.Acceleration);

// turn off after a few seconds
await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
bulletObject.SetActive(false); // <- **Important** set inactive to return to the pool

## Scripting

### Attributes


This attribute is used to monitor the changes of a field in Unity Editor. The method will be invoked when the field is changed.
It will add a callback to the field. The callback will be invoked when the field value is changed.

// Change the color of the mesh renderer when the intensity is changed.

[SerializeField, OnChanged(nameof(OnColorChange))]
public Color color;

public void OnColorChange()
if (meshRenderer == null)
ChangeColor(GetComponent(), color, intensity);
else ChangeColor(meshRenderer, color, intensity);

private void ChangeColor(MeshRenderer meshRenderer, Color color, float intensity)
foreach (var material in meshRenderer.materials)
if (material.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
material.SetColor(PropertyName, color * intensity);